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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. Bubbleworks (5) Dragon Falls (5) Dragon's Fury (9) Kobra (3) Rameses Revenge (8) Rattlesnake (5) Scorpion Express (0) Vampire (5) Scorpion OUT FURY + RESET Bubbleworks (5) Dragon Falls (5) Dragon's Fury (5) Kobra (5) Rameses Revenge (5) Rattlesnake (5) Vampire (5)
  2. Air (5) Duel (5) Gardens (4) Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (6) Nemesis (5) Oblivion (5) Ripsaw (5) Th13teen (5) Thirteen+ Ripsaw- A middle road flat ride shouldn't be regarded the best ride at the uk's main patk 24 hour rule
  3. The second clue makes me think it may well be an I'm a celebrityesque thing with the pushing out of the way and eating thing. Maybe we are going to see a rethemed Rapids.
  4. Air (5) Duel (6) Gardens (6) Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (5) Nemesis (6) Nemesis Sub-Terra (0) Oblivion (6) Ripsaw (6) Th13teen (5) Sub Terra Out! Gardens+ RESET Air (5) Duel (5) Gardens (5) Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (5) Nemesis (5) Oblivion (5) Ripsaw (5) Th13teen (5)
  5. Bubbleworks (5) Dragon Falls (5) Dragon's Fury (8) Kobra (3) Rameses Revenge (6) Rattlesnake (5) Scorpion Express (3) Vampire (5) Fury+ Kobra-
  6. Air (5) Duel (6) Gardens (5) Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (5) Nemesis (6) Nemesis Sub-Terra (2) Oblivion (5) Ripsaw (6) Th13teen (5) Gardens+ Sub terra-
  7. Aero Nomad (1) Atlantis Submarine Voyage (3) Boating School (3) Dino Safari (3) Dragon's Apprentice (3) Fairy Tale Brook (3) Fire Academy (3) Hill Train (3) Jolly Rocker (3) Laser Raiders (3) Lego Star Wars (3) Miniland (4) Orient Expedition (3) Pirate Falls Treasure Quest (3) Pirates of Skeleton Bay (3) Raft River Racers (3) Squid Surfer (3) Spinning Spider (3) The Dragon (4) Vikings' River Splash (3) Aero Nomad- Star Wars+ It's not time yet
  8. Surely it's a retheme of something (as opposed to a proper new ride)
  9. The Mockingjay whistle and Haynitch drinking Whisky ( )
  10. I should point out, my post above was literally a Mickey taker of recurring rumours every closed season and shouldn't ne taken seriously. But I'm sure what thorpe will get new this year will be worthwhile (especially with the big ride next year).
  11. I know exactly what thorpe are getting this year A top spin Vengeance Colossus repaint Plus tidal wave's fire is returning and Canada creek railway coming back These ideas are clearly original and are not like rumours that appear every closed season ;)
  12. Bubbleworks (5) Dragon Falls (5) Dragon's Fury (7) Kobra (5) Rameses Revenge (4) Rattlesnake (5) Scorpion Express (4) Vampire (5) Fury+ Ramesis-
  13. Aero Nomad (2) Atlantis Submarine Voyage (3) Boating School (3) Dino Safari (3) Dragon's Apprentice (3) Fairy Tale Brook (3) Fire Academy (3) Hill Train (3) Jolly Rocker (3) Laser Raiders (3) Lego Star Wars (3) Miniland (3) Orient Expedition (3) Pirate Falls Treasure Quest (3) Pirates of Skeleton Bay (3) Raft River Racers (3) Squid Surfer (3) Spinning Spider (3) The Dragon (4) Vikings' River Splash (3) Aero nomad- Dragon+
  14. Posted 35 minutes ago Air (6) Duel (5) Gardens (5) Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (5) Nemesis (5) Nemesis Sub-Terra (3) Oblivion (5) Ripsaw (6) Th13teen (5) Air+ Sub Terra -
  15. Bubbleworks (5) Dragon Falls (5) Dragon's Fury (5) Hocus Pocus Hall (1) Kobra (3) Rameses Revenge (8) Rattlesnake (5) Scorpion Express (6) Vampire (7) Hocus Pocus Hall- Scorpion +
  16. Air (5) Duel (5) Gardens (6) Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (5) Nemesis (5) Nemesis Sub-Terra (5) Oblivion (5) Ripsaw (6) The Smiler (2) Th13teen (6) Gardens+ Smiler-
  17. Air (5) Congo River Rapids (3) Duel (5) Gardens (6) Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (5) Nemesis (5) Nemesis Sub-Terra (5) Oblivion (5) Ripsaw (6) The Smiler (5) Th13teen (5 The Gardens+ Congo-
  18. Bubbleworks (5) Dragon Falls (5) Dragon's Fury (5) Hocus Pocus Hall (3) Kobra (5) Rameses Revenge (7) Rattlesnake (5) Scorpion Express (5) Vampire (5) Scorpion+ Hocus Pocus-
  19. Bubbleworks (5) Dragon Falls (5) Dragon's Fury (5) Hocus Pocus Hall (7) Kobra (6) Rameses Revenge (6) Rattlesnake (5) Scorpion Express (4) Tuk Tuk Turmoil (1) Vampire (6) Tuk Tuk- Vampire+
  20. Aero Nomad (3) Atlantis Submarine Voyage (3) Boating School (3) Dino Safari (3) Dragon's Apprentice (3) Duplo Valley Airport (2) Fairy Tale Brook (4) Fire Academy (3) Hill Train (3) Jolly Rocker (3) Laser Raiders (3) Lego Star Wars (3) Miniland (3) Orient Expedition (3) Pirate Falls Treasure Quest (3) Pirates of Skeleton Bay (3) Raft River Racers (3) Squid Surfer (3) Spinning Spider (3) The Dragon (3) Vikings' River Splash (3) Duplo valley airport- Fairy tale brook
  21. Bubbleworks (5) Dragon Falls (5) Dragon's Fury (5) Hocus Pocus Hall (6) Kobra (6) Rameses Revenge (5) Rattlesnake (5) Scorpion Express (5) Tuk Tuk Turmoil (3) Vampire (5) Kobra+ Tuk Tuk-
  22. Literally can't wait for this to open as the uk will (hopefully) finally get a World class park on the scale of Disneyland Paris & Universal Studios.
  23. Air (5) Congo River Rapids (5) Duel (5) Gardens (5) Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (5) Nemesis (6) Nemesis Sub-Terra (4) Oblivion (5) Ripsaw (6) The Smiler (7) Th13teen (5) Towers Ruins (2) Gardens+ Towers Ruins-
  24. Air (4) Congo River Rapids (2) Duel (5) Gardens (9) Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (5) Nemesis (5) Nemesis Sub-Terra (6) Oblivion (5) Ripsaw (6) Runaway Mine Train (0) The Smiler (5) Th13teen (5) Towers Ruins (6) RMT- OUT Towers ruins+ RESET Air (5) Congo River Rapids (5) Duel (5) Gardens (5) Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (5) Nemesis (5) Nemesis Sub-Terra (5) Oblivion (5) Ripsaw (5) The Smiler (5) Th13teen (5) Towers Ruins (5)
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