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Everything posted by HermanTheGerman

  1. Considering the current condition and age of the Tomb Blaster sets and infrastructure, it's surprising to note that the floor of the sets is actually safe to stand on.
  2. I agree, but that site cannot ever be used for a coaster. That land is outside the park's major development boundary and is very close to a public footpath, meaning that noise restrictions would be a major issue. Not to mention the fact that its green belt land. The same applies for the picnic field south of Pirates' Cove and the Explorer Car Park. The only sites really viable for major coaster are within the current boundaries of the park, which I'm sure you'll agree are all pretty cramped. Then there's the issue of height but that's a whole other story. The only locations really open for a coaster development are inside Land of the Dragons and obviously Toadie's.
  3. Looks sufficient! Now the real question is, are these the proposed "Chessington Lodges" or the "Safari Camp"? The idea of tents would indicate that's it's the latter, but surely that would make more sense in the lawns north west of the Safari Hotel? Ahh well, at least we know what we're getting. Also, the consent is only temporary, stating that the tents will be present for a maximum of five years. Interesting.
  4. Tomb comes above the rest because the others are structurally sound... Ish.
  5. Less, definitely less. I would assume there's a difference of around 200 per day.
  6. So I was at the village fair the other day with my family, and as I was riding The Twister with my aunty, some scented smoke was released which smell of strawberries and oranges. Anyway, after a few seconds, she said "ooh, that smells of the Bubbleworks", which I thought was quite cool, especially seeing as she hasn't been to Chessington since 1995.
  7. Everything about the post implies that it's for Howl'O'Ween, it's just that the timing seems a little early. Normally we don't see this sort of thing until very late August at the earliest. Oh well, either way, it still looks like it could be linked to the Tomb Blaster replacement.
  8. They really need to get some form of injunction to shut the media up. They are literally lying to people now "80 people left stranded upside-down at Alton Towers", nothing even remotely similar occurred! There's no denying that this is seriously damaging the park's reputation, and therefore, Merlin's revenue.
  9. Urrrrgh, I hate Gozee. Why on earth they scrapped Chase but not him I'll never know. Zufari's story is so weak as it is, that to be honest, nobody even realises there's a plot or even a main character until they approach the cave, and even then they're too preoccupied with taking pictures of the Rhinos that the suspense loosed all effect. Removing Chase only slightly hinders an already patchy plot. If they were smart (who knows, they might have been before two budget cuts), then they would have just introduced Chase and the "Zufari region" in the base camp, with the clip repeating every time a new batch is send trough (batches big enough to fill the room but not spilling out to the outside). At least that would cover the sudden appearance of Chase. Then of course comes the cave with its random water effects with no explanation. Something like this really relies on a strong story to make sense, but with the whole conservation image stuck on the attraction, a calm theme and explosive story are never going to work well together. Unless they really build up on it as a mysterious, uncharted area of Africa, the cave and the entire plot of the attraction will always feel a little sketchy.
  10. To be honest, I actually like this decision. Not in the sense that I think it's an improvement, but I mean staggering openings on a weekday is far from unreasonable. Its not as though they've gone and shut particularly vital rides *cough*Skyride*cough*. Closing the water rides saves an awful load of money, especially when considering that Tidal is the most expensive ride to run in the park (I think). As for the others, well that just makes sense, Angry Birds and Rocky Express are just about the least popular attractions in the park, and well Slammer and Samurai need all the rest they can get.
  11. Seriously? I know you may dislike the ride and the park as a whole, but this seems quite cold hearted. This must be horrible for the keepers though, the animals must have been like pets to them, and I personally can't stand it when an animal has to be put down.
  12. Nooooo, that would never get my vote. The reason the whole "Marmalising" theme works is because, (in a similar way to Oblivion) no one can really tell what's actually going on. The idea behind a nation full of smiling citizens seems totally innocent at first, until you merge it with the whole mechanical undertone and twisted persona of the attraction, making a unique contrasting atmosphere. The shop videos convey this idea excellently. The majority of the video just shows the two actors presenting the products and all seems fine, until one of them says "The Smiler", at which point we see the ride as something far more evil and strange. Its the sinister undertone that makes The Smiler work in my opinion. Is it just something to make you smile, or is something much greater at large? Are you unknowingly surrendering yourself to a lifetime of advocation towards the Ministry of Joy? Or is it just all for fun? I know Merlin like to use the whole "its physiological" to all of their coasters now, but to me, The Smiler is the only one where it is actually effective. Not to say anyone actually believes in the theme, that would be mental. But what it does do, is add an extra edge, it gives it that lure that makes it a little more special than the other coasters in the park. As other's have said (?) it is certainly the strongest and most interesting brand to have hit the park since Oblivion, it would be a shame to see it diluted so quickly.
  13. Surely re-naming it would only create worse headlines?
  14. Emphasis on the word "may". To be honest, it's like when they say "kills up to 99.9% of bacteria". All it really means is "we have no clue, and are just dressing it up to get your attention." The article title is nothing more than clickbait. Simple.
  15. Lodge Gate is now for hotel guests and VIP parking as of this season. Hence the £10 charge.
  16. I was under the impression that they were hoping expecting the ride to last the next ten years. Or am I getting confused with something else?
  17. The funny thing is that until halfway through last year, the current management team didn't think there was anything wrong with Skyway, other than its appearance obviously. Though the shambles that was the ride last year though has hopefully brought something forward.
  18. Can we all just appreciate the fact that the Marmaliser screen has actually been turned off for once.
  19. For now... But they could of course blame Gerst later on for creating a ride system that could be so easily overrided. The whole "we take full blame" thing is likely just for PR purposes and to get the victim's claims delt with. If they feel that they have a strong case against Gerstlauer, then they could get all the money lost back in a swift law suit.
  20. Oh my yes! If that actually goes ahead then it might just give me some hope about the park.
  21. Does anybody know what "enhanced procedures" has meant so far on the other Merlin coasters? Towers Times reported that yesterday trains were not being sent until the other (all coasters only running 2) had fully returned to the brakes. If this is the permanent solution then that's a bit of a bummer and a massive over reaction.
  22. I have to say, the way Merlin have handled this situation has been extremely professional and thoughtful. Not once have they done a Six Flags and tried to shift they blame, they have acted with the utmost integrity. Actively instructing the injured to take legal action is not something I ever thought we'd see in this country, let alone from Merlin.
  23. What does "extra safety protocols" mean though? Surely it's not running the coasters permanently on reduced capacity? Or waiting to dispatch until after the previous car has passed the first set of brakes? That would be beyond dire.
  24. The woman in that interview should be lynched.
  25. ^ I know Merlin's (old) Senior Project Manager who told me why he was given the sack.
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