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Posts posted by pognoi

  1. To be honest I too agree that this years rides have been the roughest I've experienced.

    I never understood why people moaned when they went on it until I went on it with the JW group back in late march.

    I came off not wanting to ride it again that day, I couldn't walk straight for 20 paces and I had to keep shaking my head because I felt stunned.

    I always went on with people who are taller then me (cos I'm a midget 5'1) and they have come off saying it hurts their heads, but I didn't get it. This year was the first time my head was thrown about on the ride.

  2. To be honest the only real significant interest for me is the new structures that have been made. Detonator is probably my least favourite ride, I find the drop gut wrenching in an un-enjoyable manner, and only ride it if I am in a really good mood or have an incentive. To be honest, dodgems/bumper cars are all the same. Sure its fine and swell thorpe now has one, but I've been on others before.

    A 4D cinema is a 4D cinema. The video will probably be a mix up of some scenes from the angry birds cartoon series. I've watched all of them as I find them interesting and a good time waster to watch. Even if it isn't, there's only so far you can go with birds being flung at pigs that want to steal eggs.

    The signage, however, I find interesting. People will destroy me for what I previously just said, but I think it's always interesting seeing a 2-D thing coming out to 3-D. I'll enjoy drooling at the sign, asking myself how the artists can make things which we're so used to being on screens looks similar, but we're able to touch, get panorama's and see the shades and such. Sometimes this doesn't work, but from what I've seen so far, the modelers have done a great job on redisigning commonly found objects and characters in the game to be appropriate for a still life action scene.

    If you tl;dr, this is basically a pointless ramble about how much I love signs.

  3. ^ I agree. What's the point in having a launch coaster with a top hat if there's a ride just across the way which is taller, longer, and possibly faster. Just the launch.

    It's like you don't see TTD or Kingda getting any taller neighbours any time soon, and even smaller top hats like zaturn or xcellorator are still the highest points of the park.

    By seeing this, and suspecting that due to Stealth's height and launch, I doubt we'll get any launch/tall/major thrill coasters with the next rollercoaster installment. It will probably be family orientated, or a bit tame compared to the likes of nemesis inferno and Colossus.

    Thorpe now have

    a good range of flat rides,

    several inverting rollercoasters,

    a launched, tall coaster.

    If you look at all these, it screams 'Hell yeah, if you love rollercoasters, come buy a tent and live here!!'

    But if you are a fairly young family, you'd be going to other parks like legoland or chessington.

    They need a ride like those at chessington, to sort of finish off the look.

    'Hell yeah, we can accomidate g-force junkies, and the rest of the family can have fun too!'

    Or atleast that's the way I see it.

  4. A couple screens from the work Silv has done.
    I am in love with this park file, I shall never let it go!

    (let it go, let it go, can't hold it back any moooOOoorree... JACK WHAT HAVE YOU DONE)







    Some comments would be nice guys!

    A quick update on whats happening, and whats left to do:

    Supports: 80% complete (need to support final airtime hill and helix)
    scenery 95% complete ( couple of minor details to add, including some lighting)
    The rest is pretty much finished, including the structures, layout and the wonderful, glorious foliage Silvarret has mastered.

  5. The immelman or whatever in the last picture looks hideous. I could make something nicer out of match sticks and pritt stick.

    I really liked the look of medusa, outlaw run and the new texas giant, but Goliath in particular has left me in doubt. It looks so grid like, all the inversions have no swerves leading up to it and honestly it looks so simple and dully designed the creator must have opened up RCT3 and been like 'Maek me dis layowt plx'.

    Honestly its a real let down to the company. I would still like to see an RMC in the UK but one similar to Goliath would make me cry rather then make me jump for joy.

  6. In the Alpine forests of East Switzerland lives a beast of enigma...


    The villagers so scared, so terrified, they stayed below Stollen Mountain forever.


    'Don't go out, stay indoors!' The villagers say. 'Stay here, or go away... Whatever you do, don't go up that way...'


    Pointing to the mountain, with the forest and plateau, lives a beast, rarely seen, yet here, anything but un-known.


    Scientists, explorers, and hikers all go up there... but then..


    They are never, ever, seen again.


    In the shadow of stollen mountian, there is a misty town called stollenwurm


    Haunted, every night, by the ghastly patzelwurm.


    Toof:OMFGGG!!!1111! Toof made something? I made something? Silv :Shut up I did most of it.

  7. Ha thanks Peaj :P

    Anyway, due to the time placement of the newly cropped up towers meet, (which unfortunately falls on the weekend where I planned to visit thorpe with you guys) I will have to change the date of the Thorpe meet. It'll either be a week before AT or a week after, gives you a chance to meet everyone if you can't get up to towers, but then again still anyone is welcome. I'd love it it you're all still able to attend!

    So the dates for the New thorpe park 'TRIP' are the 21st/22nd of June, or the 5th/6th of July. Preferably sundays but I have no issue with either!

    PS is there a way to add polls to already started threads?

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