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Chantelle ^.^

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Everything posted by Chantelle ^.^

  1. Probs Manta :)The great hollywood movie ride or star tours?
  2. *Thumbs up* lolIncredible hulk coasterRock n rollercoaster or the hollywood tower of terror?
  3. Time voyagersThe amazing adventure of spiderman 3D ride or Dr. Doom's fearfall ride?
  4. I went on Kumba, its a really good rollercoaster, quite fast as well.My fav ride there has got to be Montu and my 2nd fav is Sheikra :)Sheikra is a very good ride! I was quite nervous the first time I went on it, but I loved it!
  5. SheikraRevenage of the mummy ride or Jaws the ride?
  6. NeitherMontu or Kumba?
  7. VampireDueling dragons or the incrediable hulk coaster?
  8. I seeWell when I went in 2004, it was busy, but its worth going to, trust me =]
  9. You should deff go to Wet n Wild!!I think you will deff like it =]
  10. Chantelle ^.^


    Animal I have become - Three Days Grace
  11. Thats me not concentrating hahaLost CitySaw: The Ride or Nemesis Inferno?
  12. Both really, but if I had to choose, probs coastersDragon's fury or dragon's fall
  13. X:// No Way OutTomb blaster or Vampire?
  14. QuantumRush or Stealth?
  15. Storm in a tea cupflying fish or vortex?
  16. Rocky ExpressSamari or Slammer?
  17. I hate both those rides, but if I had to choose it would have to be Zodiac x.xDepth Charge or Tidal Wave?
  18. Loggers LeapBubbleworks or Rumba Rapids?
  19. SPIDERS!!! I'm petrifed of snakes >.<Leopard or Cheetah?
  20. X FactorHome and away or neighbours?
  21. MJKylie minogue or Danni Minogue?
  22. I 100% agree with youI know a lot of people in general who want to be like MJ.
  23. The rolling stonesLady gaga or Britney Spears?
  24. I know I was thinking the same thing...why did it have to be Michael Jackson? Its just really unbeileveable, my mum is really upset about it as well, cause back in her days her and my aunt used to listen to MJ a lot! but yes he will be missed =[ R.I.P. MJ
  25. Peter RabbitPet animals or wild animals?
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