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How death should of been simulated in The Passing




I loved The Passing, I thought it was a great addition to the Fright Nights lineup that provided some great scares, however one thing that could of been done better was your death.

The only thing that comes close to a simulated death in The Passing is when a gunshot sound is played when you get your picture taken, if this meant to be the simulation of death then it just makes no sense, as in the next scene you get your bag. They cant kill you before you before you get the bag, then it would just be putting a bag over a corpse, it should be done like this;

First, you enter the room with the room with the video, the lights are all turned on, a firing squad then enters, they raise they're weapons and as they fire, all the lights go out and air cannons blast at you, a dim light then comes on, the firing squad have now left, the video then plays, after the video is finished an actor dressed in dark robes silently leads you to the tunnels to begin the maze.

Personally, I think that this is a much better way of simulating your execution, its quick, its realistic (well, as realistic as you can get when you pretend to kill your guests) and its easy to understand, if something like this was this was put in place, it would take out one of my major gripes with the maze.

Thanks for reading :)


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That's a good idea but this is Thorpe Park :(

I wouldn't bash them but by the looks of reviews, The Passing is definitely not what it could be and could have more potential, as usual, especially since they are charging £3 for it.

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I like this concept a lot more, I also think they should also theme the maze about seeing your 'life flash before your eyes', as if you're transitioning between death to heaven/hell and it's the time between. But because of you're an alleged criminal it should be that all your 'memories' that were once good have been twisted or all the people you've hurt/killed has come to haunt you.

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