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Everything posted by James6

  1. James6

    This Or That

    Chelsea, I am a HUGE chelsea fan New vampire trains or old vampire trains
  2. James6

    This Or That

    B&M inverter , despite Nemesis being the only good one.also about Vampire being a Vekoma I still count it as an Arrow :PAsda or Tesco
  3. James6

    This Or That

    ouch , tough one, Vekoma, they have some pretty bad rides but theres also the Bg thunder mountains and Expedition Everest which are awesome however mauere sohne have Spinball andDragons fury 2 of the most fun rides I've ever been on... hmm I think overall Vekoma winsAirtime coaster or Inversion coaster
  4. James6


    Happy TPM birthday
  5. Yea I had some trouble to start with. What I did was create a photobucket account (takes a few mins tops) and then you just paste the link in the little box that comes up when you press the little button that is at the top of the reply box, it's the 5th one along from the right. Hope thats clear and will help
  6. James6

    This Or That

    oooh thats a toughy . I love Stealth but it's too short so ColossusVanilla Ice cream or Chocolate ice creamEdit: beaten to it by Paul :PGoing to do hisTidal WaveVanilla Ice cream or Chocolate Ice cream
  7. James6

    This Or That

    Riddler's Revenge, The Dark Knight or Batman Begins
  8. Yea I'm preparing myself . I've cleared the whole of next weekend just for you guys see , I would do anything for this forum :PAnd I won't be THAT busy if you lot are narrowing it down to five, it just will be a tough decision on my part
  9. I am guessing it means , purposely stopped there, so it wasn't there by accident or because of a breakdown
  10. Yea ok , That method will be trialled this week. Votes will be counted between midday on the 14/6/09, ( when the closing time is ) and 8:00 PM
  11. That's a good idea, BUT how would you lot choose the top 5?
  12. So how does everyone think this should be judged? People mind if I do my personal opinon? or what other methods could be used?
  13. I would guess it was to do with the torrential rain earlier , Colossus can't run in the cold and maybe it hadn't warmed up enough or something like that?
  14. this is mine , remember guys I can NOT win so I'm just posting this for no point at all really I'm not entering to give you other people a chance at winning :PHmm, already deciding what next week's challenge should be, I think next weeks will be another easy-ish one to get people in the mood and then things will get tougher :PRemember any suggestions for ones then message me , I ask you to message me because then it can stay a surprise for as long as possible :PAlso new rule added, probably quite an obvious one but you can only enter ONCE , you are allowed to change your entry though anytime up untill the closing time of the challenge.
  15. I think it's either his website or he's one of the admin type people on it.
  16. James6

    This Or That

    Hmm , I prefer the food at Burger King but Mcdonalds is better priced and I LOVE mcflurries :lol:Detonator or a taller version , e.g hurakan condor etc
  17. Hello , I have decided to create my own photo competition sort of thing.Each week a different criteria will be set and you guys will have to come up with a picture that meets that criteria, then the best will be chosen and it will be named the winner of that week. Then another challenge will be set, For example if one week the challenge is to take a picture of Three trains at Thorpe , you would have to a post a picture of 3 trains at Thorpe .If you have any ideas for challenges feel free to message me. :DAlso I haven't yet decided how to choose the winner , was thinking of doing it with a couple of judges but thought communicating within just a week could be difficult.Also , some weeks , Editing , amongst other things will not be allowed. For example , if it was the 3 trains at Thorpe challenge , you would not be allowed to copy and paste trains in. ( don't know how its done but I've seen it done. ) Rules1. The picture MUST be taken by you2. You can only enter ONCE3. Can't think of anymore at the moment but will add them if I feel they are necessary.By the way to make it clear, you are allowed to use pictures you've taken in the past , even years ago , as long as there not someone elses. By the way , some weeks I may enter, however when I do I am not part of the challenge I am just posting mine for fun and cannot win Hopefuly this will be popular and a bit of fun Challenge 1 , starts 7/6/09 ends 14/6/09 at midday. It is a simple one to start with. You have to get a picture of Colossus. That is all , the best one will be announced next week!! get capturing! :(Editing IS allowed this week.
  18. James6

    This Or That

    Curry, ( don't like fish )Intamin or B&M
  19. James6

    This Or That

    Talk but can only afford to text :lol:Slammer, Stay or go ?
  20. Personally I think Oblivion's drop is more forceful and fun than any other's I've been on (including Sheikra) which makes it my favourite drop ever. I agree with others saying about saws drop being for show and that if you can do saw you can do Oblivion
  21. James6

    This Or That

    Neither to be honest but if I had to it would be a tattooUniversal or Disney
  22. James6

    This Or That

    FacebookSimpsons or Futurama
  23. I do think Spinball "spins" more but I prefer Dragon's Fury.I think it's probably because Spinball's a lot more compact although that may have nothing to do with it.
  24. James6

    This Or That

    DolphinsStealth or Rita ?
  25. James6

    This Or That

    TTDExtensively themed ride with not so great roller coaster or poorly themed ride with awesome coaster ?
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