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Everything posted by James6

  1. Yep I agree, No Limits, Just finished an awesome coaster , Wish there was somewhere on this forum to show/ download No limits stuff but oh well , it's got everything else :P
  2. To be honest they don't change it a whole deal , they don't actually press down on you , if they did that would be terrible as it's a log flume. Thing I love about those boats is , Although they are quite cramped, each person has a seperate seat so if your in a boat with complete strangers it makes things less awkward.
  3. I agree but I think its an original idea and because of how popular the books and films were ,loads of people will be attracted to visit and so much can be done with that theme.
  4. Someone said it ages ago now and asked if Saw is as scary as it's made out to be? I am sure other people have answered but I thought I would jsut like to put my point across .Saw was the first ride I've ever been slightly scared by before I got on , it was only the first time but most people going to the park it's there first time and the que creates a great atmosphere before the ride IMO. My dad who's, as well as me been on many big rides out in the states thought Saw was the Scariest ride he had EVER been on and didn't speak for the rest of the day and the ride home. He was in some sort of trance and was literally petrified. He said he's never go on again but I'm sure I can persuade him. Overall I think it's not scary after the first time but for the first time I think it is definatley one of the worlds scariest coasters.I really wish though they made the whole ride like the start with just small sudden drops and twists and had a real sealed off, no chance off getting out type of feeling Sorry for blabbing on about rubbish you guys probably don't really care about
  5. Keep these entries coming guys, the ones so far are amazing gonna be an even better competition than last week
  6. James6


    Ah good point , why is the height restriction for X so high? Doesn't it have the same/similar trains to there juniour coasters? or is it because of the stops during the ride.
  7. James6


    I agree with that to be honest. I don't hate it because it's not a BAD ride but I don't love it because it's not a good ride. I think it would be a better ride somewhere else. It's definatley at the wrong park in my opinion , Every other ride at Thorpe is tailored pretty much to the extreme market and this timid-ish junior coaster is trying to be thrilling aswell , which it's not , I wish they would take off all the make up and let it try and be what it is. A decent little family coaster.
  8. I was digging around my freezer and found my Colossus Freezer cup thing! I think I got it in 2002? but I can't remember when were they being sold? I wish they still sold things like that. there doesn't seem to be any "big" things on sale to do with the rides , it's mainly those survival necklace things
  9. Nope it's not been removed , it's still there and visible from the Dueling Dragons que , well it was the year before, was really annoying seeing the coaster and it's sign but not being able to get near it. That I am almost sure is getting re-themed to harry potter as Hagrid's hut has been constructed just behind it.That was taken from the Dueling Dragons que sometime last yearThis is of the amazing dragons that are no longer there, these were at the entrance and were perfectly positioned in front of the 2 loops and almost framed them. The picture doesn't do justice to how amazing they were as themeing and just how big they were
  10. Well I think a few years ago there was an accident and because of the steepness of the drop you come out your seat a bit , (it's amazing ) That's why lap bars have been addedBest log flume ever and I wish one like it would be built in the UK. When you look at things like this I would much rather have the traditional log flume than a water coaster to be honest.
  11. I've heard that but I hope not, it probably will happen as they've removed the AMAZING huge fire and ice dragons
  12. My favourite coaster. Beats anything this side of the pond :PBy the way all those pictures are amazing
  13. Yep these 2 are pretty special , couldn't decide which I prefered to be honest but when I went both were walk-on so didn't really matter The queline itself is an attraction and is just sublime. If you think Saw is even remotely well themed, you haven't seen ANYTHING, seriosuly it could be a real castleNot as good as Hulk IMO though. god I loved that ride. But to be honest, I never thought it would happen but Spiderman , a dark ride, is my favourite ride. It beat ANY roller coaster I've been on !
  14. So this weeks winner is TP dan! well done !This weeks challenge is another easy one which is hopefully going to get more entries and more people to voteIt is just to get a picture of THORPE PARK in general, so any area, any thing , any ride. Good luck , the closing time/date is the same so get capturing.On the voting idea, Next week it's going to be similar but rather than posting your vote, you lot are going to message me your vote, hopefully this will keep the winner a bit more secret and a bit more exciting So come on guys we need more entries than last week
  15. So entries have finished, Let the voting begin , remember you can only vote until 5PM tonight :PRemember anyone can vote and alsoThank you to everyone who has either entered, vote/going to vote, or just in general helped out
  16. Another Reminder, The closing time for this weeks challenge is 12:00 ( Midday) today Come on guys , the more the better :PThen from 12:00 to 5PM you lot are going to vote for your favourite. This week we are going to try out where all of you post a reply with the post number of the picture you want to win on. Then they will be counted up and the winner announced , then after the winner has been announced next weeks challenge will be started.If there is a tie I will decide on the winner Also a little, sort of obvious rule for voting , you CAN'T vote for yourself.Anyway happy last minute entering and happy voting
  17. I can't believe it's wider than Oblivion's to be honest. It may be the same or slightly less but I would be unbelieveably surprised if it is wider than Oblivion's
  18. Hello, Sorry for posting twice in a row but just a reminder to say the competition is closing tomorrow!Come on guy we NEED more entries
  19. James6

    This Or That

    Swimming Cadbury's Caramel or Just plain ol' dairy milk
  20. There pretty awesome adverts. It's amazing how much Thorpe's changed.
  21. James6

    This Or That

    Merlin APSaw the ride or Saw films ( all of them)EDIT: beaten again erm Thorpe Park but its a tough oneSaw the ride or Saw films ( all of them)
  22. No problem . Anyway come on guys get your entries in , the more, the better the the competition About halfway through the time you've got to enter your photos.
  23. Brilliant Trip report . I can't believe what they've done to the tipping bucket! And I know how you feel on Rita, it can be quite painful unless your at the very front, and definatley not as good as Stealth. I think of it as Stealth without the height and speed
  24. James6

    This Or That

    Bubbleworks, Charlie and the Chocolate factory is a sorry excuse for a rideEven though the last time I went on bubbleworks was before the re-vamp! But to be honest no revamp could make it worse than Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Comet or Curry's
  25. James6

    This Or That

    Rattlesnake.Ripsaw or Rameses Revenge
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