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Everything posted by Kerfuffle

  1. I hate to say it Charlie but that was meant to be Matt's turn. You're supposed to only go if you're guess on the last turn was correct. But as we're killing time here, I'll say 2.
  2. I suppose so...but then again I did advise using your TPM name as a nickname just to deem yourself recognisable.
  3. What's weirder is that I opened the link to find the game was being played by complete strangers! Hopefully there's a way to be a little more private in future...
  4. Okay so we'll give this a try. http://pyx-2.pretendyoure.xyz/zy/game.jsp#game=65 Password is TPM.
  5. Luck may be fickle, but if you can woo her to your side, the possibilities are endless!

  6. Ooh er time to reveal already! Fine I'm up! 1 was the lie...although it's actually partly true! Although I originally and also currently side with the Minutemen, I actually stumbled across the Brotherhood while exploring and eventually joined them...but a few days later, the quests they were sending me on became more and more difficult which led to me giving up and fast-travelling back to Sanctuary and the Minutemen in a huff! Since then, I've just been doing the Minutemen quests...but there is nothing wrong with being pitted against Raiders, Feral Ghouls and Super Mutants for the sake of other settlements! Anyway, enough of my Wasteland tales! I shall come quietly with the others! 2. Creating Happy Wheels levels is great in my books...but after creating my most ambitious level yet, "Vengeance", I decided to take a break. 3. Flights and accommodation aren't fully sorted yet...but heck is it happening next year!
  7. REVIVAL! 1. I currently side with the Brotherhood of Steel on Fallout 4. 2. I create Happy Wheels levels from time to time. 3. I'm going back to Florida next summer
  8. A brilliant game for the closed season! Hopefully there are some people out there who've played this! Otherwise, I shall explain below: Basically, the aim of the game is to simply come up with the funniest, dirtiest...or just the most ridiculous sentence! Each player is given a series of white cards, each with a random word or minor scenario. However, one player per round is "card czar", meaning they are in possession of a black card containing a sentence, often with a series of blank spaces. The other players must then put forward one or more white cards. The number of white cards to be submitted depends on how many the black card is demanding. For instance, if the sentence on the white card contains 3 blank spaces, then 3 white cards must be submitted. The card czar then has to decide on the funniest submission, which will ultimately win the round...and then the process repeats until a score limit has been reached, therefore ending the game. Example (the selection in italics represents the submission made by a player to the card czar): "Here is the church. Here is the steeple. Open the doors and there is an argument with Richard Dawkins" There's an online version of the game which we'll be using. After setting a nickname (preferably your TPM username), the game lobby will appear where you'll be able to create a private game by clicking the "Create Game" button in the top left corner. If you wish to create a game, post the link to the created game (with the password if one has been set) in this thread. The link to the site itself is below. http://pyx-2.pretendyoure.xyz/zy/game.jsp# (Note: This game contains strong language and other content some may find inappropriate. If this offends, I wouldn't recommend playing. But if you're after something seriously hilarious, then play away!)
  9. Sounds like someone at Chessington likes Five Nights at Freddy's 3 a little too much...
  10. Was an absolute pleasure to attend this! Apart from the slight problems getting there (rail works between Reading and Virginia Water. Just my lousy luck! ), I absolutely enjoyed myself. Thanks for another fantastic meet guys.
  11. Probably wouldn't be any point in even doing this ride game again anyway. All that matters here is that Slammer has finally come away empty handed. We are done here.
  12. Nemesis Inferno (4) Stealth (6) Inferno + Stealth -
  13. Loggers Leap (4) Nemesis Inferno (6) SAW- The Ride (5) Stealth (5) Inferno + Loggers -
  14. Loggers Leap (6) Nemesis Inferno (4) SAW- The Ride (6) Stealth (6) Tidal Wave (3) Inferno + Tidal Wave -
  15. Colossus (1) Loggers Leap (7) Nemesis Inferno (7) SAW- The Ride (4) Stealth (6) Tidal Wave (5) Stealth + Colossus -
  16. Colossus (3) Loggers Leap (6) Nemesis Inferno (6) SAW- The Ride (5) Stealth (5) Tidal Wave (5) SAW + Colossus -
  17. I do! The game is yet to be concluded! Colossus (4) Loggers Leap (5) Nemesis Inferno (6) SAW- The Ride (5) Stealth (5) Tidal Wave (5) Inferno + Colossus - EDIT: Seriously though, very well played to those who tried everything to save Slammer.
  18. Colossus (2) Loggers Leap (9) Nemesis Inferno (5) SAW- The Ride (5) Slammer (3) Stealth (6) Tidal Wave (5) Colossus + Slammer -
  19. Colossus (3) Loggers Leap (7) Nemesis Inferno (5) SAW- The Ride (5) Slammer (4) Stealth (6) Tidal Wave (5) Stealth + Slammer -
  20. Colossus (5) Loggers Leap (6) Nemesis Inferno (5) SAW- The Ride (5) Slammer (4) Stealth (5) Tidal Wave (5) Loggers + Slammer -
  21. Colossus (5) Detonator Bombs Away! (3) Loggers Leap (8) Nemesis Inferno (6) SAW- The Ride (5) Slammer (3) Stealth (5) Tidal Wave (5) Tidal Wave + Slammer -
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