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Everything posted by Laelda_95

  1. Laelda_95


    In hellgate,is the ride going on above your head or is it just a different room within the building?
  2. Ooh, that sounds painful. I'd hate to have to travel for that long! lol. If I was in a particularly energetic mood, it would take about an hour to ride there on my bike :L
  3. I've been alone there for an hour and a half, and even in that short time, I was so bored. I missed having someone to talk to in the queues, and unless you're happy chatting to randoms, I wouldn't recommend it. Although, On the plus side, you can go on whatever you like without your mates moaning about it
  4. Laelda_95


    Oh lord, I can't cook. I can if I don't use a recipe (oddly). I'm better at baking than cooking meals though :/
  5. Are they literally velcro or just something that looks like it?
  6. I live in Berkshire, so about a 20 min drive. It's well worth it tbh
  7. Depends on the queue really. There's not much difference to the other seats, I just like seeing the track in front of me
  8. I'm quite fond of Colossus, although it can be a bit painful. I only really go at the front
  9. ahaa. Just lift your feet up the whole time on the ride
  10. Thanks dad for making me sit on the floor so the dog could sit on the sofa. Arsewipe.
  11. My mate went on storm surge with plimsoles on, and spent the next 2 hours holding them under the hand dryer in the loos. LOL
  12. I wouldn't bother going on it if the queue was more than 5-10 mins,which is probably very unlikely. Its quite fun, but pointless.
  13. Oh god, I feel sorry for you. I'm not sure I could have coped with puking on my hands. I hate being emetophobic.
  14. Karys, your hair is so cool! And I love your shoes!!
  15. I'd much rather have no media coverage than them being condemned for everything!
  16. Ugh why do people hate Chelsea so much. The media and the FA are out to get us!
  17. Ahh okay, I will. It didn't occur to me to look at your name tag.
  18. Yeah well I would have, but I wasn't entirely sure it was you ahaa
  19. Laelda_95

    Logger's Leap

    I went on it on sunday, with 2 chavs behind me who kept screaming that in the dark bit a spider crawled onto their face. Jesus.
  20. I went on mother's day ( Sunday 3rd) with a friend from school, and she has an annual pass like me. We queued up to get in for 5 mins before we were allowed in. I then found out that my bloody annual pass hates the machines which you scan it in, and refused to work...The first ride of the day was Saw. It was a walk-on, and we got on the front row. Normally this ride is really smooth for me and I don't think it's as bad as everyone says it is, but that day I really understood what people meant when they said it bashed them about. I walked off of that ride with a pounding headache.After that, we got on Colossus, which once again, was a walk-on. We sat somewhere in the middle, and the ride was fine. The restraint was uncomfortably loose however, and I was convinced I was going to fall out, no matter how much my mate reassured me I'd be fine. The track was really rusty which irritated me for some reason. Then we did Nemesis Inferno. I was glad to see the mist in the tunnel was back, and the orange lights were on too. Once again, my restraint was bothering me; it rattled too much, and the clip looked like it was going to come out. I came off the ride pleased, and mildly dizzy, but in a good way.My favourite ride, Stealth came next. After 10 minutes of convincing my friend to ride up front, she gave in, so we joined the pole position queue. I saw Ricky working on the ride, but I didn't say Hi incase I looked a cottage cheese tastes very nice, or it wasn't actually him. It was a really good ride. My mate got off the ride, and everything fell out of her pockets, LOL. Rush was good, considering my mate had never been on it, and was crapping herself. I've never been so amused in my life about someone's reaction to a ride. We went on it 3 more times that day, and I felt so sick! We did Vortex, and then quantum. I am never going on Vortex again, I nearly vommed everywhere. Not pleasant. We also did detonator, and my ride picture was shameful.Had burger king for lunch. Then we did Loggers,Rumba and Storm Surge (twice). I was surprised with storm surge. It wasn't as bad as I'd thought it would be. I will say though, they need to drain the boats. I walked off looking like I had bladder control problems. I can't imagine how attractive that must have looked. We did everything else pretty much, including the Big Bashing Balls, which quite frankly was a rip-off, mostly due to the fact I couldn't stand up in the ball. Got an icecream at the thing near Loggers,when some old git decided to jump the queue of about 5 people. We got on everything atleast twice which was good. Overall a good day.
  21. Try applying for Tescos. Their managing guy was saying how they can't find anyone good, and have to go abroad to get workers. You seem to be a smart girl, so you should have no problems
  22. I'm really annoyed. Not only is my mate self-harming, but I was meant to go to Thorpe on sunday, because I thought it wont be busy, but then BAM thorpe decides to do bloody coupons for sundays :S
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