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Everything posted by SkySkream

  1. SkySkream


    Is. Disgusting.Edit: The video I mean, the songs good.
  2. SkySkream


    I know everyone don't like dubstep. And hard fi are actually so good :DAnd my earlier post wasn't me being serious
  3. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=skullcandy+skullcrushers&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=598&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=ADwZPruRsIUTFM:&imgrefurl=http://www.world-of-zune.com/skullcandy-headphones.html&docid=tCHDdYdrGVXoaM&imgurl=http://www.world-of-zune.com/image-files/skullcandy-skullcrushers-headphones.jpg&w=200&h=200&ei=fTScTtdJi86zBvSktI0E&zoom=1My new headphones, with subwoofers
  4. SkySkream


    No, no it didn't.It never does.
  5. Yeah I do spider-man...And NOW ANSWER MY QUESTION.Or Else.*glare*
  6. The Man!The Daft or The Punk?
  7. Upstairs, Downstairs.Fried Or Roasted Chicken?All these food related question are making me hungry.
  8. Kelly. I hate tulisa she's some horrible cheryl cole chavalike.Ok then um... Pie or Mash?
  9. SkySkream


    http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs439.ash1/24250_382412476805_9980651805_4317978_2074408_n.jpgI would actually KILL for these, but can't find them anywhere
  10. I agree, I hate kidney. And button ;)Fatboyslim or Slimboyfat?
  11. I still haven't done mine yet? Ok...10) 0ver the hill - Adventure Island (hehe.)9) Detonator - Thorpe.8) Loggers Leap - Thorpe Park.7) Rage - Adventure Island.6) Colossus - Thorpe.5) Nemesis Inferno - Thorpe.4) Space Mountain - Disney Land Paris 3) Rock N Rollercoaster - Disney Land Paris.2)Tidal Wave - Thorpe.1) Nemesis - Alton Towers.PS. When I finally get to america, I think pretty much everything will be wiped off this list
  12. Swarm anyday.Steak Pie or Chicken Pie?
  13. Just been reading this and it's strangley interesting, so I'll do a one: Badman or Hipster.
  14. Saw real steel yesterday. I personally didn't want to go and see it but my mate did. To me it looked like some cheesy crap.But it was actually a pretty good action movie with a good story to boot. 8/10.
  15. Linkin Park. And that means it finally changed :DEdit: lets continue: ^ Lady Gaga I guess, 3 / 10Don't give me slack people she's just not my cup of tea and I understand to most of you MCR isn't either.
  16. Or me ;)And Yep Nemesis, 10.ANd why hasn't my avatar changed?
  17. May I ask, what was playing on X and if you know can you post a link here. Thanks
  18. I don't really like black parade tbh, the song I mean.But the album is :oANd were going off topic so you, 7 / 10 it's cool enough and I like fury
  19. Well, the forums fricked up as on my computer it is clearly a white logo that says LP.And 5 outta ten, reasonable enough
  20. Tis' not MCR ;)Its Linkin Park.*waits for the"I don't like them either" response*
  21. SkySkream


    Knights of cydonia will always be one of the greatest songs ever.
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