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Everything posted by AdamY

  1. It is very useful... It's a lifesaver when planning events, we pretty much coordinated editing my entire school magazine from a group which saved ridiculous amounts of time, and I'm able to stay in contact with a friend who just moved half way around the world. It is not useless.Edit: Just got ninja'd AGAIN! Was re Facebook, obviously.
  2. With the cliché keyhole though, everyone would be raving if it hadn't been included, either in Swarm or X-Flight. I dare say Dollywood will use it too. And I quite like this new layout, it has a very nice flow to it. And rather than a bandwagon, I'd say kudos to B&M for getting four orders before one had even been built!
  3. It's a different type of ride... If it wasn't, SFGAm wouldn't have announced this as America's First. They really are different types of ride.
  4. No, that's what I meant... They can call this America's only one even though Dolly is buying one (and they ARE... No maybe about it) because they announced it first. Likewise, Thorpe could call theirs unique because at the time of announcement, it was. As the small print says, information correct at time of print... SF get a massive boost by calling it America's only, so why wouldn't they when there's no public information to the contrary yet? Of course they know about Dollywood's one, but it's their fault they didn't announce it sooner so the title of first is fair game.
  5. Well if this is America's only wing coaster, Swarm's drop is still unique... If you announce first, you get the buzz words and whatever 'first' you want.
  6. Is that an Immelman I see before me? Lovely layout, that. And btw Benin, I meant that Thorpe should have ordered trains of 32 for Swarm, not that they should modify Inferno
  7. Just noticed also, even though at 3,000' it presumably won't have an MCBR, that it has 8 row trains... 7 Rows on Inferno was just about excusable in 2003 but when pushing for 2.2m visitors PA in the future, Thorpe's blind sticking with trains of 28 baffles me... But this is going off topic.
  8. New rant... People who use racism or discrimination of any kind as an excuse for EVERYTHING. Just saw this on Screamscape: And a news article on the same incident: SourceThis makes me MAD. No, it's not because you're black. It's not because you're Muslim either. It isn't even because you're disabled... YOU JUST HAVE TO OBEY THE SAME RULES EVERYONE ELSE DOES. Actual rage.And while I'm already angry, these Dale Farm people. I don't see how there is even an argument here... Let alone how it has raged on for 10 years. They are breaking the law. The council can therefore tell them to GTFO. Case closed. Really bloody annoying me.
  9. Yeah, doubtless ride experience wise it won't come close to Raptor or The Swarm. That's why I was surprised they haven't gone all-out on the size, although I suppose Superman Ultimate Flight was quite a small model of Flyer so it's similar to that. I still think the Dollywood one will become pick of the bunch, widely rumoured to be huge, and using the terrain and amazing landscape, with Mystery Mine level theming. Should be a beautiful ride.And SFGAm's is called X-Flight, which curiously enough has been used by Cedar Fair in the past.
  10. The best I can do to get out of this is probably to say that great minds think alike...*Slinks back to shadows*
  11. AdamY


  12. And the final piece of the B&M 2012 puzzle has been accidentally revealed by the LA Times posting a list of every Six Flags addition for next year Great America, as expected... Interesting they haven't gone massive with it, at just 3000' long - Dollywood's move I say!
  13. Totally agree with you on this Mer, it drives me insane. Grrrrr. LEARN TO SPEAK.
  14. AdamY


    He looks like Gok Wan, bloody hell.Eugh, need something to take my mind off that. #NowPlaying... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmWB-b2NOZ4
  15. Shangrila Snowfield (which is apparently now called Bullet Coaster, but for some reason I prefer the former...) is finally testing!http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjk4MDkyNTQ4.html Trust me, once you get past the S&S Tower, and the mine train, and and and... You finally get to the coaster. And it looks very pretty!Also, HHN Orlando reveal! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaQNxtCt4mM
  16. AdamY


    Sheeps is back! Hiiiii Sheepie
  17. AdamY


    Love this song
  18. Well there's an update on Merlin Mania from yesterday here... But nothing is really happening. The bridge is being filled in a bit though.
  19. AdamY


    I vote we rip Rush out and steal Barnstormer from Dollywood to replace it. No sync problems, and an amazing looking giant barn and cool queue. Problem solved.Love you really Rush
  20. Just thought - technically the new floorless Hair Raiser at Ocean Park isn't open yet, so it'll be 8. There, record ;)Also, today I found (which is quite difficult, I might add) a decent off ride and POV video of Starry Sky Ripper. I still can't believe this thing. Cannot... Compute... Amazingness... I mean, that inside-out-corkscrew style lie-to-fly is insane enough, but the 540 degree roll, double corkscrew... It's so good it's rude - disrespectful, even! China you don't deserve this.
  21. Big BrotherX FactorThe InbetweenersDeadly serious.
  22. In that case, the second word would be a highly accurate description. I would welcome this; it might even tempt me to renew my AP.
  23. Oh dear. Could they really not resist that?
  24. AdamY


    I love A View From The Bridge. It's actually amazing. That is all.
  25. It sounds quite Dive Machiney to me. The vertical into water bit especially... The only Intamin I could think of doing this would be a Blitz which would be, um, pointless. I find that analysing specific wording can be misleading when it's a translation from another language anyway - the specific meaning is often lost.
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