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Everything posted by James6

  1. James6

    This Or That

    WiiMario or Luigi
  2. Have a good time I may be going to Chessington on Monday, I still can't decide!
  3. Oh that's the sort of sound I was imagining. , It's been a while since I've been on and I swear there wasn't anything last time :PEdit: , also , have they turned up the audio inside the que building yet? Last time I rode it was so quiet and you couldn't make out what he was saying , also you lost the atmospheric, booming bass
  4. I think it's a great bit of theming to be honest, when it works :PI think a sound effect like a scream would work great there as the blood squirts up
  5. James6

    This Or That

    ClockSalt or Pepper
  6. A while a go I remember reading somewhere that Dragon's Fury had a single rider que, is this true ? Thanks
  7. James6

    This Or That

    Fury, Runaway Train or Flying Fish
  8. Come on guys, get your entries in if you haven't already! :)This weeks competition will be ending this Sunday as usual
  9. James6

    This Or That

    Cadbury , there Caramel is just... mmm Rowntrees Randoms or Fruit pastillesEdit: beaten to it by Tim :)PhoneRowntrees Randoms or Fruit pastilles
  10. James6

    This Or That

    Yellow TaxiHarry Potter or Lord of the rings
  11. James6

    Your Thorpe Park

    The main thing I would like Thorpe to do , is install an insanely-well themed dark ride. Preferably I would use the same system used on the ride , The Amazing Adventures Of Spiderman at IOA. Realistically, I would use the same coaster type used on Revenge of the Mummy, Universal Studios, (Manufactured by Premier and lets face it, we need a Premier coaster in the UK )Ideas for theming:I think a Mission Impossible sort of theme would work, with on-board audio and plenty of effects such as fire.You would start of, looking up at a screen in-front of the ride vehicle, and you would be briefed for your mission, you then start to slowly meander round immersive themed scenes until eventually "they" spot you and fire at you , the whole vehicle shakes/rumbles and then... the chase is on . You're then "fired" ( LIM launch) towards them, occasionally firing a missile (which results in huge fire effects being set off.)But then , you go too far and they have you trapped, the vehicle is now slowed down again to a crawl and you are given an intimidating talk by the enemy. Then you make a narrow escape by launching backwards and twisting round a few helix's.Your still not in the clear though , and the enemy wants you dead. You then are sped through high speed, highly-banked turns and various airtime hills until... your back and you are encouraged to re-attempt your mission. Literally just thought of this off the top of my head, but really any dark ride would be a fantastic addition to Thorpe Park, the idea above is purely what I would do and to be honest I think it would be a world-class attraction, something needed at Thorpe.
  12. Personally I prefer the first car, I think after you've heard it once, Billy's speech drags on and in the first car it feels like a fast-paced rush out of the warehouse which I much prefer. , Both are good , and it doesn't make much difference as long as your at the front of the car .Edit: I love the little things mentioned in the posts above
  13. Before fastrack came in , I was amazed at how quickly the main que moved. I have only qued once for Saw since fastrack was implemented and that was one of the last rides of the day when I think it had been reduced to 6 cars so I'm guessing that was the reason behind it moving slowly. Good to hear even with fastrack the que still moves quickly and ,compared to other Thorpe coasters ( Naming no names *Colossus* ) , the operations are quick and the que time is relatively short.
  14. Yes as Paul has pointed out I was referring to Matty22 , everythings now sorted and all is tickity-boo . ( Woah , have not said that in a very long time )
  15. I'm afraid you can only enter once , so therefore can you please edit your post and remove one of the images. :(Thank you
  16. I think it's the emergency stop button.
  17. This weeks winner , is , and I know its going to be a surprise Rossafc!Despite the lack of entries it was still an awesome pic. This week's challenge will be 1 week long , but next week's I will be trying out making the challenge 2 weeks long in the hope of more entries etc. ( I have chosen to do it next week as I am away during the middle of those 2 weeks and if I did it this week, I wouldn't be here to start another one. )First of all I would like to thank everyone who's put forward an idea or suggestion this week , keep them coming.This week's challenge is to... " Take a picture of a water-based ride at any of the UK Merlin parks "Once again , bear in mind the rules and Good luck as usual.
  18. Got some great ideas for future weeks ( with the help of a certain someone ) to hopefully get lots more people involved :(Also guys , if there is a particular challenge you think would be awesome or if you've got a picture you think is great and you wan't a challenge to enter it in, don't hesitate to put forward your idea and it's likely, it will be used in one way or another
  19. Due to the low number of entries, yes, but I don't think usually it would Wait and see what next week's challenge is
  20. James6


    I can't say I'm surprised , the past year it's run with covers on to reduce noise which made the already bad capacity even worse. To be honest they must've realised that there really isn't any point in keeping it when they have, for a while, had to run a system similar the the free fastrack that used to operate, just to get on it.
  21. Ah ok , I was considering stopping doing this for a few weeks or so, but it turns out you guys just don't have a picture that fits the "criteria" :(It's getting hard to think of challenges that many people could enter
  22. Just realised I'm away on Sunday so this weeks challenge will end on Saturday,That is if we get any more entries :(Is it the challenges themselves that are stopping people entering, or something else ? Any point of view helps
  23. Hmm. Yea I don't see why not.Remember to get your entries in guys
  24. I don't remember finding it rough, but very wild. Also when I was there, a couple of times I think people fell off there dinghy and they had to stop the slide for a bit.
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