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Status Updates posted by TomW

  1. TomW

    Hey, thanks for accepting :D

  2. Given up with revising...

  3. TomW

    Haha thanks :D I will ;) How are you?

  4. Haha ikr! ;) HEY! How are you? :)

  5. Right, I need to come off this and revise for my exam, see you later Thorpe Park forum!

  6. I have accidently removed you as a friend D: Would you be able to add me back?

  7. I really should be revising, yet I'm on this. How fun :D

  8. I really want to go back to Thorpe Park! Having withdrawal symptoms ;)

  9. TomW

    Yeah I'm new too :)

  10. New to the forum, hope to start posting some good stuff!

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