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Chantelle ^.^

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Everything posted by Chantelle ^.^

  1. Yup yup thats true!I go for personality only...I could care less about looks to be honest
  2. Your a vegetarian?? yay!! so am I!! and also love italien and japanese food =]

  3. I deff agree with you there Keith!All that is true on what you said.I'm bi sexual myself as you already know and I deff don't think I'm good looking, not one bit and yet I get loads of guys around me, its odd how that happens, but its true. Its like girls find gay or bi guys hot and guys find lesbien or bi girls hot. there deff a pattern there haha
  4. I like both since I have them hahaShoes or Boots?
  5. I choose Rock n Rollercoaster!because it plays aerosmith music since I like aerosmith and I love how fast it goes =]
  6. HalloweenWinter or Summer?
  7. Ice creamHalloween or Christmas?
  8. Storm in a teacupRush or Slammer?
  9. Ah! I see! fair enough. well take your time when your ready to go back on =]


  10. Hey how come your not on msn??


  11. Ohh I see.Well at least that didn't ruin your day =]
  12. Wii SportsGuiter Heroes 3 or Guiter Heroes: world tour?
  13. Were people rude to you about your sexuality then?
  14. Hey Hun

    No problem at all!! :D


  15. Sky!!!Wireless or Dial up?
  16. Chewing gumWhite bread or Brown bread?
  17. ooooo soo hard hmmm probs cadburyssour sweets or normal sweets?
  18. ChocolateEat or Sleep?
  19. WatchesNecklaces or Braclets?
  20. RCT3 looks really fun to play on the PC.My cousin has it and all he likes to do is pretend to make the people commit suicide
  21. House of dead?Final fantasy or Kingdom hearts?
  22. The DarknessKoRn or HIM?
  23. My bad, I get confused with tours and festivals lolFamily GuySouth Park or Futurama?
  24. Scuzz! 100%Kerrang tours or download tours?
  25. GuitarGo to a concert or watch a concert on tv?
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