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Posts posted by Fred

  1. It's begun, the first school trips have started flocking to our nations attractions. It's queue season till September in my books.

    It's queue season until the first week or two of the summer holidays.

    Then it's as quiet as an offpeak day, like september. Oh, I just cannot wait to be visiting.

  2. They won't lose any money - Oblivion's just there now so it doesn't affect too many people if it's open or not. People won't go out of their way just to ride it anymore.

    However, rumour is beginning of this week. Let's hope so!

  3. So apparently all you need to take down a ride are some ladders and blocks of wood?

    My degree taught me nothing...

    Apparently so.

    See, I looked at those photos and thought.. Ooh scaffolding. Scaffolding coming off from the burnt stub mansion I presume. Which it's in the right location for.

    Otherwise it'd be the same as parking a truck at tomb blaster to do routine maintenance to Vampire.

  4. The manual extraction of riders, as you put it, more than likely would've worked. However, the ride was not in the position for them to allow them to do it.

    I'd much rather cut through each harness, than have all 40 open (rather slowly albeit) and people potentially putting themselves in danger due to position of the ride.

  5. I'm kind of bored of trying to defend the park (which shouldn't need defending - it's obvious there's someone not doing their job properly here).

    Rides teams are not linked financially to fastrack. They receive sod all revenue from it, they don't sell it themselves and the staff will more than likely hate the fastrack system.

    Then again, it's down to them to ensure they're relaying accurate queue times to control, who in turn should relay accurate queue times to the boards and over the radio. They might have an issue with the connections (they always used to fail to update on the system at Chessington due to lack of signal anyway). The best way would be having the ride entrance queue times linked to the rides themselves to update, as towers has on the ride entrances that have queue boards.

  6. It's interesting what might've happened to Rameses - interesting to see that they didn't pump the harnesses open manually. Interesting that they couldn't manually move it down.

    Not being able to move it suggests an issue with backup/manual method. The ride seems to have locked itself so power was on.

    All speculation of course, either way it'll be a while til it's open as they'll need to get themselves quite a few restraints!

  7. It seems to be the issue of being completely unable to lower the ride down to ground position which is the issue - usually you can plug in a backup battery supply and move it down. The harnesses would've been able to open as you can then manually winch them open. However, they couldn't possibly have done this mid air.

    Shame really, that pretty much guarantees Rameses down for months, if not all season or forever. It'll be mighty expensive purchasing new harnesses and T-Bars for 40 seats.

  8. I've heard a lot of people say ''It gets incredibly annoying and unbearable when you've been waiting 3 hours". These people obviously haven't had to work with Storm Surge music all day :P

    For every person who says it gets unbearable, there's more who say its actually fantastic.

    I listened to it up close for 3hrs last week, and now I'm obsessed with it. It works in different ways to people, depending on how pessimistic they take life ;)

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