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Theme Park Fanatic

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Everything posted by Theme Park Fanatic

  1. Does anyone have an update regarding the relocation of Weymouth Sea Life Centres mini log flume,and the rerouting and retheme of toadies crazy cars? I wouldn't be surprised if the new safari attraction means the relocation of Miss Hippos Fungle Safari Jeeps and some of the mentioned rides themeing elements! Please watch this video to see what the Toadies Crazy Cars rethemed ride could in my opinion look like! https://www.google.co.uk/url?q=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DMXROcIJl1as&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjFgNa14O_lAhU1TRUIHfZzArAQtwIwAHoECAYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1R5-xVsNdNV8_mmbFdY2TG If there's any updates regarding this 2020 project over the 2019\2020 closed season please post them here!
  2. Who else think that the Miss Hippos Fungle Safari Jeeps will be relocated to Chessington and attached to the Toadies Crazy Cars track, in a deal that sees Ramasis Revenge relocated to Thorpe Park. For the 2020. I personally think this exchange will take place as if you remember back in 2005 a similar acorance with Eclipse (Peeking Hights) relocating from Thorpe Park and Samurai going to Thorpe Park. Please reply with your opinions on my theory.
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