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Everything posted by AdamY

  1. I was just about to post that Answers the support question. It just looks more and more intimidating every day... And now there's a decent amount of it to look at together, I really do adore that track colour even more.And looking at the portrait picture with all the mechanical gubbins on the lift hill makes me positively squeal! I still can't believe we're getting it... At Thorpe Park! Wooooo
  2. Wow, well I can honestly say I've never seen that before :lol:First drop bottom is looking schweet.
  3. AdamY


    Well I was guessing the mods would have to keep it, but just for the rest of us who don't want it cluttering up the page, just thought I'd point out it is removable.
  4. AdamY


    Prefs > View Global Shoutbox? > NoProblem solved
  5. AdamY

    This Or That

    Congrats for proving you do not get it! Therefore, I cannot answer your question because it is nonsensical!
  6. AdamY

    This Or That

    Party Rock Anthem :DThe spider or the man?
  7. AdamY


    Wow. Must!Being driven slowly demented by ads on Spotify rerrrr.
  8. AdamY


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32vqtBvM8bM I love Oh Land I was really happy to find out she was opening for Katy Perry last night, and she was duly brilliant Plus this morning she retweeted my tweet at her Ohai Oh Land
  9. Misty Swarm is yum! Looking wonderful And that helicopter turn is very low!
  10. AdamY

    Lady GaGa

    Interludes made the Monster Ball I hope she starts in the UK, but so far it's just been pretty much confirmed she's starting in Europe. Apparently she wanted to start rehearsals by the end of this year and start mid spring, so I should imagine late Nov / early Dec announcement for maybe April dates if this works out.Edit: Latest rumours seem to say the announcement is coming on Halloween! Tickets out for the first dates Nov 4th apparently... Watch this space.
  11. I think it'll fit pretty nicely from the viewpoint of the bridge. It's sad though for me, it acts as it's own 'weenie' in Disney terms, and being new everyone will flock to it first. It'll reverse the phenomenon I've come to love so much since Saw, where everyone rushes to that corner first leaving Inferno and Stealth empty. Now that side will fill up really quickly and the two worse coasters will be empty
  12. Edit - Ninja'd, @ Benin: No need to be patronising dear, it can hardly be called a small detail - a mere superficial glance at the plans should have been enough to tell anyone this particular fact. And besides, judging from the amount you frequent the other boards, I'd have thought basic pattern spotting with other coasters would have been within the bounds of possibility.
  13. Well considering there was no pre-drop on the plans, and none of B&M's recent coasters have had a pre-drop, your tone of surprise is, well, surprising.
  14. This pic from that set has MAJOR nom value.
  15. I still can't quite grasp how gargantuan this will look when completed. Looking at the progress of the lift so far, and imagining it continuing up and then bridging the gap all the way to that bottom section of the drop is just amazing. I was looking at the site last time I was on Inferno, thinking how wonderful it will be to look at one B&M whilst on another
  16. That actually looks crazy steep from that angle And hooray for the tree of in-the-wayness not being in the way any more, because things are happening above it! Ha!Edit: Just browsing through that album from today, thought I'd attach a few other shots. Credit to Idlewild, obviously.This is just... Speechless noms.Ohai Tidal. You have a new friend. More noms!Salivating now
  17. Yeah. Here are all the super awesome secret ones I've been hiding :ph34r:Anyone else finding it strange the lift is being erected without catwalks? Seems way more effort to attach them afterwards when it would be easier and far more normal to just lift the track in with catwalks already present.
  18. AdamY


    Watching the live stream of Christina Perri's gig on Facebook right now - awesome
  19. ^ OT, but Saw did have a trim in it's first season, on the outdoor MCBR during that period where the blocking kept screwing up from about April - May.
  20. I must say I was expecting a trim on the exit from the Zero G into the inclined loop, didn't expect one right at the bottom of the drop though. Not bothered though, I was assuming there would be one or two somewhere, and if they're designed in from the start they won't affect the ride detrimentally anyway AHEMintamin.
  21. It asked you first, you accepted. Can't complain.
  22. That is bloody brilliant. I absolutely love it! When it took my friends and street viewed my house... My god. Certainly the best coaster promo site I've seen. Great job, whoever came up with it.
  23. I would have thought being a Sunday work would be very limited to non-existent anyway. Tomorrow should be great though.
  24. That's why I was arguing for the train not being stopped on the top run, because it has three to Raptor's two. I agree though, pointless speculating because we won't be able to find out.
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