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About JamesB

  • Birthday 07/16/1993

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  • Favourite ride
    Saw: The Ride.
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Thorpe Park

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Portsmouth, UK

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  1. Dan

    Your attitude the other night on chat was way out of order to other members . You had so much disrespect for other TPM members and the good to here your banned maybe you would think now of your sins and not to have been horrible to other members it's not necessary and was out of order . ! I though you were so much nicer Than that but I was so wrong .

  2. JamesB


    Next week is going to be amazing...Hurts gig on Thursday, friends party on Friday, my party on Saturday, so excited!
  3. JamesB


    The irony of liking an amazing and talented band like LP and then liking Example... enough said.
  4. JamesB

    Lady GaGa

    Ordered these two shirts today:http://www.play.com/Clothing/T-Shirts/4-/19513686/Lady-Gaga-Women-Born-This-Way-Graffiti-T-Shirt/Product.html?searchtype=clothingall&searchsource=0&searchstring=gaga&urlrefer=search&strefer=clothingall&searchfilters=s{gaga}%2bc{470}%2bhttp://www.play.com/Clothing/T-Shirts/4-/9595280/Lady-Gaga-Women-Beautiful-Dirty-Rich/Product.html?searchtype=clothingall&searchsource=0&searchstring=gaga&urlrefer=search&strefer=clothingall&searchfilters=s{gaga}%2bc{470}%2bExcited!
  5. JamesB


    Totally loving Champagne Showers by LMFAO and Natalia Kills at the moment!
  6. Really pissed off with the Universal online store, I ordered a top from there a few weeks ago and it was too small so we returned it and ordered a new one, the order never came and then I phoned up and found out that they don't have that size in stock any more, so I asked about another one I wanted, and thats not in stock either. Well done Universal for messing up my only birthday present this year. Good job.
  7. JamesB


    On Shakira... and also her latest album, I assume? Its done awfully (sales wise).Ciara was never going to be hit the big time, she's a one trick pony, I don't blame her management for not trying.But yes, for big artists, they have managed to mess things up for them, sadly. Christina was the worst case, again, she would be better off on another label, poor girl.
  8. JamesB


    RCA is one of Sony's main labels. Did typing it into Google not occur to you?
  9. JamesB


    What kind of deal doe she have? Usually its for 5 albums or something.
  10. JamesB


    If she doesn't like her label, why doesn't she just terminate her contract, she'd get snapped up straight away by another.
  11. Mammut's theming is good, but that is where the good stuff ends, if you ask me.
  12. Yeah, I think we queued for ages and it moves pretty slowly, plus it broke down whilst we were queuing.The show that Sheepie just posted was great fun, I hope you saw it!
  13. You did the same as me, did Barcelona and then went over to the park after a few days. I really enjoyed it there, I actually really like El Diablo, its such a quirky little mine train, I love the station too for some reason. I do hope you did the sea 4D cinema (forgotten its name) sadly we queued for ages for that and then it broke down half way through the ride and had to be re-started, but it was alright. The theming for most of the queue was good. I don't think we did any water rides as it wasn't that hot, but they looked good!
  14. Oooh, I haven't done one of these yet... (rides and coasters)1. Tower of Terror - easily the best ride I've been on2. Stealth - love the adrenaline rush3. Air4. Oblivion5. The pirate dark ride @ Gardaland - one of the best themed dark rides I've been on, was amazing.6. Saw7. Mumbo Jumbo - really enjoyed that, much better than I expected8. Magic Mountain @ Gardaland - really comfy seats!9. Rock n Rollercoaster10. Dragon's Fury
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