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Lie to Me - Forum Game


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Edit omg, silly me! However 2 is the lie,

I did record in France, but that was last year.

I did go to Brightonfor new year and went to the pier too, technically my first 2015 credit

By not so, pot luck, I nearly went went to DLP this coming weekend, but by the way things went, never happened, and by what's happening near that be k, it's perhaps for the best (better still happen though).

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Mind-blower coming up...


NONE OF YOU were correct! The lie was in fact 1, because at least Duel still works as an ordinary haunted house. Not to mention the guns always work! ;)


2. It wasn't the first time I went to DLP...but heck I made the most of it this time, as this time I did my first ever coaster - Big Thunder Mountain. (only then I didn't recognise it as a coaster, as heavy themeing should make you think! ;))


3. Believe it or not - it's true! A few years ago I was still with Scouts...and on one of my camps we were situated in an airfield, and one day we got to go up in a glider, accompanied by a pilot. Obviously the others who went up got to do this, but I took control of the aircraft for a good minute or so...so at least I now know how to manoeuvre an aircraft as basic as a glider. :)


As both of you were incorrect, the next turn is hereby open to anyone.

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Number Three is the lie (Coasterdude is correct). I have been to another thrmepark outside the uk aside from Tivoli World; unfortunately though it still isn't a big one as the other place is Boudwijan Sea Park in Belgium which I went to on a school trip in year 8 (and they were playing disney songs around the park too :):( ).

I did go to Oakwood in 1998 as part of a family holiday in Wales, but was sadly too little to ride Megafobia, which I thankfully got to do in 2013 (an amazing beast she is).

Yes, I did not visit Thorpe between after 2001 due to the family at the time considering Legoland more family friendly (none of us knew about Chessington then) and only returning in 2006 when I found out about the place again.

Coaster dudes turn

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...aaaand the lie is...3! Would you have guessed it? ;) Basically I'm tired of the constant strain of getting to college every morning on the road...especially during the school run/rush hour. The phrase goes "Well it beats walking!". Not anymore! ;)


1. Mark my words - it was hard going, but if I hadn't done all those years of daily (yes, daily) maths papers, I probably wouldn't have a GCSE for maths as we speak!

2. It was all Cornflakes' idea. A pretty good idea to be honest! :lol:


The next turn is once again open to all.

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