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Everything posted by AdamY

  1. Tiny update form today's goings on... Some roof cladding on part of the station building structure.Credit to theking on CF here.
  2. Posted 17 mins ago on Theme Park Guide's Facebook: ^_^Edit: It's not just mud any more!Credit to and more pics at http://www.themeparkguide.biz/So we have some station structure, and apparently a large number of supports have been moved to the front of the site ready for erection in the next few days. Yay for it finally getting interesting.
  3. Wingrider train on a layout with tunnels could get... Interesting
  4. I have just been informed that ponds are not gone, it was theming in the lake itself that had the contamination issues - do carry on Still don't think it's a pond though. If the ponds are being put in though, surely ground work is nowhere near done yet?
  5. They were removed due to contamination fears from the council weren't they? Also it looks far too measured and precisely square to be a pond to me.
  6. That was a great report Sheepie I'm happy that I wasn't the only one to absolutely adore the new Pooh queue, it's just fantastic. The whole experience feels so much more complete with it. I didn't get to try the new Mansion queue this year but it does look wonderful too. Also, yay for Philarmagic love! It's one of my all-time favourites too - I love the blend of classic Disney characters and songs with the new overall story and modern visuals.I can relate with the magic of character dining... On my first Florida trip back in 2001, we went as a whole family of my sister and both my parents. It was a truly magical trip in every sense - it was such a massive thing to be able to go at a time when we didn't have all that much money, and it really had the Disney effect on us all... Despite some less than savoury relations at home at the time, the entire length of the trip all four of us got along so amazingly, and I can only attribute it to the World. Two of the moments that I remember the most clearly about it were character breakfast in Chef Mickey's at the Contemporary and dinner at the Crystal Palace which, funnily enough, was brought on by need to shelter from a rainstorm! In another classic 'Disney touch', they brought the whole group of Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, Pluto ect ect as well as the scheduled characters who were the Pooh ones at the time as well I think, because everyone was stranded in there (the storm came much later than usual). We spent about 2 1/2 hours in there, just relaxing, slowly eating and soaking up this amazing experience as all the characters came to our table and played with my sister and I, and took photos. It's moments like these that really make a holiday, and I'd go so far as to say that it was my favourite trip I've had to Orlando for the sheer magic of it all. When you reduce it to the level of individual rides and their pros and cons like we have a tendency to do, something is lost I think. So yeah, amazing memories that will always be with me. I still carry the picture of the four of us at Chef Mickey's in my wallet to this day...And now I'm crying. Cheers
  7. These alien-insect-things don't really seem the war of attrition type anyway, they strike me as more of a 'run in and destroy the whole damn lot at once' type
  8. The trench isn't for the plane, it's way too far forward (to the left in that photo). I can't cast any light on what it is for though.
  9. And partly because they couldn't be arsed... It became apparent quickly that to infill the entire lot would have taken years.
  10. Yeah, I thought it was really impressive and I enjoyed it a lot! There was just a great mood inside... I think it was the combination of great theming (I couldn't take my eyes off all the ceiling detail with the nets and boxes and planks!) with wonderfully atmospheric ambient music and lighting. It all complimented the tranquil and relaxing motion of the fish and the rays swimming about... Perfect I think we spent a good hour plus in there!
  11. Yes, I did notice the slight lack of head problem myself Mark!
  12. Well if it doesn't go vertical this week or next I'd be seriously surprised... Given we've been staring at it all summer I'd pretty much forgotten that it's now September and we still have nothing. Saw started to go up ages before this... Hell, the track was done or there abouts by FN.
  13. Honestly though I don't know why we're comparing and saying 'oh this one is better than that one because...' (even though I've been guilty of this) because all three of this year's look brilliant. A great new product from B&M which the parks are clearly desperate to munch up quicker than they can build the things.
  14. Right well thanks to having to go out I can't link pictures or even watch the video but...Type: Steel Wing CoasterTrack Length: 3,127 feetTop Speed: 61 miles per hourInversions : FourRide Elements: Giant Loop, Zero-G Roll, Inclined Immelmann, Giant Flat Spin, Camel Back, Spiral, Eight CurveTop of Lift Height (above entrance grade): 210 feetTop of Lift Height (above station grade): 190 feetFirst Drop : 135 feetRide Duration: 2 minutes, 22 secondsPassengers per Train: 28 (seven cars, four passengers each)Seat type: Cantilevered – wing designPerhaps a bit of a waste seemingly building against the terrain so having such a lot of lift for comparatively little drop but hey, at least it doesn't have an inverted dive first drop Yes Dollywood :wub:Edit:
  15. That's really excellent; reminds me of the SW7 Poster at Towers in that it's ridiculously subtle but those who find it will really appreciate it. Great to hear if true, I can really imagine a crazy caller fitting in with the whole WWTP idea and it's nice to hear that additions are still being made in older areas.
  16. Been looking forward to this Sheeps, part of the reason I didn't do another one I'm glad it already sounds like you had a wonderful time.
  17. I would imagine Thorpe will want to use A for 2015, for both general park operational reasons with people flow and because there's more space.
  18. Wow, someone's actually bought one? Thought they'd have a hard time shifting them, although they certainly look like more interesting layouts than just a mountain of heartlines.
  19. Yes we do Benin... Gonna be fun, hey!? That's why I got a bit angry about stupid tiny path from Fish a few weeks back, because it's gonna be bloody awful.
  20. Hey ladies, stop bickering! We have important ride news to discu- Oh. Whoops :glare:As you were...
  21. AdamY


    Well I'm currently listening to the soundtrack from Burton's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory... I sometimes wonder what happened to my life.Edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oN2gUxGUu4 Love it
  22. Beans posted an update on CF from yesterday, in which more nothing has happened... The only mildly interesting thing was a decent view of the station:The rest of the update is here but really, literally nothing has happened. This has to be the most boring coaster construction I've ever seen
  23. Thought I'd write a quick note about my trip yesterday, which was wonderful! No pics due to a combination of technical difficulties with my Cybershot and not wanting to take my SLR.If you discount my insult of a visit on CCF camp last year (~3 hours on park... Yeah, let's discount that) this was really my first time at Alton for about 6 or 7 years. After a surprisingly fast and pain-free journey we got out of the car on the button of 10:00, and heard Air and Nemesis roaring about behind the trees which was really magical... After some general excited freaking out when walking into Towers Street, we set about some rides... The rest of the day went something like:OblivionHexTh13teenRitaCharlieCongo River RapidsLunch - Mexican Cantina (Mega noms!)NemesisAirDuelSealifeTh13teenI must say, I pretty much loved everything! Oblivion with no queue was a great start to the day, and then the combination of Hex and Th13teen works really well. I was too young to appreciate the magic of Hex on previous visits I suppose, but yesterday I was blown away by the way every square inch of the experience was obviously thought through. I loved the detailed theming in the queue, I loved the use of smells, and I thought the show lighting was excellent throughout. Th13teen seems to make a lot more sense straight after Hex too, and I must admit this time I really enjoyed it. I still think the actual ride is pretty poor, but there's so much more to it than that. By the time I'd enjoyed the area ambient music, great station exterior, the upstairs bit near the Tesla coil with the scrawled writing and the whispers, I really didn't mind that the outdoor portion of the ride isn't up to much. I also very much enjoyed the backwards helix ^_^I was also pleasantly surprised by Charlie - even though everyone slates it I think if you stop analysing in so much depth and just enjoy it for what it is, it works. It's perfect for a park like Alton, and all I saw were people coming out smiling. Mission accomplished right?Congo was fun, and major shoutout to the Mexican Cantina here - I had the chicken nachos which were amazing! They were delicious and I could barely finish the portion, which is rare in a tourist attraction.Forbidden Valley followed lunch, and huge disappointment followed arrival Air was down, and the staff outside by the shop were saying it was very unlikely to re-open the rest of the day. We went and did Nemesis instead, which was fun as usual (although I still say, I don't see it as an utter world beater... For whole experience it is certainly up there as far as the UK in concerned, but there are certainly better out there for me). Returning to Air, we decided to stick it out for a bit and sat outside Refresh for about 15 mins. When some activity started up on radios, a crowd soon gathered and began creeping down towards the entrance when the staff started heading back to the queue. It soon developed into an all-out run, and everyone piled into the queue My sister and I got front row on the third train dispatched, and then proceeded to hang on the brake run for 10 minutes when it went down again. Lots of disappointment evident in the queue, we eventually got back into the station and exited, two of the last 28 people to ride that day... I'm glad we ran!Two more surprise hits were Duel and Sealife - I really liked Duel and think like Charlie, it may not be technically amazing but it's a fun ride. Sealife was very impressive I thought, with a lovely ambience inside. The finger cleaner shrimp were bloody weird but fun :DRounded out the day with another go on Th13teen. I must say overall the day was fantastic - brilliant weather and a brilliant park. I love the beautiful landscape Alton is set in, which makes the day so much more relaxing than a day at Thorpe. I also love the variety of attractions Alton have, with everything from dark rides to the three huge B&Ms. After a very positive day we'll be making more of a habit of it from now on, and are hoping to return for Scarefest.Go Alton
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