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  1. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from Fred in Parks, Rides And Coaster News   
    It could go as slow as Chessington Carousel and would still be TPR's number one ride. I for one thank Intamin for trying not to kill anyone with force and speed on Cheetah Hunt.
  2. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from Luke_A in Parks, Rides And Coaster News   
    It could go as slow as Chessington Carousel and would still be TPR's number one ride. I for one thank Intamin for trying not to kill anyone with force and speed on Cheetah Hunt.
  3. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from thorpeparkjack in Parks, Rides And Coaster News   
    It could go as slow as Chessington Carousel and would still be TPR's number one ride. I for one thank Intamin for trying not to kill anyone with force and speed on Cheetah Hunt.
  4. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from Dan9 in Chessington Trip Reports   
    I miss the days where women couldn't vote*.. times change.*Obviously a complete joke..
  5. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from Dan9 in Mark and Chris's Satisfactual Florida trip   
    So to speed forward, the next park I'm going to cover is Islands of Adventure.And I'm going to be controversial at the same time. Islands of Adventure is essentially what Thorpe Park is but slightly better themed. When I mean slightly, I mean when Islands of Adventure have bothered the theming is second to none. But areas they think of unessential have been left. Good example is any ground under the Dueling Dragons. It's just concrete troughs.So to start with rides, Harry Potter and the Hogwarts area.Mm, gorgeous ain't it. Everyone photoing a castle and by far the most popular ride on the trip. but whats this I see...Slightly takes the sheen of an amazing looking front when you see a giant shed behind it. They've tried to hide it in the queue with greenhouse roofing but its so easy to see. Regular guests probably don't notice... but I'm a geek and I'm afraid after a week of well hidden Disney dark rides, Harry Potter dissapointed. The ride itself is good, very good in fact and certainly throws your balance of guard. The idea of trying to fit 7 books into one ride is quite commendable, the fact they've done any justice at all is credible. So next is the Dueling Dragons, two rides I highly anticipated. They're fun but neither really have anything on Nemesis and Black Mamba. I think one of the main issues is that because of the dueling elements there's a lot of dry bits during the ride where it's just waiting to lead up to the leg chopper moments. They are memorable moments but they only last for about 2 seconds each so I'm not quite sure if it's worth the duelling ness of the ride. The Ice dragon was by far my favourite thanks to its cobra roll and jerkier moments during the ride. Despite Fire having more inversions and faster moments it didn't quite flow as well as Ice. I do realise I'm calling them by the rides old names.. but bothered. I liked the queueline. I understand it was better when it was the Dueling Dragons, but as far as I could see the new one is just as impressive. very windy, very long and almost an adventure in itself. One of the more unique things I picked up on was this is the only B&M I've seen so far that has separate loading and unloading areas. This really didn't help the throughput of the thing as having to wait for floors to go up and down and the front/back rows having to have their bars down before the train moved.. felt very laborious. And thanks to the duelling element of the ride if your train is dispatched first, you'll be waiting a good while for the other train to catch up. And because one ride seems to be longer then the other, chances are you'll be waiting a long time. So I'd rate Ice Dragon 8/10 and Fire Dragon 7/10.Onto The Incredible Hulk, certainly a very impressive ride. Located right next to the entrance watching the ride splurt out trains every minute certainly makes you take note. Neither Hulk or Dragons had longer then 10 minute queues when we visited which made re-riding Hulk very easy. I got a good indication of the rides quality. There's a certain train that can rock you to hell, very rough and very teeth chattering. The other two trains gave much nicer rides. Hulk is a ride of two halves. It starts off incredibly fitting in a launch and five inversions into it's first 30 seconds. And then the ride seems to lose it a bit with very tame helixes and banked turns. The corkscrews and zero g roll are very very good and the ride is very striking with its neon green and white supports. Universal like you to clap, whenever a train returns from its journey all staff members act like they've seen a play and clap crazily. Hulk gets an 8/10 from me.Stay tuned for part two
  6. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from Dan9 in Mark and Chris's Satisfactual Florida trip   
    Afternoon all, I didn't want to clog up Nicky's Florida trip report topic so here's mine! For our second anniversary Chris and I went off to Walt Disney World Florida for ten nights in what has ended up to be the hottest May in Florida since 1916. The parks were busy, the rides packed out, you'd be lucky to get near the parades and yet it was the best ten days off my life. To try something different I'm doing my trip report in the wrong order. So here we go..I'm going to start with Animal Kingdom which we spent two of our days at, the reason for this will become apparent as you read. Animal kingdom is the park I'd heard the least about and for me was the park I was least looking forward to. It ended up being the surprise hit of the trip and is far more then just three rides and a safari. The Disney parks don't just open, they roll out the characters on trains, jeeps, buses, monorail trains and have a big countdown to let guests in. I'm not going to lie when I say this is magical. It diverts interest away from the tedium of waiting. The only other park I've seen do that is Warner in Madrid. Other parks take note.So when you go to Animal Kingdom, what ride do you start with?Yeah, of course, Expedition Everest. A ride that with hindsight is what Th13teen was trying to be and utterly failed to be. Expedition Everest is stunning. I'm sure you all know about it's little trick but its not this that impressed me, it's the stunning attention to detail all around the ride. From the beautiful queueline that talks about the legend of the Yeti to the small gift-shop that sells yeti t-shirts. I actually got a bit annoyed about the queue actually; it moves to fast. I wanted to read about the yeti but because the ride eats people by the bucket loads, I never got the chance. With 5 trains seating 34 people each, it was crazy. The ride itself is sublime, the drop out the mountain is full of speed, air time and beautifully smooth, and the lift hill is a superb touch; it slows down slightly and the train lets out a honking speed as if its stepping up a gear to get you up the mountain. The other stand out attraction for us was Dinosaur. No one speaks about it. Good, the ride is excellent and far scarier then its's queue and surrounding area. The photo point is also.. perfect. Kali Kali Rapids was.... okay. After its drop it kind of died a quick death and just meandered back to the station. It's theme is deforestation. Loads of burnt out trees decorate the top of the ride. It's quite wet and American reactions to rides have to be seen to be understood. It just lacked length for me.So onto the other major attraction at Animal Kingdom, Kilamanjaro Safari, basically a trek through a reserve where you can see Hippos, Lions, Ostriches, Elephants, Zebras and Alligators. Very popular but very interesting at the same time. They try to intersperse the ride with a story of poachers stealing a baby elephant. It's slightly bad taste really but on the other hand gives the ride a certain finale.So why did we spend two days at Animal Kingdom. Well we were at the meet and greet area hugging Goofy and Pluto when a guy came to us and said he wanted out help in a little project. What we didn't know is that the project was to be part of the park parade. If you know Disney, you know the parades are massive and a huge majority of the park will state their turf, refusing to move so they could get a chance to see the gang on themed cars. We were on the Mickey float to!The most magical moment of the trip without a doubt. Buh Bye Animal kingdom
  7. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from Luke_A in Mark and Chris's Satisfactual Florida trip   
    So to speed forward, the next park I'm going to cover is Islands of Adventure.And I'm going to be controversial at the same time. Islands of Adventure is essentially what Thorpe Park is but slightly better themed. When I mean slightly, I mean when Islands of Adventure have bothered the theming is second to none. But areas they think of unessential have been left. Good example is any ground under the Dueling Dragons. It's just concrete troughs.So to start with rides, Harry Potter and the Hogwarts area.Mm, gorgeous ain't it. Everyone photoing a castle and by far the most popular ride on the trip. but whats this I see...Slightly takes the sheen of an amazing looking front when you see a giant shed behind it. They've tried to hide it in the queue with greenhouse roofing but its so easy to see. Regular guests probably don't notice... but I'm a geek and I'm afraid after a week of well hidden Disney dark rides, Harry Potter dissapointed. The ride itself is good, very good in fact and certainly throws your balance of guard. The idea of trying to fit 7 books into one ride is quite commendable, the fact they've done any justice at all is credible. So next is the Dueling Dragons, two rides I highly anticipated. They're fun but neither really have anything on Nemesis and Black Mamba. I think one of the main issues is that because of the dueling elements there's a lot of dry bits during the ride where it's just waiting to lead up to the leg chopper moments. They are memorable moments but they only last for about 2 seconds each so I'm not quite sure if it's worth the duelling ness of the ride. The Ice dragon was by far my favourite thanks to its cobra roll and jerkier moments during the ride. Despite Fire having more inversions and faster moments it didn't quite flow as well as Ice. I do realise I'm calling them by the rides old names.. but bothered. I liked the queueline. I understand it was better when it was the Dueling Dragons, but as far as I could see the new one is just as impressive. very windy, very long and almost an adventure in itself. One of the more unique things I picked up on was this is the only B&M I've seen so far that has separate loading and unloading areas. This really didn't help the throughput of the thing as having to wait for floors to go up and down and the front/back rows having to have their bars down before the train moved.. felt very laborious. And thanks to the duelling element of the ride if your train is dispatched first, you'll be waiting a good while for the other train to catch up. And because one ride seems to be longer then the other, chances are you'll be waiting a long time. So I'd rate Ice Dragon 8/10 and Fire Dragon 7/10.Onto The Incredible Hulk, certainly a very impressive ride. Located right next to the entrance watching the ride splurt out trains every minute certainly makes you take note. Neither Hulk or Dragons had longer then 10 minute queues when we visited which made re-riding Hulk very easy. I got a good indication of the rides quality. There's a certain train that can rock you to hell, very rough and very teeth chattering. The other two trains gave much nicer rides. Hulk is a ride of two halves. It starts off incredibly fitting in a launch and five inversions into it's first 30 seconds. And then the ride seems to lose it a bit with very tame helixes and banked turns. The corkscrews and zero g roll are very very good and the ride is very striking with its neon green and white supports. Universal like you to clap, whenever a train returns from its journey all staff members act like they've seen a play and clap crazily. Hulk gets an 8/10 from me.Stay tuned for part two
  8. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from Fred in Mark and Chris's Satisfactual Florida trip   
    So to speed forward, the next park I'm going to cover is Islands of Adventure.And I'm going to be controversial at the same time. Islands of Adventure is essentially what Thorpe Park is but slightly better themed. When I mean slightly, I mean when Islands of Adventure have bothered the theming is second to none. But areas they think of unessential have been left. Good example is any ground under the Dueling Dragons. It's just concrete troughs.So to start with rides, Harry Potter and the Hogwarts area.Mm, gorgeous ain't it. Everyone photoing a castle and by far the most popular ride on the trip. but whats this I see...Slightly takes the sheen of an amazing looking front when you see a giant shed behind it. They've tried to hide it in the queue with greenhouse roofing but its so easy to see. Regular guests probably don't notice... but I'm a geek and I'm afraid after a week of well hidden Disney dark rides, Harry Potter dissapointed. The ride itself is good, very good in fact and certainly throws your balance of guard. The idea of trying to fit 7 books into one ride is quite commendable, the fact they've done any justice at all is credible. So next is the Dueling Dragons, two rides I highly anticipated. They're fun but neither really have anything on Nemesis and Black Mamba. I think one of the main issues is that because of the dueling elements there's a lot of dry bits during the ride where it's just waiting to lead up to the leg chopper moments. They are memorable moments but they only last for about 2 seconds each so I'm not quite sure if it's worth the duelling ness of the ride. The Ice dragon was by far my favourite thanks to its cobra roll and jerkier moments during the ride. Despite Fire having more inversions and faster moments it didn't quite flow as well as Ice. I do realise I'm calling them by the rides old names.. but bothered. I liked the queueline. I understand it was better when it was the Dueling Dragons, but as far as I could see the new one is just as impressive. very windy, very long and almost an adventure in itself. One of the more unique things I picked up on was this is the only B&M I've seen so far that has separate loading and unloading areas. This really didn't help the throughput of the thing as having to wait for floors to go up and down and the front/back rows having to have their bars down before the train moved.. felt very laborious. And thanks to the duelling element of the ride if your train is dispatched first, you'll be waiting a good while for the other train to catch up. And because one ride seems to be longer then the other, chances are you'll be waiting a long time. So I'd rate Ice Dragon 8/10 and Fire Dragon 7/10.Onto The Incredible Hulk, certainly a very impressive ride. Located right next to the entrance watching the ride splurt out trains every minute certainly makes you take note. Neither Hulk or Dragons had longer then 10 minute queues when we visited which made re-riding Hulk very easy. I got a good indication of the rides quality. There's a certain train that can rock you to hell, very rough and very teeth chattering. The other two trains gave much nicer rides. Hulk is a ride of two halves. It starts off incredibly fitting in a launch and five inversions into it's first 30 seconds. And then the ride seems to lose it a bit with very tame helixes and banked turns. The corkscrews and zero g roll are very very good and the ride is very striking with its neon green and white supports. Universal like you to clap, whenever a train returns from its journey all staff members act like they've seen a play and clap crazily. Hulk gets an 8/10 from me.Stay tuned for part two
  9. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from Marc in Mark and Chris's Satisfactual Florida trip   
    So to speed forward, the next park I'm going to cover is Islands of Adventure.And I'm going to be controversial at the same time. Islands of Adventure is essentially what Thorpe Park is but slightly better themed. When I mean slightly, I mean when Islands of Adventure have bothered the theming is second to none. But areas they think of unessential have been left. Good example is any ground under the Dueling Dragons. It's just concrete troughs.So to start with rides, Harry Potter and the Hogwarts area.Mm, gorgeous ain't it. Everyone photoing a castle and by far the most popular ride on the trip. but whats this I see...Slightly takes the sheen of an amazing looking front when you see a giant shed behind it. They've tried to hide it in the queue with greenhouse roofing but its so easy to see. Regular guests probably don't notice... but I'm a geek and I'm afraid after a week of well hidden Disney dark rides, Harry Potter dissapointed. The ride itself is good, very good in fact and certainly throws your balance of guard. The idea of trying to fit 7 books into one ride is quite commendable, the fact they've done any justice at all is credible. So next is the Dueling Dragons, two rides I highly anticipated. They're fun but neither really have anything on Nemesis and Black Mamba. I think one of the main issues is that because of the dueling elements there's a lot of dry bits during the ride where it's just waiting to lead up to the leg chopper moments. They are memorable moments but they only last for about 2 seconds each so I'm not quite sure if it's worth the duelling ness of the ride. The Ice dragon was by far my favourite thanks to its cobra roll and jerkier moments during the ride. Despite Fire having more inversions and faster moments it didn't quite flow as well as Ice. I do realise I'm calling them by the rides old names.. but bothered. I liked the queueline. I understand it was better when it was the Dueling Dragons, but as far as I could see the new one is just as impressive. very windy, very long and almost an adventure in itself. One of the more unique things I picked up on was this is the only B&M I've seen so far that has separate loading and unloading areas. This really didn't help the throughput of the thing as having to wait for floors to go up and down and the front/back rows having to have their bars down before the train moved.. felt very laborious. And thanks to the duelling element of the ride if your train is dispatched first, you'll be waiting a good while for the other train to catch up. And because one ride seems to be longer then the other, chances are you'll be waiting a long time. So I'd rate Ice Dragon 8/10 and Fire Dragon 7/10.Onto The Incredible Hulk, certainly a very impressive ride. Located right next to the entrance watching the ride splurt out trains every minute certainly makes you take note. Neither Hulk or Dragons had longer then 10 minute queues when we visited which made re-riding Hulk very easy. I got a good indication of the rides quality. There's a certain train that can rock you to hell, very rough and very teeth chattering. The other two trains gave much nicer rides. Hulk is a ride of two halves. It starts off incredibly fitting in a launch and five inversions into it's first 30 seconds. And then the ride seems to lose it a bit with very tame helixes and banked turns. The corkscrews and zero g roll are very very good and the ride is very striking with its neon green and white supports. Universal like you to clap, whenever a train returns from its journey all staff members act like they've seen a play and clap crazily. Hulk gets an 8/10 from me.Stay tuned for part two
  10. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from Laelda_95 in Mark and Chris's Satisfactual Florida trip   
    So to speed forward, the next park I'm going to cover is Islands of Adventure.And I'm going to be controversial at the same time. Islands of Adventure is essentially what Thorpe Park is but slightly better themed. When I mean slightly, I mean when Islands of Adventure have bothered the theming is second to none. But areas they think of unessential have been left. Good example is any ground under the Dueling Dragons. It's just concrete troughs.So to start with rides, Harry Potter and the Hogwarts area.Mm, gorgeous ain't it. Everyone photoing a castle and by far the most popular ride on the trip. but whats this I see...Slightly takes the sheen of an amazing looking front when you see a giant shed behind it. They've tried to hide it in the queue with greenhouse roofing but its so easy to see. Regular guests probably don't notice... but I'm a geek and I'm afraid after a week of well hidden Disney dark rides, Harry Potter dissapointed. The ride itself is good, very good in fact and certainly throws your balance of guard. The idea of trying to fit 7 books into one ride is quite commendable, the fact they've done any justice at all is credible. So next is the Dueling Dragons, two rides I highly anticipated. They're fun but neither really have anything on Nemesis and Black Mamba. I think one of the main issues is that because of the dueling elements there's a lot of dry bits during the ride where it's just waiting to lead up to the leg chopper moments. They are memorable moments but they only last for about 2 seconds each so I'm not quite sure if it's worth the duelling ness of the ride. The Ice dragon was by far my favourite thanks to its cobra roll and jerkier moments during the ride. Despite Fire having more inversions and faster moments it didn't quite flow as well as Ice. I do realise I'm calling them by the rides old names.. but bothered. I liked the queueline. I understand it was better when it was the Dueling Dragons, but as far as I could see the new one is just as impressive. very windy, very long and almost an adventure in itself. One of the more unique things I picked up on was this is the only B&M I've seen so far that has separate loading and unloading areas. This really didn't help the throughput of the thing as having to wait for floors to go up and down and the front/back rows having to have their bars down before the train moved.. felt very laborious. And thanks to the duelling element of the ride if your train is dispatched first, you'll be waiting a good while for the other train to catch up. And because one ride seems to be longer then the other, chances are you'll be waiting a long time. So I'd rate Ice Dragon 8/10 and Fire Dragon 7/10.Onto The Incredible Hulk, certainly a very impressive ride. Located right next to the entrance watching the ride splurt out trains every minute certainly makes you take note. Neither Hulk or Dragons had longer then 10 minute queues when we visited which made re-riding Hulk very easy. I got a good indication of the rides quality. There's a certain train that can rock you to hell, very rough and very teeth chattering. The other two trains gave much nicer rides. Hulk is a ride of two halves. It starts off incredibly fitting in a launch and five inversions into it's first 30 seconds. And then the ride seems to lose it a bit with very tame helixes and banked turns. The corkscrews and zero g roll are very very good and the ride is very striking with its neon green and white supports. Universal like you to clap, whenever a train returns from its journey all staff members act like they've seen a play and clap crazily. Hulk gets an 8/10 from me.Stay tuned for part two
  11. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from Nicky in Rant   
    Hey everyone. My rant is against the amount of people with strollers in America. Being fat does not mean you block the entire pathway.
  12. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from Fred in Mark and Chris's Satisfactual Florida trip   
    Afternoon all, I didn't want to clog up Nicky's Florida trip report topic so here's mine! For our second anniversary Chris and I went off to Walt Disney World Florida for ten nights in what has ended up to be the hottest May in Florida since 1916. The parks were busy, the rides packed out, you'd be lucky to get near the parades and yet it was the best ten days off my life. To try something different I'm doing my trip report in the wrong order. So here we go..I'm going to start with Animal Kingdom which we spent two of our days at, the reason for this will become apparent as you read. Animal kingdom is the park I'd heard the least about and for me was the park I was least looking forward to. It ended up being the surprise hit of the trip and is far more then just three rides and a safari. The Disney parks don't just open, they roll out the characters on trains, jeeps, buses, monorail trains and have a big countdown to let guests in. I'm not going to lie when I say this is magical. It diverts interest away from the tedium of waiting. The only other park I've seen do that is Warner in Madrid. Other parks take note.So when you go to Animal Kingdom, what ride do you start with?Yeah, of course, Expedition Everest. A ride that with hindsight is what Th13teen was trying to be and utterly failed to be. Expedition Everest is stunning. I'm sure you all know about it's little trick but its not this that impressed me, it's the stunning attention to detail all around the ride. From the beautiful queueline that talks about the legend of the Yeti to the small gift-shop that sells yeti t-shirts. I actually got a bit annoyed about the queue actually; it moves to fast. I wanted to read about the yeti but because the ride eats people by the bucket loads, I never got the chance. With 5 trains seating 34 people each, it was crazy. The ride itself is sublime, the drop out the mountain is full of speed, air time and beautifully smooth, and the lift hill is a superb touch; it slows down slightly and the train lets out a honking speed as if its stepping up a gear to get you up the mountain. The other stand out attraction for us was Dinosaur. No one speaks about it. Good, the ride is excellent and far scarier then its's queue and surrounding area. The photo point is also.. perfect. Kali Kali Rapids was.... okay. After its drop it kind of died a quick death and just meandered back to the station. It's theme is deforestation. Loads of burnt out trees decorate the top of the ride. It's quite wet and American reactions to rides have to be seen to be understood. It just lacked length for me.So onto the other major attraction at Animal Kingdom, Kilamanjaro Safari, basically a trek through a reserve where you can see Hippos, Lions, Ostriches, Elephants, Zebras and Alligators. Very popular but very interesting at the same time. They try to intersperse the ride with a story of poachers stealing a baby elephant. It's slightly bad taste really but on the other hand gives the ride a certain finale.So why did we spend two days at Animal Kingdom. Well we were at the meet and greet area hugging Goofy and Pluto when a guy came to us and said he wanted out help in a little project. What we didn't know is that the project was to be part of the park parade. If you know Disney, you know the parades are massive and a huge majority of the park will state their turf, refusing to move so they could get a chance to see the gang on themed cars. We were on the Mickey float to!The most magical moment of the trip without a doubt. Buh Bye Animal kingdom
  13. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from Ryan in Mark and Chris's Satisfactual Florida trip   
    Afternoon all, I didn't want to clog up Nicky's Florida trip report topic so here's mine! For our second anniversary Chris and I went off to Walt Disney World Florida for ten nights in what has ended up to be the hottest May in Florida since 1916. The parks were busy, the rides packed out, you'd be lucky to get near the parades and yet it was the best ten days off my life. To try something different I'm doing my trip report in the wrong order. So here we go..I'm going to start with Animal Kingdom which we spent two of our days at, the reason for this will become apparent as you read. Animal kingdom is the park I'd heard the least about and for me was the park I was least looking forward to. It ended up being the surprise hit of the trip and is far more then just three rides and a safari. The Disney parks don't just open, they roll out the characters on trains, jeeps, buses, monorail trains and have a big countdown to let guests in. I'm not going to lie when I say this is magical. It diverts interest away from the tedium of waiting. The only other park I've seen do that is Warner in Madrid. Other parks take note.So when you go to Animal Kingdom, what ride do you start with?Yeah, of course, Expedition Everest. A ride that with hindsight is what Th13teen was trying to be and utterly failed to be. Expedition Everest is stunning. I'm sure you all know about it's little trick but its not this that impressed me, it's the stunning attention to detail all around the ride. From the beautiful queueline that talks about the legend of the Yeti to the small gift-shop that sells yeti t-shirts. I actually got a bit annoyed about the queue actually; it moves to fast. I wanted to read about the yeti but because the ride eats people by the bucket loads, I never got the chance. With 5 trains seating 34 people each, it was crazy. The ride itself is sublime, the drop out the mountain is full of speed, air time and beautifully smooth, and the lift hill is a superb touch; it slows down slightly and the train lets out a honking speed as if its stepping up a gear to get you up the mountain. The other stand out attraction for us was Dinosaur. No one speaks about it. Good, the ride is excellent and far scarier then its's queue and surrounding area. The photo point is also.. perfect. Kali Kali Rapids was.... okay. After its drop it kind of died a quick death and just meandered back to the station. It's theme is deforestation. Loads of burnt out trees decorate the top of the ride. It's quite wet and American reactions to rides have to be seen to be understood. It just lacked length for me.So onto the other major attraction at Animal Kingdom, Kilamanjaro Safari, basically a trek through a reserve where you can see Hippos, Lions, Ostriches, Elephants, Zebras and Alligators. Very popular but very interesting at the same time. They try to intersperse the ride with a story of poachers stealing a baby elephant. It's slightly bad taste really but on the other hand gives the ride a certain finale.So why did we spend two days at Animal Kingdom. Well we were at the meet and greet area hugging Goofy and Pluto when a guy came to us and said he wanted out help in a little project. What we didn't know is that the project was to be part of the park parade. If you know Disney, you know the parades are massive and a huge majority of the park will state their turf, refusing to move so they could get a chance to see the gang on themed cars. We were on the Mickey float to!The most magical moment of the trip without a doubt. Buh Bye Animal kingdom
  14. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from Luke_A in Mark and Chris's Satisfactual Florida trip   
    Afternoon all, I didn't want to clog up Nicky's Florida trip report topic so here's mine! For our second anniversary Chris and I went off to Walt Disney World Florida for ten nights in what has ended up to be the hottest May in Florida since 1916. The parks were busy, the rides packed out, you'd be lucky to get near the parades and yet it was the best ten days off my life. To try something different I'm doing my trip report in the wrong order. So here we go..I'm going to start with Animal Kingdom which we spent two of our days at, the reason for this will become apparent as you read. Animal kingdom is the park I'd heard the least about and for me was the park I was least looking forward to. It ended up being the surprise hit of the trip and is far more then just three rides and a safari. The Disney parks don't just open, they roll out the characters on trains, jeeps, buses, monorail trains and have a big countdown to let guests in. I'm not going to lie when I say this is magical. It diverts interest away from the tedium of waiting. The only other park I've seen do that is Warner in Madrid. Other parks take note.So when you go to Animal Kingdom, what ride do you start with?Yeah, of course, Expedition Everest. A ride that with hindsight is what Th13teen was trying to be and utterly failed to be. Expedition Everest is stunning. I'm sure you all know about it's little trick but its not this that impressed me, it's the stunning attention to detail all around the ride. From the beautiful queueline that talks about the legend of the Yeti to the small gift-shop that sells yeti t-shirts. I actually got a bit annoyed about the queue actually; it moves to fast. I wanted to read about the yeti but because the ride eats people by the bucket loads, I never got the chance. With 5 trains seating 34 people each, it was crazy. The ride itself is sublime, the drop out the mountain is full of speed, air time and beautifully smooth, and the lift hill is a superb touch; it slows down slightly and the train lets out a honking speed as if its stepping up a gear to get you up the mountain. The other stand out attraction for us was Dinosaur. No one speaks about it. Good, the ride is excellent and far scarier then its's queue and surrounding area. The photo point is also.. perfect. Kali Kali Rapids was.... okay. After its drop it kind of died a quick death and just meandered back to the station. It's theme is deforestation. Loads of burnt out trees decorate the top of the ride. It's quite wet and American reactions to rides have to be seen to be understood. It just lacked length for me.So onto the other major attraction at Animal Kingdom, Kilamanjaro Safari, basically a trek through a reserve where you can see Hippos, Lions, Ostriches, Elephants, Zebras and Alligators. Very popular but very interesting at the same time. They try to intersperse the ride with a story of poachers stealing a baby elephant. It's slightly bad taste really but on the other hand gives the ride a certain finale.So why did we spend two days at Animal Kingdom. Well we were at the meet and greet area hugging Goofy and Pluto when a guy came to us and said he wanted out help in a little project. What we didn't know is that the project was to be part of the park parade. If you know Disney, you know the parades are massive and a huge majority of the park will state their turf, refusing to move so they could get a chance to see the gang on themed cars. We were on the Mickey float to!The most magical moment of the trip without a doubt. Buh Bye Animal kingdom
  15. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from thorpeparkjack in Mark and Chris's Satisfactual Florida trip   
    Afternoon all, I didn't want to clog up Nicky's Florida trip report topic so here's mine! For our second anniversary Chris and I went off to Walt Disney World Florida for ten nights in what has ended up to be the hottest May in Florida since 1916. The parks were busy, the rides packed out, you'd be lucky to get near the parades and yet it was the best ten days off my life. To try something different I'm doing my trip report in the wrong order. So here we go..I'm going to start with Animal Kingdom which we spent two of our days at, the reason for this will become apparent as you read. Animal kingdom is the park I'd heard the least about and for me was the park I was least looking forward to. It ended up being the surprise hit of the trip and is far more then just three rides and a safari. The Disney parks don't just open, they roll out the characters on trains, jeeps, buses, monorail trains and have a big countdown to let guests in. I'm not going to lie when I say this is magical. It diverts interest away from the tedium of waiting. The only other park I've seen do that is Warner in Madrid. Other parks take note.So when you go to Animal Kingdom, what ride do you start with?Yeah, of course, Expedition Everest. A ride that with hindsight is what Th13teen was trying to be and utterly failed to be. Expedition Everest is stunning. I'm sure you all know about it's little trick but its not this that impressed me, it's the stunning attention to detail all around the ride. From the beautiful queueline that talks about the legend of the Yeti to the small gift-shop that sells yeti t-shirts. I actually got a bit annoyed about the queue actually; it moves to fast. I wanted to read about the yeti but because the ride eats people by the bucket loads, I never got the chance. With 5 trains seating 34 people each, it was crazy. The ride itself is sublime, the drop out the mountain is full of speed, air time and beautifully smooth, and the lift hill is a superb touch; it slows down slightly and the train lets out a honking speed as if its stepping up a gear to get you up the mountain. The other stand out attraction for us was Dinosaur. No one speaks about it. Good, the ride is excellent and far scarier then its's queue and surrounding area. The photo point is also.. perfect. Kali Kali Rapids was.... okay. After its drop it kind of died a quick death and just meandered back to the station. It's theme is deforestation. Loads of burnt out trees decorate the top of the ride. It's quite wet and American reactions to rides have to be seen to be understood. It just lacked length for me.So onto the other major attraction at Animal Kingdom, Kilamanjaro Safari, basically a trek through a reserve where you can see Hippos, Lions, Ostriches, Elephants, Zebras and Alligators. Very popular but very interesting at the same time. They try to intersperse the ride with a story of poachers stealing a baby elephant. It's slightly bad taste really but on the other hand gives the ride a certain finale.So why did we spend two days at Animal Kingdom. Well we were at the meet and greet area hugging Goofy and Pluto when a guy came to us and said he wanted out help in a little project. What we didn't know is that the project was to be part of the park parade. If you know Disney, you know the parades are massive and a huge majority of the park will state their turf, refusing to move so they could get a chance to see the gang on themed cars. We were on the Mickey float to!The most magical moment of the trip without a doubt. Buh Bye Animal kingdom
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    Mark9 got a reaction from Mer in Mark and Chris's Satisfactual Florida trip   
    Afternoon all, I didn't want to clog up Nicky's Florida trip report topic so here's mine! For our second anniversary Chris and I went off to Walt Disney World Florida for ten nights in what has ended up to be the hottest May in Florida since 1916. The parks were busy, the rides packed out, you'd be lucky to get near the parades and yet it was the best ten days off my life. To try something different I'm doing my trip report in the wrong order. So here we go..I'm going to start with Animal Kingdom which we spent two of our days at, the reason for this will become apparent as you read. Animal kingdom is the park I'd heard the least about and for me was the park I was least looking forward to. It ended up being the surprise hit of the trip and is far more then just three rides and a safari. The Disney parks don't just open, they roll out the characters on trains, jeeps, buses, monorail trains and have a big countdown to let guests in. I'm not going to lie when I say this is magical. It diverts interest away from the tedium of waiting. The only other park I've seen do that is Warner in Madrid. Other parks take note.So when you go to Animal Kingdom, what ride do you start with?Yeah, of course, Expedition Everest. A ride that with hindsight is what Th13teen was trying to be and utterly failed to be. Expedition Everest is stunning. I'm sure you all know about it's little trick but its not this that impressed me, it's the stunning attention to detail all around the ride. From the beautiful queueline that talks about the legend of the Yeti to the small gift-shop that sells yeti t-shirts. I actually got a bit annoyed about the queue actually; it moves to fast. I wanted to read about the yeti but because the ride eats people by the bucket loads, I never got the chance. With 5 trains seating 34 people each, it was crazy. The ride itself is sublime, the drop out the mountain is full of speed, air time and beautifully smooth, and the lift hill is a superb touch; it slows down slightly and the train lets out a honking speed as if its stepping up a gear to get you up the mountain. The other stand out attraction for us was Dinosaur. No one speaks about it. Good, the ride is excellent and far scarier then its's queue and surrounding area. The photo point is also.. perfect. Kali Kali Rapids was.... okay. After its drop it kind of died a quick death and just meandered back to the station. It's theme is deforestation. Loads of burnt out trees decorate the top of the ride. It's quite wet and American reactions to rides have to be seen to be understood. It just lacked length for me.So onto the other major attraction at Animal Kingdom, Kilamanjaro Safari, basically a trek through a reserve where you can see Hippos, Lions, Ostriches, Elephants, Zebras and Alligators. Very popular but very interesting at the same time. They try to intersperse the ride with a story of poachers stealing a baby elephant. It's slightly bad taste really but on the other hand gives the ride a certain finale.So why did we spend two days at Animal Kingdom. Well we were at the meet and greet area hugging Goofy and Pluto when a guy came to us and said he wanted out help in a little project. What we didn't know is that the project was to be part of the park parade. If you know Disney, you know the parades are massive and a huge majority of the park will state their turf, refusing to move so they could get a chance to see the gang on themed cars. We were on the Mickey float to!The most magical moment of the trip without a doubt. Buh Bye Animal kingdom
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    Mark9 got a reaction from Phill Pritchard in Safari Skyway   
    With those, Skyway was constructed in 1986 whilst Runaway Train constructed in 1987. It's the same with Vampire and Bubbleworks. I think Merlin have played around with the official statistics to create more competition in the game.
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    Mark9 reacted to Benin in Parks, Rides And Coaster News   
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    Mark9 reacted to Benin in Tomb Blaster   
    Wow... You keep proving to us how much of an idiot you are...
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    Mark9 got a reaction from Tom in Oblivion   
    I've decided that Oblivion is an amazing ride and one of the best in the country.So there.

    Just the best theme park advert... ever.
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    Mark9 got a reaction from Benin in You've Been Framed: TPM Appreciation Society   
    That is Benin.
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    Mark9 got a reaction from Mer in Old Vampire   
    One wonders how Thirteen manages it, the speed that thing comes into the station and comes to a dead stop..
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    Mark9 got a reaction from Phill Pritchard in Old Vampire   
    Natural selection surely? If you're stupid enough to run into the front of a fast moving train then you deserve to die..
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    Mark9 got a reaction from Jord in Drayton Manor   
    It's good but it's no Storm Surge.
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    Mark9 got a reaction from alexander in Old Vampire   
    Natural selection surely? If you're stupid enough to run into the front of a fast moving train then you deserve to die..
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