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Everything posted by HermanTheGerman

  1. No, I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying its sad, that despite all the rubbish they continue to throw at you (Tomb Blaster refurb, Sub-Terra, Zufari, The Smiler, "Ghost Train is not creatively ready" which is a total lie) you still support them, and act as if they're working the hands of god bringing us all these wonderful attractions. Why do you think Ghost Train will be any better than all those projects I've just listed? They've already lied to you and said there's "creative troubles" when the ride is just plain broken. Stop defending them and their mediocrity. Again, like Archive, I'm not being negative because "it's Merlin, ooooooo". This is just really how it is. Why does such a backwards company, who don't have a clue how to really make a good show, get all this defense? Its just baffling.
  2. Ha, well their entire "catching the mouse" scheme (yes, that's its actual name) just simply revolves around opening a million new midway attractions. Take away all the Madame Tussauds, Sea Life and other things, and they're a far smaller company. Surprised? Nope. Oh yes, you're right. Guest enjoyment is at the heart of every Merlin project. And Tomb Blaster's new Maplin lights are so revolutionary. God, aren't we lucky.
  3. Vampire is still "the ride" after two and a half decades as its the only ride built at the park in twenty six years to have the right fundamentals behind its design. Sure, its awfully built for access and throughput, but all that hardly matters. If you simply put your mind to the entertainment, and work hard to get a show that truly works, people will be amazed. These same people then come and visit twenty years on with their own kids, and we have the situation we see today. Its the beautiful Gothic drama and perfectly executed showmanship that helps it stick in people's minds and give them memories to last a lifetime. All this is pretty evident in the fact that the attraction is so popular, when to be frank, the roller coaster itself is rather naff. Ever wondered why the park have so many old rides around? Or why they have to desperately try and get people to ride Zufari? Its because since around 1995, they've completely lost their way in the sense of what actually makes a good theme park ride. Nobody need worry about "omg, what if they remove the Vampire???!?!?? " because they're too scared to do such a thing, for they haven't a clue how to replicate something so special. They don't actually know how to put on a good show. So the Vampire will still be "the ride" until someone realises its not just "a fan favourite" or "oh, well its our big rollercoaster isn't it, of course it will be popular" and actually looks to see what makes it so special. Maybe it won't be so popular though if they continue to carelessly rip the soul out of the station... You know, the bit that actually impresses people...
  4. All the ghosts broke free inside and ate all the construction workers And Derren Brown
  5. Not if what's causing this "creative dealy" (its nothing of the sort) doesn't go away and the ride ends up being given-up on, a la Sub Terra
  6. This. Its upsetting, but for people who actually care about the park, and have fond memories of it for the real reasons, you better give up hope soon. I'm sorry. Its sad. Really sad. But its going the same way as Legoland, only worse. You wait. Soon fundamental parts of the park you never though would leave will be ripped appart and replaced by Heartlake City style garbage that's "cool" or "trendy" or "popular with children". Nobody will use their brain or think of their own idea. Nobody will use drama or real showmanship. Nobody will create something that's truly entertaining. Everybody will just use external IPs to destroy the memories of your childhood, and annihilate what little magic was left. Its not intentional, but just you wait. A big shock is coming, not a good one. Say goodbye before it hurts you most. Farewell Chesssington. :* Goodbye
  7. Isnt it ironic that this year's only new fence not made from wood is the only one that would have looked good like that
  8. Aw, I like this topic. Its rather sweet
  9. Good lord they're awful. Tomb Blaster on three trains in the Easter Holidays (that's its minimum by the way), Zufari on two or three, Rattlesnake taking 55 minutes from the cave, management must be embarrassed surely? You have to question if they even consider guest experience at all. I feel sorry for anybody who visits these days. It gets worse year on year, yet the park do nothing about it. Its a wonder they get any trade at all anymore. But its ok guys, a bunch of pandas on some garden decking from B&Q, or a "stage" as they like to pretend, will sort all that out. Never you worry.
  10. Just because two Merlin Top Spins have closed does not mean Rameses Revenge will be going too. Look at it's dreadful current state, it's been like that for years, breaking down every 10 minuets and needing parts replaced 24/7, if they were going to take it out, they would have done so years ago. The fact of the matter is it's simply too expensive to take out of that pit. It's virtually part of the ground. And would make such a mess of the landscape so it won't go until a bigger ride can be built in it's place. Plus anyway, we all need a good castration from time to time.
  11. Generally speaking, Chessington is in much better condition appearance wise than the other Merlin parks; its the dreadful management, clueless decisions and "oh that'll do" attitude that lets it down. Not great for a theme park, but it IS excellent for a laugh. The brilliant reason this year's new ride was cancelled and the hilarity that is Tomb Blaster come to mind... Its still a nice place to visit though if you can appreciate it for what it is.
  12. Who doesn't love white LED light?! It virtually screams "WE'RE CHEAP, WE'RE CHEAP", perfect really.
  13. The new Sweet Shop is dreadful this year. Why ruin the cute and pretty exterior that was only remodelled two years ago anyway? Sure, the inside was a bit unfitting, but they've only gone and made that worse. It was a pretty and traditional style outlet the last few years, with nice signs and a little reference to that Arthur character. Now it's just all flowers, rock sweets and boring Grilled Cheese font that isn't at all English Market Town-esque. But yay, there's vinyls. I just don't get it. Why when everything else this year has been done so well, did the manage to cock up so spectacularly on a Sweet Shop refurbishment that didn't need doing anyway. Ahhh, help me.
  14. Can I have a zoomed in image of the hole in the Tomb Blaster firepit, please?
  15. Yes, the restored audio is lovely isn't it? Good job Mr. for sorting that out, it took an awful lot of persistence! Oh and not a penny of pay. Why can't we have more people like this in the industry? If only. People who care are in such short supply, it's ridiculous. Well done for pulling through despite all the set backs. Still, one step at a time.
  16. Hmm, its ok. A bit boring and a typical "epic" piece. I do actually prefer the previous track, despite the god awful quality.
  17. Urrrgh, it was so disappointing. They had so much potential and such a great opportunity to do something really great with that ride. But no, all we get is the same as before only with the metal ceiling now fully visible and ugly wires for the targets. Oh, at the firepit music STILL hasn't been fixed. How saddling. It was such a let down.
  18. But maybe if Merlin cared, they'd hire new contractors, contractors who could actually do a good job? But its not their fault. Its kind of hard to do a good job when Merlin only give you eleven pence.
  19. It looks awful. It looks like something a 10 year old designed on PowerPoint.
  20. I hope that doesn't mean the usual "its not happening".
  21. You people are very daft to think they wouldn't think this through. This is Chessington! Masters of thorough long-term planning.
  22. No more coherent theming relevant to the natural habitats of the animals...
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