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Chantelle ^.^

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Everything posted by Chantelle ^.^

  1. Rumba Rapids is back up and running now! yay!
  2. Oh alright thanxYea I remember that annoucement now =]Its been so long since I went on Dragon falls
  3. Wow weird annocements on Dragon falls lolI was wondering did they have an old annocement before? I can't remember =/
  4. Sorry sorry I'll cut down on the posts I didn't know x.x

  5. *Gasps* Did I see that you typed you prefer nemesis to vampire?? :DOh wow I never expected to hear that from you Keith xD
  6. Thats cause you know xDand I know its happens to a lot of girls who wear binkis, but luckily for me I wear a t-shirt as well
  7. Oh wow! looks fun! =]Lol if I went on one of those slide while wearing a biniki...I would dread to think what would happen next when I reach the bottom xD
  8. Awwwwww thats a shame =/I've only been to Wet n Wild once tho and that was in 2004 lolIts really fun there =]. If you get the chance to go to america again, maybe you could go to Wet n Wild this time ^ ^And about Blizzard Beach whats that like?
  9. Oh yea I really want to go on the hollywood rip ride rock it! it looks soo good :)Oh? I've never seen that pic before o.o, but it sounds interesting I must say
  10. Oh whats Disco H2O like?? cause it looks really fun!!and lol!! so lucky!! xD
  11. Oh yea that was me and I know, but funnier enough I do prefer universal to IOA, I know its the same, but I like Universal better, I guess its because I've been there since I was 4
  12. 5 rides on Vampirepiercings or tattoos?
  13. Dragon Falls!The Hulk or Dueling Dragons? =p
  14. Gosh!! I hate girls like that, I just want to punch them straight in the face haha
  15. Who here has been to this water park in Orlando Florida?I have and I really love it there, all the water slides there are sooooo fun!!! ^___^
  16. Vampire!!UK or U.S. theme parks?
  17. StealthBright or dark colours?
  18. Myspace 100%Youtube or live video?
  19. I can't choose xD, but probs booksReading or writing?
  20. Badminton!!!Swimming or ice skating?
  21. Haha I see xDBut seriosuly I wish they would stop naming rollercoasters after snakes!!!But apart from that it looks good!
  22. Same with me I went on Zodiac once I had a panic attack >.<X no way out!!!Horror or romance movies?
  23. Ewwww I could never go on Slammer!!! I'll get a head rush hahaI haven't been on any of them, but if I had to choose it would have to be Samurai, cause I hate the lift rides as well
  24. Oh yea I've heard about that ride, it looks pretty cool actually ^ ^But why name it after a snake! I hate snakes Dx
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