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Everything posted by MarkC

  1. Just wondering what is the minimum age to go into fright nights without a adult/guardian and will you need to bring ID to prove age or will my age on my annual pass be enough?
  2. Well transformers in on the list so why cant they build the Transformers 4D ride in the uk
  3. '' It's less than TWO DAYS until Fright Nights arrive at THORPE PARK and the Governor of THORPE PARK Penitentiary has arrived! Rumour has it that he's got a twisted sense of humour, and inmates who are brave enough to beat him at his own game may be handsomely rewarded.....'' This was posted on the Facebook page! Sound interesting! your thoughts?
  4. This topic is purely just for Fright Night reviews! Write your reviews for the rest of the community to view! Hope you all have a spooktacular time at Fright Nights 2012 and that you share all your scare filled experiences! -Cookie Dough A.K.A - Mark
  5. Thanks Scary I edited
  6. Seems like they have updated their messege BEFORE: AFTER: Difference 1: The price has changed on the newspaper Difference 2: The text has changed on the newspaper Difference 3: The article name has changed Difference 4: The newspaper name has changed Difference 5: MOST EXCITING, the countdown is sooner
  7. Just a question am I a 'Repeat meet peeps / frequently active posters' Cos I dont want to be a scrape if I put my name down
  8. Have a spooktacular time
  9. The park sounds epic! Decent coasters (hopefully) attractions for all ages and even a cinema by the sounds of it! Hopefully this will give merlin a nice kick up the bum and see the theme parks in the uk much improving!
  10. They have updated their site! Check it out @ http://www.chessington.com/plan-your-trip/halloween-hocus-pocus.aspx
  11. Hey Guys Another photographic clue about THE PASSING has appeared on their Facebook Page! Check it out below!
  12. MarkC

    The Smiler

    Is possible for them to change their theming plans and if so do they need to re submit the plans?
  13. Looking at the bottom right of the plans maybe they will have a boy in striped pyjamas ride/attraction
  14. MarkC

    2013 Changes

    There are currently plans for a new 2013 ride by the sounds of it! Taken from the THORPE PARK OFFICIAL facebook page, Sophiiee Gellender I'm a little disappointed Thorpe so wondered if you could help me out...you see around this time in the year you're usually well and truly promoting and advertising the next new ride, in this case for 2013, but for some reason there has been no advertising this year when, as far as I knew, I thought the plan would be to build 1 ride minimum per year, and when it wasn't a coaster, you'd put some form of flat ride in to keep interest in the park? Is there going to be a new attraction next year or are you sticking with the same old? Which are brilliant but some are dated and need to be brought back to life a bit-presentation wise and mechanically (lots of down time ) please help me understand this as I know many Thorpe Park fans wanting to know the answer to the same question Thanks xxxx Like · · 7 hours ago near Sutton Scotney, United Kingdom <p> Chris Richards, Ley Kimber and Emily 'nugget' Dowling like this. THORPE PARK Official We've got lots planned for next year Sophiiee, all will be revealed soon.... 3 hours ago · Like · 3
  15. MarkC


    They are getting rid of it and replacing it for this:
  16. MarkC

    The Smiler

    Iv'e been wondering how do these fit in with the sanctuary?
  17. I'm sorry guys I didnt know how to do a spoiler and I was just sharing some info that I thought some of you would already know
  18. I'm going on the day before it opens (Thursday) shall be taking pictures
  19. The countdown till fright nights is drawing to a close! Soon the topic will be moved to the normal Thorpe park page! Who's looking forward to The Passing and riding the superb THE SWARM in the dark?
  20. The first ever horror maze to have a shop:
  21. It has been said somewhere before Tinie
  22. yes ive been in hell-Ements on Saturday I am suprised thorpe park haven't heard of it being reasonably close to Tulleys farm! Btw this is a video of Hell-Ements:
  23. Wait did they even say it will be a worlds first? I swear I read something about it
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