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Posts posted by Fred

  1. The thing with Nemesis is it doesn't claim to be the biggest, fastest, longest, most inverting, worlds scariest ride on Earth.

    Nope, it's just "The Worlds most intense ride experience" ^_^

  2. They never used to close it till 2pm before though its only something that has happened after that incident I see what you mean about it not being more important, its just when I have always gone they have always tinkered with the ride when they just open so I feel its because of some money reasons but mostly because they want to make sure its safe. :)

    It only happened after the park was sold to Aspro - the same time the rides went onto dual operation and cut staffing ridiculously.

    Considering water rides are some of the most expensive rides to run at a park, I imagine if anything it's to save a huge amount of money on electricity. 2pm guarantees a demand for the ride, and helps fill the boats (Oakwood doesn't get that busy, heck it runs on one train with no queue for speed most of it's life) so that'd help.

    Staffing wise sounds about perfect too, staff come in, do everyones lunch breaks, then at 2pm open drenched. Sounds about right there.

  3. Well, it wouldn't be replaced by an equal amount - those with fastrack could potentially go on like 3 rides in an hour (say all those queues were an hour). If they didn't do fastrack, it wouldn't be replaced by 3 people in those queues.. that one person would only be in one of the queues.

    Fastrack has been reduced in vast quantities at towers (by over a thousand a day for certain rides). The impact on the main queue wait times? Neglible, that's with the same amount of guests on park (and smiler closed to make it even).

  4. Presumably its rare to have people wanting to go on Drenched straight away, it's easier just to staff from 2pm everyday then.

    Anyway, we should be thinking positives. Less chance of it killing us if it's opening hours are poor!

  5. This whole fastrack thing.. I think there's a slight flaw in your argument that the queue will be the same time if they had no fastrack to if they did.

    If I queued up, and whilst queuing 300 people use fastrack infront of me, those 300 people wouldn't have chosen to ride before me and therefore there'd be a lower queue time for me. So the queue would've been shorter.

    It depends if the entire system is timeslotted as well, as I don't buy thorpes so I don't know. If they're not timeslotted, I highly doubt all of those with fastrack would've joined the queueline at the same time as they would've gone along with estimated queue times rather than queueing because they've got a quick entry.

  6. The throughputs on all the rides at beginning of August were incredibly good throughout the day when I went - they were literally going as fast as they could throughout entire day, on everything. It was brilliant.

    How long did your fireworks last for? We went last year and it lasted 20mins.. went this year and it only lasted 5, really disappointed by that!

  7. You mean the front row queue which didn't particularly work well either? ;)

    No, I mean a front row queue on a normal ride - they could've easily created a front row on both sides of the station albeit a bit squished. Having a front row queue positioned away from the actual station is just bonkers.

  8. Sounds good to us!

    Another thing - Reserve and Ride info is solidly in the prices section of the website. Definitely gonna charge for that eventually. Presume this is removing fastrack.

    Least they're hopefully sorting out the diabolical fastrack system!

  9. The merge host should be watching out for this - it's obvious that people will eventually do this to skip a queue.

    However thorpe don't help themselves by installing this in the first place. Hopefully they'll eventually change it so there's a backwards queue system similar to that of a front row queue.

  10. If people want a more 'fun scary' event, as I said, they can go to chessie down the road ;)

    Hope you're joking there.

    There's no reason why the park doesn't do anything to cater for families - they might be using marketing to show the hardcore side, however it doesn't mean they won't introduce something slightly calmer for those who want to experience the event but don't want something so full on.

  11. Ah, they're asking for feedback after using the system.

    One of the questions asks how much you expect to pay for the system. So, basically, may end up replacing fastrack in the future.

    Don't mind this replacing fastrack if it leads to lower and more consistent fastrack queues really!

  12. Ahh, so when you go to be allowed on, scanning your QR code, you have to show your entrance ticket as well to be allowed on?

    If so, can people who visited today (JoshC) confirm this? Otherwise you'll end up with the blatant abuse that the old virtual queue (Fastrack) systems got which is why they were eradicated in first place!

  13. Glad you're responding to us thorpey, it's very useful.

    As end of the day approaches, how does this system work? Does it dump everyone left in the queue into the queueline at 6 (say park closes at 6). Or does it allow the 40mins or so potential amount of guests left in the queue come in as the timeslot appears? So, you can book your ride for swarm up to the minute to 6?

    As you say, you've thought of this (only highlighting old fastrack issue). Doesn't this still mean you can book 4 rides with 4 different smartphones and still use paper though? Although you can only use paper once? :)

  14. I've had quite a few issues of people not being able to sit comfortably (or be able to ride at all) due to a big bum size.

    I'd strongly recommend using the test seats at the entrances to rides (as thorpe is pretty good at providing them). That'll give you a good indication really. The larger seats aren't a physical larger seat so you'd feel the same regardless of what seat you'd fit in.

    I don't know what measurements they were tbf, however if you were able to sit comfortably in AIR then you shouldn't have many issues at thorpey..

    Hope this helps.

  15. Because like it or not, the majority of guests would rather not be standing in a long queue for a ride. It takes less than 5 minutes to sign up and book a slot and there are staff on hand to help so I dont really see it being an issue in that way.

    However, they'd lso like to be able to join a queue and ride a ride when they want. If they wanted to ride swarm now, they'd have to book it and wait 2.5hrs until they can ride.

    I bet you, if they had the option of either coming back in 2.5hrs and "not queueing" or joining a half hour queue, they'd do the latter.

  16. Love those new queue boards. They need more of them.

    As long as they've got the advertising on the right correct.. Advertise ERT correctly, advertise where to go at beginning of the day to reduce those going to smiler, then use the rest of the day advertising Burger Kitchen or hotels or fireworks etc. Perfect then.

    Love it so much.

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