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Everything posted by SkySkream

  1. Octopus Gardens Closed This Year. Keep Up!!!
  2. SkySkream


    Ditto, I saw the show on its last ever perfomance booked it for my cousin and went...It was hilarious!
  3. I meant it in a good way. I think...
  4. I swear I heard a certain section of firestarter by the prodigy... COPYRIGHTED!
  5. Thank Yous, People Dont Worry...I Dont Need These Pics, I Know Its My BDay... But Seriously Tank You!
  6. I Love Milka...Seems Like Everyone Does...
  7. Its handy having you on here.Your like a bloody information point
  8. SkySkream


    As Much As This Completely Mocks My Faviroute Band / Artists Of All Time, I Love This.
  9. SkySkream


    Hey, I only like his dubstep stuff. Like remixes. But LP
  10. Oooh Its My BDay Tommorow Excited!
  11. SkySkream


    Blue Man Group Is Amazing! :)I Was Much Younger When I Saw Them, Going In I Thought I Was Gonna Watch Effiel 65
  12. SkySkream


    Linkin Park - A Thousand Suns Also Loving Example At The Moment. Stay Awake... Wow..
  13. I Didn't See Tidal When Original Source Sponsored It (what is original source?) But Yeah, I Agree, Doctor Peppers Awesome...
  14. Absoloutely amazing! I'm a keeno on retro and video games, so yeah this is just, wow.Havve you read the books, theyr'e even better and funnier! I've read all 6. Its sad in the last one
  15. SkySkream


    Yes, It Was Part Of My Childhood Too.It Is Amazing...I'm Talking About All This Boat Crap That's On Now.
  16. Am I meant to be saying:Ouch?
  17. It would be better if there was no sponsor atall and we could have the old effects back! But drench is a good idea. And one of my fave drinks!
  18. SkySkream


    Yes it was. I Like It But To Be Fair I Wasnt't Born Then I'm Saying For NOW Phineas And Ferb Is Better Than All This Zach And Cody Crap.iIts actually the only one thats funny...
  19. SkySkream


    no, what I meant was they replayed it in the thousands the old, very first one. Not the crappy actual 000's amazing x-men one or something...
  20. SkySkream


    Yes, Yes It Is.
  21. SkySkream


    Yeah, I remember them playing that in the early 000's when I was young and the other day my lil bro (who's obbsessed with this thing on disney xd called phineas and ferb, which is awesome actually I'm still a little kid at heart...) was watching disney xd and it came on,Felt a huge wave of nostalgia... still love x-men.
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