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Everything posted by Jord

  1. Jord

    Why are you not online on any decent way of contacting you mister :l

  2. Thank you for understanding my post. And 21st December 2012 is when it's 'supposedly' going to happen.
  3. Jord


    Slough's gotta be good it's on Railworks 2, just sayin'
  4. Jord

    Where's my bitches at? :l

  5. Bieber yes, but Cheryl Cole is way too overrated. Hilary Duff, now that's a girl
  6. The Mayans predict this ride will fail. Naa I like the advertising but it'd be hilarious if the world did end, ironic much?
  7. Jord


    Got through to the final stage of Apple's recruitment process xD Wish me luck?
  8. Enjoys the theme things for the beginning of rides >.>
  9. Jord


    When I last went on the ride it stopped at the Break runs for quite a long time, like every single break run it was there for ages. And you could hear other trains release from their break runs above you, and that made me panic. It's quite annoying because I didn't like just sitting there doing nothing in fear of another train going to hit you, but hey that's just me!
  10. Jord


    Hmmm I doubt my school will since I've already missed a term worth of work :L
  11. Jord


    Got invited to a Job Interview with Apple, might not be able to go to the one they invited me to coz it clashes with Sixth Form </3
  12. Jord


    To be honest, he said he enjoyed the conversation, and he didn't find it rude. I did not present it rude, I was opening him to a new way of thinking not challenging his beliefs or religion.
  13. Jord


    http://jord-meggzbitch.tumblr.com/post/1475286599/mormon-chatJust in case anyone's interested in my long argument with a mormon over homosexuality <3
  14. Jord


    I like X:\ No Way Out :l
  15. Last time I went we had this, I think they're just getting lazy at taking the bags into the bagging area. The woman was really stuck up when we went to give her our bags and told us to just keep them.
  16. Jord


    Standards at Waitrose are slipping Lol jokes <3 WELL DONE ELLIE
  17. Jord


    Nothing wrong with JB :|
  18. Jord

    tehehe you got one from me <3 You earned it ;)

  19. Jord


    Lols two HTTP:// fail
  20. Jord

    Oh god *facepalm* you know when someone post there's that little green + That means +rep ;) <3

  21. Jord

    You needed rep, so I plus repped you <3

  22. Jord


    Because it's you, I forgive you <3
  23. Jord


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