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Everything posted by James6

  1. Ha , well it's been so long since I've ridden it I think I would too. :PCan't wait to ride, Rattlesnake, Dragon's Fury and just everything :PThink I'm gonna do Bubblworks aswell, The last time I went on it was before the revamp , but that was a very long time ago and I can only barely remember it, I remember it being absolutely amazing though...
  2. Ahh , ok . Well thanks I was looking for Chessington and everything I think I may still go anyway as it has been so so long, and even with Vampire on one train it'll still be quiter than the que in the summer. Also about Rameses , I'm going to Alton Towers on the Friday, so I'll make sure I ride Ripsaw instead
  3. Following on with everything you helped me with before :PI've managed to persuade my people to go to Chessington on Sunday ( I know I'm surprised to! ) With Vampire being on one train , what que should be expected and time would be best to catch it?
  4. I just want to say you very very much everyone for supporting the competition! and I agree these pictures are awesome!Someone asked earlier and ANYONE can vote. Whether you've entered a picture or not.Keep on getting your brilliant pics in guys it ends on Saturday! :POh also. Any suggestions for future challenges, if you could message me that would be fantastic Thanks again guys
  5. Thanks very much for that Outfit, I think I just about get it Surely if one is still in bits , isn't it a bit late or cutting it fine for the summer season? I mean with school trips and stuff or if they find a piece that needs replacing they will have to order it and wait a while? I am probably being a complete and utter donut , so excuse me if I am
  6. oh dear that's not good. Seems to have been running relatively well lately.Do you know what exactly was the cause of the breakdown or is that the extent of your knowledge ?
  7. Why's the third train still in bits ?And whats up with the second train?
  8. Sorry , but I think I'm gonna say no , you can change your entry, anytime up until closing time this Saturday, But nope you can not enter twice. Side note: If you do change your entry , could you please just change it on the same post as the post of your original entry. Otherwise, people could get confused and vote for both.So just choose whichever one you think will do better
  9. It's no problem, but why ? And also , all these pics are amazing , thanks for taking part in the competition everyone
  10. Thats's a very rare pic , Stealth with working smoke
  11. Had a change of plan ( Now going to Thorpe/Chessington on the Sunday instead of the Saturday) and so now this weeks competition will end on Saturday at 12 , the week after it will be back to normal and will finish on sunday ;)Sorry for any hassle this may cause.Anyway , get your entries in guys
  12. Yes as TimR has said , ALL entries MUST be taken by you.
  13. Matty22What I think the easiest thing to do is to create a Photobucket account ( takes 1 or 2 mins tops) and then upload the picture you want to put on there. And then theres a direct link code , you then copy and paste that into the box you get when you press the button 4th from the right when replying. ( Hover over it and it comes up insert image) Sorry if that doesn't make sense but I hope that helped
  14. I'm gonna show one of mine this week , Of course remember I can't win
  15. Thats blooming great news , my first few rides on Saw were with the loud audio and the atmosphere was electrifying , but then my last ride , it was so quiet and the atmosphere completely disappeared . Yay that it's been turned up
  16. This Weeks Winner was..... Drum Roll please :(Tpkabz !! Well done , Thanks to everyone who entered and voted.This Weeks Challenge is to get a awesome picture of Stealth Another easy one, I'm scared to do a difficult one in case that would reduce the already relatively low number of entries :PAnyway , enjoy and Good luck
  17. just under 30 minutes left till the winner is announced and next week's challenge begins , We really need more votes
  18. Yea definatley , Thats Why I love Disney World and places like that
  19. At 6 when the winner is announced that is when the new topic will be announced I still haven't decided :PEdit: the winner will be announced at 6 today instead of 5 to give you guys more chance to vote, We need more votes
  20. James6

    This Or That

    Rumba Rapids, If Flying Fish was a Tad faster and had scenary It would be Flying Fish Vortex or RushP.S , saying I don't like it was harsh , I go on it and I enjoy it , but I just find it distinctly average in every way, Too smooth , not forceful and just no where near as good as the other 3 of Thorpe's main Coasters
  21. James6

    This Or That

    Saw by miles , as some of you will know , I don't like Nemesis Inferno Saw or Colossus?
  22. Yea it is I think I pointed that out earlier, but maybe not
  23. Thing about Chessington is , for older people , I mean like teenage and young adults, it has a negative reputation, I really think it needs a big coaster or just something to get people in to try it and then people will see it's not JUST for little kids. I am gonna try my hardest to persuade these guys to go Chessington , you guys got any ideas of what I could say to persuade them ? But I doubt I'll be succesful as none of them have ridden Saw yet and they are all desperate to try it.
  24. Thanks for your thought , I'm going to try and go to Chessington especcially as I haven't been in years
  25. This , like Nemesis , seems like a complete package if you know what I mean , Brilliant theming and landscaping, brilliant music and a top class ride to go with it. I absolutely LOVE Nemesis and It's my favorite ride of all time, so I would probably love Black Mamba and to be honest anythings better than Inferno ( People who like that ride , please don't kill me )
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