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Chantelle ^.^

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Everything posted by Chantelle ^.^

  1. Heart Attack =[He was ill for a long time though
  2. Farrah Fawcett died as well yesterdayand yea it seems like it is turning out bad *sighs* I still just can't get over the fact that MJ is dead, its just wow..I can't beileve it
  3. OmgThats a good point tho, because Jade Goody died this year and now MJ...who next?
  4. Me tooI just can't beileve it
  5. Its all over the internet, people are talking about it and everything. Even though I wasn't a fan of MJ I don't think he deserved to die.Whats your opinion about this everyone??
  6. Neitherpurple or pink?
  7. I go for any thats good really lol, but you could try:www.mediafire.comwww.megaupload.com orwww.rapidshare.com
  8. Pendulumtea or coffee?
  9. JeansLong hair or short hair?
  10. Converses!!Trainers or shoes?
  11. Both, but I choose buying CD's in the shopGlasses or contacts?
  12. A week at thorpe parkIpods or stereo?
  13. Hey don't worryJust go on google find the songs that you want and if you come across a website which looks good, then you can download it from there =]
  14. Cool no problem!If you can't find it, don't give up, just keep looking!
  15. Hmmmm idk where you could find it, but you could try searching on google and find a website where you download it...thats what I do if I wanna download soundtracks and stuff
  16. 1) To win loads of money and spend it on anything anime and a trip to Japan2) To sell millions of cosplay outfits and become a millionaire xD3) To take pics of cosplay models and make a website for it
  17. Neither I'm a vegetarian cereal or toast?
  18. Dragon Falls, cause I've never been on the flumeMetal or Rock? (music)
  19. I think I have seen it before, I'm too sure, but I do remember watching a show at IOA, just can't remember the name of it =/
  20. ^ Awesome! I loved the black Hole too, I find it vey thrilling and exciting ^ ^
  21. ^yea you did, but what I meant was I like sticking to the original universal studios
  22. Wow interesting...I never knew about that o.o
  23. Hmmmmm, well I also heard they are only taking out parts of the lost continent, but decided to leave Dueling Dragons there
  24. Ok back on topic guys lolDueling Dragons, well I went on the IOA website and it seems like its gonna stay there for quite a while, because I think loads of people like that ride and that Harry potter theme is already done I think and dueling dragons is still there, so yea it looks like its gonna stay there..
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