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Everything posted by Laelda_95

  1. Laelda_95


    why? I quite like his music
  2. Laelda_95


    I too agree they absoulutley murdered don't stop believing, and I'm a fan. It's not one of their best songs...
  3. I believe josh called them twits. I called the actual site twatter, but not the people who use it ****s.
  4. Laelda_95


    I hope Michael Jackson's doctor gets put in jail.
  5. Laelda_95


    How does thinking that people won't generally comment on things they don't like or agree with show that I'm new?
  6. Laelda_95


    I just kinda assumed if you hate something you wouldn't want to comment on it... Sorry If I didn't make that clear :S
  7. Laelda_95


    Not really, I just said I remind people of her all the time, which I don't know whether to take as a compliment or not :S
  8. Laelda_95


    Human Nature- Michael Jackson (Got a bit of a thang for MJ music)Bad Romance,Telephone, BoysBoysBoys - Lady GagaSeek Bromance- Tim BergKasabian- Club footNaĆ­ve- Lily allen
  9. Laelda_95


    Carbonara and garlic bread
  10. I dont have twitter, I prefer to call it twatter. It's not that the users are ****s, It just seems a lot of faffing about which to be honest, I can't be bothered with
  11. Laelda_95


    Puck is hot :LI don't really like some of the songs, cos some are old, but its generally ok
  12. Laelda_95


    Well this is for people who LIKE glee. If you don't like glee, and it annoys you, don't join us in discussing it. Simple
  13. Laelda_95


    I lurve Glee!
  14. Laelda_95


    ^ Sorry : , just got kinda annoyed, Slammer is cool, I love the blood rushing to my head
  15. Sorry OffTopic- My birthday is the 22nd of December, I'll never be 17
  16. Yeah Last year. Thats what I meant, sorry. Oh at my school we have Triple award peeps (me)And BTEC people, who go on trips, and just have projects ect.
  17. Ah I did:June:Physics 1aChem 1aBiology 1a November: Physics 1bChem 1bBiology 1bThis June:Additional Physics,Chem,Biology.Wierd how we have them at different times, I assumed everyone did them at the same point.Are you in the top set for Science?
  18. I've done 1a's and 1bsDo you not do your biology,chemistry and physics on the same day ?
  19. Yeah- I'm quite good at making stuff up as I go along,
  20. I like biology too- It seems to be the only science I did well in my gcses, so thats the only reason haha
  21. Zodiac just hacks me off! What could be more awkward than being forced into a pod with someone elses knees impeding your personal space. I had to go on it once with a really creppy guy; Not pleasant.Slammer is immense.
  22. Laelda_95


    A chav is someone who struts around with their trousers below their bums, swears constantly, and who allows their pitbulls to attack small children. I somehow don't think breaking a speaker makes a person a chav :L
  23. Laelda_95


    I wouldn't wanna take my chances in either to be honest. I live 3 miles away from slough, like a 10 min drive, and I shop there alot, but I have to say it is a chav infested town, I'm not saying everyone who lives there is a chav, just that alot of chavs live there. The only good thing about the place is their footlocker, which I buy all my trainers from :L
  24. I really like that idea, especially with the water ride that can interact with it!
  25. Hmm, I have a sick phobia, and last time I went on it, the person opposite me was going green, and gagging. It just seems pointless, and I don't think spinning rides are that good, anyways, except for slammer.
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