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  1. Not much more to add to Josh's informative answer, except, it cannot have three trains on track.
  2. Sadly a young lady was injured at Canada's Wonderland on Thursday having fallen from "Swing of the Century". It seems she may have suffered from a medical issue. The press, as usual, have started to stir things with "The incident marks the latest in a number of amusement park-related incidents in recent months" but fail to add that the majority are due to guests actions. Stay safe folks, and that means, avoid the press. Hope that the young lady recovers.
  3. As I intimated, my other main hobby is Aviation and luckily recently I combined a trip to Seattle with Toronto, and as we have discussed, things change; very few aircraft collections/museums now provide guides and likewise with theme parks. I was aware of fellow coaster enthusiasts who used to collect those guide/plans and for them, a major part of our hobby has gone. The comment from these establishments is "it's online".
  4. Well worded and containing reflections of many of our thoughts. Oddly enough, the improvements in technology and availability of the contact, has disintegrated some forums and clubs, with splinter groups becoming cliques no longer open to "all members"; I have seen it with aeroplane clubs as well as coaster clubs, no doubt this applies to many hobbies. We all have a variety of interests and levels of knowledge which, in the older formats, could and would be shared with wider audiences. Enjoy your hobbies.
  5. As an ERT it was disappointing, as a ride it is brilliant. It's okay for me as I live locally but many members travelled a long way and had paid. What adds to the annoyance is how late the ride opened to the general public with staff members re-riding the "test" runs; not tactful.
  6. Fair comment Josh, so perhaps I'm being selfish, my thoughts only.
  7. For me yesterday, I found it extremely frustrating that they chose to remove a train at the beginning and during the ERS, then still sent an empty test train. Sadly this is similar to another certain English park that gradually reduces the amount of available seats by placing the sandbags on board in preparation for the following mornings tests. When it comes to throughput I cannot see TP being bothered as they have a limited capacity, and any people in the park have already paid, they don't have to worry.
  8. The ride you are on is the best in the world, at that moment.
  9. Yesterday, Sat. 6th, just as chaotic on platforms, with no-one batching. Staff in the bag room have to work hard, well done them.
  10. Two trains yesterday, Saturday.
  11. Me too on the "event" which was a little frustrating at times, so yes, I have finally ridden Hyperia. I think it is an outstanding roller coaster with some unique tracking. I do like the restraint. No doubt many will make adverse comments but it is what we have, it is great, and it cannot be changed, enjoy it. I don't think one can compare it to other rides, it is unique, in my opinion.
  12. I've not been to Heide Park for years and I think we spent most of the time riding wood; Scream is a 338' drop and must be brilliant.
  13. That was the way Drayton Manor's Apocalypse went. That was a shame with the options of floorless, sitting or standing, and at 177', it was brilliant, Detonator's drop is 115'.
  14. Apparently this is one of possibly three rides that, due to being older, requiring parts that need replacing though there is no company making the parts. As elsewhere, if a ride is unique even though that may only be in dimensions in the infrastructure, the cost of repairs becomes exhorbitant. The same reason we lost Slammer.
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