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Everything posted by MarkC

  1. Most people solving the Rubix cube at the same time - Recored broken 17 November 2012 in the 02 areana Soo who got it right and if no one, who are you nominating?
  2. Here's how to Play 1. The first poster will ask a question which prompts the next poster to choose one of the two items. 2. Post your choice in bold. 3. Once you have posted your choice, skip a line and post the next question. 4. Let's keep it Christmas related! If you want, you can add a photo of your choice, or add a photo of your options. Be Creative! So here goes: Making Snowmen OR Making Snow Angels?
  3. I'm going to have to agree with pluk Air (6) Battle Galleons (5) Congo River Rapids (5) Duel - The Haunted House Strikes Back (5) Enterprise (4) Heave Ho! (0) Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (6) Ice Age The 4D Experience (5) Marauders Mayhem (5) Nemesis (7) Nemesis: Sub-Terra (7) Oblivion (6) Old MacDonald's Singing Barn (3) Ripsaw (6) Rita (5) Riverbank Eye Spy (4) Runaway Mine Train (5) Sonic Spinball (4) Sharkbait Reef by SEA LIFE (5) Skyride (5) The Flume (5) The Gardens (5) The Towers (5) Th13teen (7) - heave ho +sub terra
  4. Discuss anything to do with the brand new SW7 themed bedrooms coming to the resorts hotel's next year. You can discuss: What style the bedroom will have? Which hotel will these rooms be placed in? How much will these rooms cost? What are your opinions on them and would you stay in theme? So basically all of the above and whatever you wan't to say about them. Here's the quote from the TowersStreet website sort of confirming these rooms:
  5. You can also hand feed the giraffes at longleat, for some reason I dont think chessington will be doing this... too much effort.
  6. MarkC

    The Banning Game

    Banned for NOT supporting Chelsea!
  7. http://www.facebook.com/TheDungeonMasters
  8. There does not appear to be one out there so I have decided to start to make one! Any name ideas?
  9. MarkC


    Little Bo Peep?
  10. You haven't visited Disneyland every year since your birth?
  11. MarkC


    Your life won't be complete without me
  12. MarkC


    Soon you won't be screaming on loggers leap if they take the tunnel away!
  13. I think your favourite cider is not Henry Westons EDIT: beaten by mer :/
  14. MarkC


    Don't worry mer, just do yours Your under arrest mer Travel --------- cccccc
  15. MarkC


    Robin Hood? Think I have heard this one before
  16. Nemesis Inferno (4) Rush (4) Stealth (4) The Swarm (8) Rush - Stealth +
  17. Here is another rather addictive game! Post 2 true facts about yourself and one lie in any order and the others playing the game have to say which one is a lie! The first person to get it right has to then post 2 facts and one lie and the process repeats again! You can only post after there has been 3 turns between your last go! I shall start: 1) I have thrown up on stealth 2) I am a world record holder 3) I have a pet dog
  18. Could it be vengeance? It looks like it will fit and venegence does 'turn'
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