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Posts posted by Hunter

  1. What confuses me is the lack of common sense within the department, Colossus has been running on one train over the whole of easter with no notice whatsoever that queue times will be extended, however as soon as the peak season ends, they decide to put a sign up notify people it's on a reduced capacity when it's going to have a smaller impact on guests?

    It's not going to be much of a problem throughout the next few off-peak weeks, as they would be running one train anyway even if they had two ready.

    Having put these signs up, they must be expecting Colossus to be on one train for the foreseeable future or for an extended period of time. It's not too much of a problem at the moment, as it hasn't hit over 100mins all easter, however if it is only operating one train during the summer months then we are going to see serious issues as it easily hits 140mins on two trains during the summer holidays.

    Everytime I went over easter holiday there was a member of staff out the front telling everyone that it was on reduced capacity so I'm assuming now its going back to off peak they don't have the staff to have someone out the front of the ride and thus put a sign up.

  2. Wonder if anyone can help me out, I am looking for the music they use to play in the stealth plaza before the new fright night music with the director came in


    it use to be on the thorpe park mania homepage but its not there anymore




  3. I've never quite understood why Thorpe sell fastrack at the entrance of a ride if the queue time exceeds 90 minutes. This happened when I went back in April, the queue time for Inferno was advertised as 90 minutes, and, as my friend had never been to Thorpe before and she wanted to ride it, we bought fastrack. We were let pretty much straight though up the stairs when we got to the fastrack entrance which shocked me a bit; yeah okay that's pretty much what you're paying for but the fact we got let straight into the queue seriously made me question how 'fair' the normal:fastrack riders ratio really is... I saw multiple times fastrackers being let straight in both before and after I went on Inferno and I know from my own experience in October that, on Inferno atleast, when fastrack is sold on the entrance 1) more fastrack is sold, obviously, and 2) way more fastrackers were being let in than what I would imagine they normally would. On that occassion I spent over 2 hours queuing for Inferno (although someone was sick on it and the park was busier due to FN) yet the normal queue hardly moved, whilst I saw a constant flow of fastrackers going up the stairs. I'd say that when Inferno's queue gets 'big' and they start to sell fastrack at the entrance atleast 2-3 rows are fastrackers alone per ride. I understand that, usually, those who buy fastrack are either those who have never been, or hardly go to Thorpe (in the case of my friend), or, are tourists, but I don't agree with the fact that they try to sell fastrack at the entrance, they literally stopped us and asked if we wanted to purchase fastrack as it'll take 'a third of the normal queuing time' yet we got on in 20 minutes front row, I personally find it rather ridiculous.

    I'd imagine that the tickets they're selling outside of rides are coming out of the overall allocation anyway?

  4. Another question. Can staff get shifts that don't start at 9/10 instead maybe 11/12? Or is the general shift always from opening to closing? I am guessing most shifts are the full day of the park plus the extra before and after?

    Also how does it work for staff after hours if say the staff are running one of the new rides, and the queue is long and the park closes at 5 does it work like Supermarket shifts where your just expected to keep working until all customers are gone and you are not paid, or are most shifts pre arranged for an extra hour after hours, etc?

    Depends which department you work for but there's usually an early shift and a late shift. You'll always be paid for the hours you work!

  5. Entrance improvements ahoy! - http://thorpeparkmania.co.uk/news/10-04-2014/Entrance-Improvement-Plans

    Hopefully this is the first step to a totally new entrance structure; would like to see the main ticket section given a bit of TLC soon too. :)

    Looks like this is starting to happen! A friend was at the park the other day and apparently all the signs on top of the roof (day tickets here, annual pass and hotel guests here) have been removed and they are digging in front of the turnstiles

  6. Why should famous people be treated any different to us? It's unacceptable and they only released it on the day via social media. People who booked online or didn't follow the pages would be stuffed, then at £48pp that's very poor!

    It does say in the park terms and conditions that all rides are subject to availability. My friend was there that day and apparently on all the queue time board things it had a message saying that Stealth would be closing that day and she got to meet Stavros Flatley too.

    Don't see the issue

  7. They are trying to cash in on younger hotel guests and this is a good thing, but I do wonder how long this will be the case before several groups of 16-18 year olds get up to no good and spoil it for everyone.

    Don't get me wrong, there are some very responsible 16-18 year olds, but they won't be able to drink alcohol in the dome, so what are the chances they bring alcohol into the hotel and have a room party? Of course 18+ will do the same, but at 18 they are adults and responsible for their own actions.

    The type of guests you get a Alton Towers, Legoland and Chessington are couples, families, where Thorpe will naturally attract teens on a birthday weekend out with friends who are just out to have a good laugh with little or no respect to guests in adjacent rooms. Many times in Orlando we had noisy teens when an entire school/college brought a few hundred kids.

    The same rules were in place last year if I remember correctly, so I don't think it'd be that much of a problem!

  8. Hi all, I have received the email back after applying as a rides host however the email says that due to the child working regulations that surrey county council enforce upon employers in the area we currently have a limited number of positions we can offer to candidates who have not yet finished their GCSE's (child workers). However it says they were impressed with me at the assessment centre an interview and have kept my application and put me on hold in the event that they have any candidates drop out before or during the 2014 season.. Soooo gutted :( Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I received something similar a couple seasons ago and I didn't hear anything back then one day during early summer I phoned up HR and asked if they had an update for me and they offered me a job there and then, had to go in for an induction next day!

  9. No ones mentioned how you can't work on rides at thorpe until you're 18. and if you are younger you can only work in food and beverages. I plan on working weekends at Chessington when I turn 17 and moving to thorpe for full time when I turn 18.

    You can pretty much work in any seasonal department (apart from security obviously) if you're 16+, to operate rides you have to be 18.

  10. I couldn't find a relevant post beforehand so here goes, and this was meant to be for Alton Towers, but easily transferable to Thorpe, Chessington, Legoland, etc.

    After I got back from the Fireworks I realised how upsetting it was that the season has come to an end, and it got me thinking, for most people the end of the season is just the end of the season and that's it, nothing is ever celebrated about the achievements of the year, and I saw this last year from BBC F1, and I thought, Alton Towers could easily do the equivalent for the season. Here is the BBC F1 Season take about a minuet to watch it;


    Imagine if Alton Towers did this at the end of their season, but imagine the park empty, staff closing/shutting down the rides and queue lines, and perhaps following one member of staff who looks back towards the towers/General Park before he/she walks out leaving the season..."see you in 2014".

    However the video could incorporate everything from the year from the snow/Christmas, Concerts, Fireworks, Scarefest the open season and all the new rides, attractions and shops/restaurants.

    This could also be done throughout the year for each individual event ie Christmas/Ministry Club Nights, Scarefest/Fright Nights, Fireworks, Concert and general season.

    What does this do?

    Its an excellent marketing tool, promotes the park, advertises the park, and gives you that lump in your throat thinking, "I don't want the season to have ended, I can't wait for 2014", and I think this is what the video would do, and imagine this video on the websites homepage.

    Hope you enjoy, and ponder on the idea.

    They do something very similar but only the staff see it at the end of year party, obviously the quality isn't amazing and if it was to be shown to the public they'd have to get a proper camera crew in with editing which would probably be very expensive.

  11. I was at the park on saturday and got talking to a girl outside one of the rides about how things work, she said that if they think the queue is shorter or longer than what is advertised then they phone through to the ride and ask them to update it. I asked her tongue in cheekly if she'd be told to shout and scream at every guest walking into the queue, she got quite defensive! Apparently they aren't told how to directly sell and their selling technique is up to them

  12. I meant it how it's a coincidence that the queue line was stating 45 mins when it was more like 20 - the person selling fast tracks would have known this, so therefore is willingly selling fast tracks next to an incorrect queue time?..

    Other than going into the actual queueline and looking how long it is, how would they know how long the queue is?

  13. Commercial is umbrella which includes Retail. Well, that's me proven wrong then.

    Marketing run Sales & Info at towers, and pretty certain they run them at Chessie as well. But now I feel wrong ;)

    At Thorpe, Commercial consists of retail, sales and f&b.

    Marketing is a corporate department which does not have seasonal members of staff working on-park

  14. ^Is that in favour of fastrack, coming from a fastracker then? Getting front row of every other car is awful.

    Don't blame poor retail benin, fastrack come under Marketing dept in all the parks bar lego, where it's concessions. Poor guys.

    Just to point out that retail do not sell fastrack - sales do. Sales do not come under marketing they come under commercial.

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