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Everything posted by AdamY

  1. What has prompted the change in recent coasters away from the old 'safe' styles, to the more original and exciting styles such as the PA Invert, Starry Night Ripper ect.?
  2. Latest from the Facebook: Yay! Also, I am now vindicated in calling it an inclined loop It should be interesting watching them slot the corkscrew through the loop, I did wonder if they'd do the sides of the loop then install the corkscrew, before going back to top off the loop. Evidently not!
  3. ^ Face your fears You know you love it
  4. That's horrible! Only decent bit of acting in it is the guy at the end. Good idea though
  5. ^ When we get a Swarm maze in 2013 and all the actors are dressed as wasps, you'll stop complaining Daniel
  6. Some off-ride footage would be great, and I think if the effects we're all hoping for materialise then these would look brilliant included in an off-ride segment. Also perhaps some general shots of the queue and ride area which show the ambience around the ride - kind of like the queue and building scenes in this rather good Saw video below:
  7. That, my dear people, is pretty damn sexy.
  8. Like Jack, I was a Scarefest n00b on my visit yesterday! The day was brilliant fun overall, despite some potentially disastrous events which I shall detail herein...Thinking we probably didn't need 11 hours on park, we planned to leave home at the slightly more civilised than usual time of 8, to arrive at Towers about 11:15. In this we found our first hurdle, the inevitable 30 minute late departure, however we were soon on the road and in good spirits. A smooth and uneventful drive followed (apart from the damn 16 mile stretch of 50mph limit on the M1), until we got to the JCB place about 20 mins from Alton. We queued, I kid you not, the entire distance from here to the park. It later became apparent that this was caused by fairly big crowds for the park, a diversion which filtered onto the same route through Alton village, and an accident up there to! Negotiating this took about an hour, and we finally stopped all the way over by the hotels just before 1. Undeterred, we walked over to the entrance so as to take in the sights and sounds of the top of Air and Nemesis' lifts, which soon made us feel good again! However, we got lumbered with the worst service I have ever experienced when getting tickets for my mum and sister; it took us half an hour to get through the queue and finally get to the turnstiles. Upon arrival there my AP decided not to work which is always nice, add 5 mins for faffing at different gates and then finding staff. Finally into Towers Street, time check stated 2pm. Awesome.However, our moods lifted greatly as we walked in and saw Towers Street all done up for the occasion and looking brilliant! Even my no-longer-very-geeky sister commented that in the 15 metres from the entrance there was already more halloween stuff than in the whole of Thorpe Taking in the beautiful view by the lake, we headed off towards Hex and Charlie which were duly completed in a far greater amount of time than it took to tell of our doing them Copious amounts of fun had by all we returned at ~4:20 to Mutiny Bay in search of food. Given all that had sustained our day so far was a pack of M&S croissants and some Percy Pigs, we'd done well to last this long. Mexican Cantina again served as the chosen location for food, and we decided to use the time honoured half-lunch half-dinner technique so as to minimise time spent eating. At about 5 we rejoined the masses and went over to Forbidden Valley, where yet again, I find myself needing to commend Merlin actors! One of the hazmat-clad guys outside the Nemesis:WLB site came over to me and started talking about radiation melting his ice cream, the impractical nature of hazmat suits, and many other things besides. We talked for a good 5 minutes about various things, and he told me about the weird things going on at the site, then gave me a little card with the 2012 site address and some other stuff. Actually, I wonder where I put it...After that little interlude my sister and I joined the Nemesis SRQ. As some of you will have seen from my Facebook, this queue was rather brilliant. It had already started to get dark, then suddenly black clouds enveloped the area and it started raining a bit. It wasn't hammering, but was creating the perfect amount to really create a brilliant atmosphere. Let's call it thematic weather So queueing down in the bottom of the pit with black sky, rain, and the ride roaring it's way around us was wonderfully intense and atmospheric. We got on fairly quickly and enjoyed a brilliant night ride.Air being Air had gone down, up and down again several times during the previously described period, but as luck would have it, it reopened just before we left Nemesis. We did single rider for this as well though, because the main queue had already built up massively again. The two girls batching were doing a great job, and seemed really happy and enthusiastic. They were talking to everyone and not just standing looking grumpy. We were boarding in no time, and off into the darkness. You guys have probably noticed my love of Air before, but I can honestly say this ride was just something else. The lift hill looked amazing bathed in blue lights as we ascended, and then the ride itself just absolutely came alive. Flying over the dim and warm lighting of the Air plaza was a great experience, but then coming out of the inline and heading towards the turn over the car park was insane. Being so far out there were no lights at all, so we found ourselves flying into literally pitch darkness as we rounded the final turn. It's kinda hard to describe without being there, but I can honestly say it was one of the most exciting rides I've ever had on any coaster. I fell victim to an Air hoody on the way out, trying to convince myself that it was because the night was cold Following Air we headed back over to the middle of the park for Terror of the Towers. I'd managed to stay away from all spoilers and reviews on the internet, so I went in not knowing what to expect. Firstly it must be said that the Towers are just an undeniably perfect site for a maze; the lighting on the walls and in the garden area of the queue was excellent, and the music just completed the spine-tingling atmosphere. I won't state the eye-watering time we queued, but suffice to say we had plenty of time to take in the aforementioned atmosphere. Finally inside, the maze blew me away. The props and sets in the first areas of the maze were excellent and provided the actors with a great base to work off; for example in the large rectangular room one actor flew from behind a sheet and jumped on the table before thrusting himself right in my face while I was still reeling from the crash his jump had created! Smoke billowed out from under the table and he disappeared again. I thought the scenes and corridors were wonderfully put together, with excellent lighting and sound too. The final room downstairs made for a great contrast with the rest of the maze, and I found it even more disorientating than The Asylum. All in all, the maze was a great length (made it feel worth queueing for) and I counted 16 actors, some of whom made a couple of appearances. We came out into the black of the night and looked up at the towers bathed in a green glow, listening to the music and the screams echoing through the building and out of the windows, and I couldn't help feeling Thorpe's efforts are a little bit pathetic :PThe time was 21:40, but as we passed X Sector on the way back anyway we decided to check in at The Boiler House just in case. I'm glad we did, the guy outside very kindly let us in despite the time. The queue just filled the tunnel coming out towards the open, but we were immediately called forward to join a smaller group so even skipped that small wait. We chatted to another lovely member of staff who was presiding over the maze inside, who was still smiling despite the hour. We went downstairs and were briefed before entering our second maze of the night. The first scene with the disappearing mask was just brilliant, the actor was really energetic and the trick was amazing to watch. I felt pretty apprehensive as we left and entered the maze proper, I was again at the back of the group. Like TotT, the number of actors and the scares they managed to elicit were very impressive. One particularly memorable one was someone crashing about behind a fence begging to be let free, before lunging out from behind a curtain enclosing the area which I had somehow failed to notice. A scream directly in my face followed! Although this maze seems to get a bit of a bad press, I was again impressed by set pieces such as the exploded barrels, pipes running everywhere ect. I came out still feeling it beat Thorpe's.Thus concluded our Scarefest experience, which I must say could have been a disaster given the start to the day but was actually hugely enjoyable. The park looks great and is done up brilliantly, the extra halloween themeing and attractions complimenting the existing line-up wonderfully and making for a brilliant event. Leaving at the slightly later than planned time of 22:30, the rest of the night is lost in my memory to a swirl of coffee, energy drinks and loud music in efforts to stay awake. I can't wait for next year!
  9. It's not that big of a deal; you're really making it sound far worse than it is. Whilst I appreciate the plight of people who are disabled, Thorpe and every other tourist attraction in this country do include them. However, it is simply not realistic to expect the exact same opportunities as someone who is able to move for themselves. It isn't like you can't ride the rides at all, but the small concession of not being able to chose your side shouldn't really be something to complain about. Just be glad you're living now and not 50 years ago, where there was absolutely no provision for the disabled and it was just tough luck.
  10. Currently driving to Alton but thought I'd mention that I saw Swarm from the M25 earlier! I didn't realise it was visible from that far out but the top of the lift and the Zero G are easily in sight. Pleased to report it was looking damn sexy
  11. Someone obviously saw my post yesterday! That just looks exceptionally beautiful; the view is even better than I had imagined it being and Colossus looks tiny! Also, it looks like on that left side the end of the catwalk will even be a bit of interaction - am I the only one looking at that and feeling scared I'll bang my head on the way over? From there it actually looks bloody scary, with the track just vanishing in front of you and no view of where it's going. WOW!
  12. AdamY


    If you read nothing else this year, read this website. The Flat Earth Society. And yes, it is serious and they are not joking. Just read the whole of that FAQ thread, look at their theories, absorb the information, and then laugh. You will laugh.
  13. Now all the supports are in I'm hoping they'll crack on with track installation and we'll get some decent eye candy by the last day of the season. The dev diary seems to have gone remarkably quiet of late, I hope they step it up during the closed season or there's a high likelihood I'll die of suspense. Lucky for me Skyrim comes out a few days after the season ends, I'll need everything possible to keep my mind off this
  14. Cheers for linking that. Nice to see our first piece of interaction in the form of the heartline headchopper support! Interesting to note that support is bent to avoid the station structure, it makes me feel uncomfortable looking at it because it's horribly uneven and asymmetrical ^ This picture really gives a sense of how small the area is once all the steel is in. Imagining the inclined loop up to that top support on the right and then the corkscrew going through it looks a bit messy in my mind's eye, but I'm sure it'll look good once it's done. Interesting to look at the support which is due to eventually be enclosed in the tower (not really visible in the above but is in others)- they've inconsiderately left some junk in front of it on the ground so we can't see if anything is happening.
  15. According to Ian on CF: Hope he's right! All we need now are a fuselage, and some wings
  16. @ Sidders, almost all the supports are now up I believe - hence the halt to track work. Not sure why the change was made from support-track-support-track to all the supports then all the track, but that seems to be what's happened.
  17. I am, perhaps foolishly, thinking of joining the ranks of those to whom this thread refers next season So, any words of advice / derision / mocking would be welcome but for now, I just wondered when the new season's temp roles are posted? Something is telling me January but this could be complete rubbish.*Awaits mocking*
  18. It would me completely impossible to manage but hilariously fun and brilliantly scary in the section around the back by Loggers Anyway, back to more realistic discussion!
  19. Now taking bets on Rocky's lifespan... :unsure:Edit: Just thought though, CCR's circuit would make one damn awesome scare zone next FN. Listening to Legions of the Dead gives me these thoughts. *Turns off*
  20. Inferno's area / queue are various bits of Saw music on loop, with Dream is Collapsing from Inception in the station. I should imagine the Experiment 10 music is custom for the attraction and thus not available anywhere (yet ). Not sure on Vortex.
  21. Blatantly making way for that 230 ft hyper along the back of the park Seriously though I'm sad to hear this; it isn't a trip to Thorpe without a trip on CCR! It's so nice and relaxing, and it has a really friendly atmosphere. Sad times
  22. AdamY


    This is why communicating with memes and nothing else doesn't work. I thought they were kinda outlawed? They are intensely annoying to have to look at in EVERY thread
  23. Well yes obviously, I never said we mattered more, I just work on the basis that when we're discussing rides on here, we mostly talk about what we think of them. Anyway, moving on, I took this yesterday... Yay for Swarm.
  24. Oh I totally agree, but given this is a thread on a forum called Thorpe Park Mania, discussing in detail the construction of a ride most people are barely aware of, I could have been forgiven for thinking we were talking from the 'fanboy' point of view.
  25. ^ Doesn't mean the Intamins are good in themselves, does it? When I find a good Intamin I'll give it the credit it deserves (I loved Cheetah Hunt), but the two we've been landed with are really nothing special.And regarding Inferno, I love it. Even having been on Montu, which is considered one of the best, I still get a thrill out of Inferno. It's what everyone always asks for - a solid coaster with no gimmicks, that just delivers. People seem to overlook whilst asking for that, the fact we already have one... And it's B&M, surprise surprise.
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