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Everything posted by MachoMachine

  1. Pretty colours like a sun with water or something. Nice shot though 7/10
  2. If I could have 3-4 more responses that'd be brilliant, thanks to everyone who's done it so far, quite interesting to see the diversity and similarities!
  3. If only I could take 2 weeks off of work in a row
  4. I always thought their closing times were really good, I think you have to take into consideration travelling issues and when families go kids often get tired around the end of the day, also makes time for eating after. Summer Nights has always appealed to me though because it's still pretty light out and it's good weather. Even when FN was on I didn't stay till the end though!
  5. Still upset there's nothing to do with Octonauts
  6. This is it! It's super basic and I don't need much detail, for the moment this'll be just to show research and participation within forums and including others who share the same interest with a different age sample. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/QMBJH55 Questions are all different and muddled due to the fact I'll organise it into charts later. Super great big thank you if you do it If you could somehow inform me if you've done it then that'll be reaaaally helpful.
  7. Regarding this, need to do a survey with at least 5 replies. Any of you willing to do? It'll just be a simple one to start getting primary research.
  8. Disney Land this month, then maybe Europa in summer if I get rich hoping to go Alton towers too, along with Thorpe Park several times
  9. MachoMachine


    Me as Moira from American Horror Story on Halloween
  10. I think I'm gonna keep it based around Thorpe just because it's more easily accessible for me to get footage from and normally during pitching we're interrogated and I know more about Thorpe than any other place but easily can do comparisons with others, especially Alton Towers and Chessington for history and development. I think a nice segment on enthusiasts and meets will be interesting aswell to see the demographics (serious documentary stuff obviously ) and so much more easy with doing interviews! (Also valid excuse to come to meets ) Development and history to show how it's grown and matured (to an extent) will be good for a short doc. Gonna include a nice bit about fright nights too because it is bae <3
  11. MachoMachine


    Merry Christmas!! Hope you all got extra fat and slept a lot today
  12. This is literally just a college project but the reason I wanna make it so correct and professional sounding is because I'll more than likely use it in a portfolio, also it'll be nice for people to watch I think I don't want any trouble happening!! If anything is included in dark rides it won't be in depth plus mine is literally just compulsory work, I wouldn't want to offend anyone by using an idea when effort has been put in by someone who is very dedicated
  13. Sorry Ryan your selfie is portait not landscape. My video must have quality. If any of you are fine with being on camera then interviews are one of the main points I need to execute well within the video, I'm up in Surrey a lot and have connections with Google/YouTube HQ in London if you want free food (not to mention the studio is perfect for interviewing... But free food...)
  14. Yeah I think on the topic of accidents it would be more showing how these are extremely rare now, also showing the difference between theme parks and travelling fair things as doing a small survey in my class many don't actually go to places such as Thorpe due to bad safety expiriences within carnival fairs! I obviously have to show a positive side and negative side to fit my brief Maybe themes etc would be good? I was going to base it around Fright Nights but realised it would be hard as this has to be completed before May, let alone October even just about enthusiasts would be great, the whole concept of this is very diverse and I think dwelling on different sub topics would benefit
  15. If anyone shouts at me this was JoshC.'s idea to put it here. If you shout you get no sweets!! Long story short, for my Media BTEC I'm doing a documentary on Theme Parks! Specific topic? Not too sure yet, that's where you come in *opens arms* It would be an absolute honour to have input from big fans of theme parks! I want to do interviews etc, also get footage from other parks that you've been to. Expiriences and what not. Forum discussion groups is the main aspect of resources for this topic and you're all lovely *bats eyelashes* so help is much needed. it's in general as it's not specific to one park or attraction as such, was thinking about doing them on ride accidents or maybe just history and development.
  16. I think I've posted about 4 times I'm emotional I'd like to thank all my fans
  17. I'm not sure I can survive without pizza though
  18. I'll just have to stock up on meal deals and pack them instead of essentials :'(
  19. Any extra costs to take into consideration when in the park? Haven't been since I was about 7 which is 10 years ago, might be best to hear it from others who do these trips a lot too
  20. Went for the first time 1st November, got picked on a lot due to my appearance but I felt the lighting ruined some of it? Especially in Studio 13. Trying to admire sets and stuff was hard, couldn't really tell it was supposed to be a 'studio' as such with the strobes going mental especially with almost neon colours? Also in BWP the sound effects ruined it for me but it was a nice walk and lovely to hear the screams of pre teens
  21. I am honoured you put time and effort into making that <3
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