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About Styles

  • Birthday 08/26/1996

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  • Favourite ride
    Intimidator 305
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Cedar point

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  1. I don't think I will be able to make this meet as it's the day after I come back from Cumbria, also I think I might be working, if so I sure I will see you guys around
  2. I am 110% up for this meet, only issue is that I will be working this season and I might have uni exams, so hopefully I will have the days free.
  3. Just found out I got the day of work, so I will definitely be there but only for the evening :-)
  4. I'm a maybe for all dates apart from Sundays when I will definitely come along
  5. I will be there but I will have to leave early as I have work in that day
  6. As I'm free l have my weekends back now, I wil be up for it. But I might have to take out a bank loan for winter wonderland lol Looking forward to it
  7. When I went krake had the longest but most days everything was 20 mins max
  8. I have just come back from 4 nights at heide park and I have to say the park is amazing ' It is well maintained with loads of Gardens and green area all around the park. The rides are amazing there , the new wing coaster Flug is 10x better then the swarm I rode it about 9 times 4 times at the front the air time hill is pretty crazy. I also thought scream was very good the best drop tower I have been on so far you really get a lot if force comeing down. Limt is not as rough as people say I kinda enjoyed it, big loop I didn't really like as I hit my head had after the second loop :'( which really hurt . Krake was one of my favourite as you get air time after the inversion which felt really good. Desert race was a big let down as it was to smooth for me plus I am a big fan of Rita which I s think is better. The best ride there is Colossos which is my favourite ride now the air time you get on that is crazy , the frist time I ride it my lap bar wasen't all the way down so I got loads of sir time but nearly fell out. The helix is really rough but is great I have to say this trip to heide park was really good and I recommend others to go along is the beets Merlin park I have been to. Plus the hotel is really good
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