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Chantelle ^.^

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Everything posted by Chantelle ^.^

  1. Food (vegetarian)Looks or personality?
  2. Apples!Oranges or Lemons?
  3. Well done for choosing japanese lolBananaStrawberries or Cherries?
  4. FrenchJapanese or Chinese?
  5. TVHorror or comedy films?
  6. Puppies! :)Tigers or Lions?
  7. Dogs ^-^Rats or Mice?
  8. Yea! both me and my friend Nicola were sooo pissed off!! but good thing was we got our money back =]

  9. Oh yea!! cosplays too!! haha. In may I cosplayed as Mello from death note and Rinao from ff8 at the anime con =]

  10. Yea!! I really wanna go too!! I would most likely spend a lot over there buying some much anime stuff xD

  11. OMG!! your offically my best friend! xD. I love Naruto and Bleach too and I love the japanese culture as well!! :D

  12. Oh you like anime?? :D

  13. Power cut, but everything was fine before...it was the stupid road works fault, me and my friends waited outside for 10 hours in the freezing cold for nothing

  14. Pick? lolGoths or Emos?
  15. Yea they were also at the kerrang tour in jan, I went to that, but it ended up being cancelled -__-

  16. Yup yup =]

    Have you listened to any japanese rock music like Dir en grey? well I wouldn't say there rock, there more metal like lol

  17. Yes!! I love marilyn manson and his music!! he weird but cool! lol

  18. I must say I love your taste in music!! Cradle of Filth is one of my fav metal bands too =]

  19. PS2 deff!Laptops or Desktops?
  20. Hmmmm...probs riding the dark, cause I love the dark! :)Steel or wooden rollercoasters?
  21. Normal themed musicDogs or cats?
  22. Dueling Dragons!! 100%Sheikra or The Kraken?
  23. MGM studiosMagic Kingdom or Epoct?
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