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Posts posted by Smidget

  1. Hi all!


    So some of you are already aware that I am in my final year of university. A big part of the final year is a dissertation. My dissertation is a study and I would absolutely love it if you lovely people will participate!


    It's an online survey and should take you no more than 30 minutes. The only requirement for participation is that you are over 18. My study is looking at what factors determine the decision to release offenders. The link is below:




    It would massively help me out if people do participate; I need nearly 160 participants! I shall be eternally grateful (and you may well have just saved my life ;) )


    Thanks guys! 

  2. Already have something planned for the 6th (as does Ian) so unavailable for that date (although will be at Winter Wonderland so if it ends up that date maybe see you there!).


    As for the others I'm a total maybe. Work gets insanely busy around Christmas and I'm more than likely going to be working. I would ask for one of the weekends off but as I'm already asking for the 6th/7th off I doubt I'll get it.


    So I'm just going to leave it and hope I get whichever weekend it ends up being off. Although I would rather it be Saturday 13th December, as that's going to be quieter at work than the weekend after!

  3. I don't know anyone who has ever been inspected for not having a TV license either. Pretty sure a bunch of people in my first year were watching live TV in their rooms and didn't bother to buy a license...

  4. I may have read this wrong, but are you seriously ranting about a kid buying a can of relentless? :P


    My thoughts exactly! 


    Seriously though, does it matter if he bought Relentless? He's completely entitled to. Hell, when I was that age we all thought a can of energy drink made you instantly awesome. He clearly knows how to get the ladies. Leave him be.

  5. Not so much of a rant as such but...




    She popped out the first kid less than a month ago. My generation, folks  -_-


    Oh, I should add that the reason it won't be any time soon is because she is away from her boyfriend for a year. Judging by some of the comments on FB, my guess is he is in prison...

  6. Maybe I should specify a bit more...

    Some people are complaining about UKIP and saying X party should have won, but didn't vote. Some people didn't know who to vote for, so just didn't. It's the former group that are winding me up. If you knew who you wanted/would have preferred to gain the most votes, why didn't you just got ahead and vote?

    However, if you genuinely didn't know who to vote for, then I agree that it is probably best to not vote. Much better than voting UKIP because everyone else is, or randomly selecting a party from the ballot sheet.

  7. I voted Tories.

    So many people voted UKIP for our local, but it's ended up with no majority, so we're split now. Hopefully will be better than the Lib Dems closing every bloody public toilet in Southsea. For a tourist area that relies on the seafront, you would think public toilets would be something that is wanted/needed. Seemingly not.

    And urghhh at the people who are moaning about the outcome, but DIDN'T vote. I almost want to scream "well if you didn't want them in power, WHY didn't you go and vote?!"

    I really don't like people sometimes.

  8. A lot of people last year took the route of "Oh I only need 40%, I won't bother trying" and have found this year really difficult as a result.

    I did put effort in last year and finished the year with a 1st (even though it made no difference to my overall degree classification). I'm really glad I did that because this year the expectations were higher, the word counts were longer and it was just generally harder.

    So far my marks haven't been confirmed by the Unit Assessment Board, and I don't have any of my exam marks back yet but all my coursework marks have been 1st's. So long as they stay at 1st level, and one of my exams is a 1st (fingers crossed!), I only need to get a 1st in one unit next year to get a 1st overall (based on 1 method of calculation). My uni got rid of January exams so all exams are done in May, meaning some people end up with 5 or 6 exams at the end of the year and nothing much else for the rest of the year (I got lucky and only had 2 :P).

    Pretty happy with the position I'm in. The exams really stressed me out; I hope the stress was worth it!

  9. Asda doesn't even belong in England.

    GET THE **** OUT ASDA.


    That attitude. Damn.

    I still like Asda though. It's not its fault its parent is American.

  10. We always say "spillage is lickage" to the one who spilled the drink in the first place, therefore here YOU would have to drink the wine! ;)

    Anyway, hypocrites really grind my gears. I know everyone is hypocritical at times, but it's the ones who have the cheek to consistently complain about something, to only go ahead and do that exact thing ALL THE TIME! It amazes me how it's x thing when it's happening to/around them, but it's a completely different story when they are doing it.

    Oh and Matt - I had a similar thing cycling home from work the other week. I had just gone onto the path to stop outside my house when a random man started shouting at me, scaring the life out of a poor woman who was just in front of me. The woman turns around to see me, stationary and standing next to my bike, whilst this man is shouting at me for being on the path. I just ignored him and explained to the woman that we were almost outside my house, so she let me pass.

    I had no intention of mowing her down, in fact I was just going to walk behind her with my bike rather than try and bombard my way past her to get in the house. It was about 9am, I had been up since before 5am after very little sleep, but I was happy to wait the extra few seconds it would have taken for her to walk past my gate. Clearly this gentleman thought I had randomly decided to ride on the path, despite the fact that a few seconds earlier I had been happily cycling on the road.

    Portsmouth has some utter douches.

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