Oh wow! looks fun! =]Lol if I went on one of those slide while wearing a biniki...I would dread to think what would happen next when I reach the bottom xD
Awwwwww thats a shame =/I've only been to Wet n Wild once tho and that was in 2004 lolIts really fun there =]. If you get the chance to go to america again, maybe you could go to Wet n Wild this time ^ ^And about Blizzard Beach whats that like?
Oh yea I really want to go on the hollywood rip ride rock it! it looks soo good :)Oh? I've never seen that pic before o.o, but it sounds interesting I must say
Oh yea that was me and I know, but funnier enough I do prefer universal to IOA, I know its the same, but I like Universal better, I guess its because I've been there since I was 4
Ewwww I could never go on Slammer!!! I'll get a head rush hahaI haven't been on any of them, but if I had to choose it would have to be Samurai, cause I hate the lift rides as well