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Everything posted by Marc

  1. Marc


    Yea, but then we could be much worse, look at Tussaud Times
  2. X no way out isnt even in the same league as detonator tbh, more than made up for stealth!
  3. Woo trip reportageLast day of season with Dann and Clara and James and Joe was pritty cool! Park was pritty quiet and pritty strange really, many fanboys and girls around park and loads of happy staff! Didnt see much break stelath a couple of times and zodiac. Rush and slammer wernt open as they kinda had no bars!Count:Stealth 3 (one front)Vortex 4Depth charge 1Samurai 5?Detty 5?Colossus 1x no way out 1loggers leap 1rumba rapids 1rocky express 1Thats all I think!
  4. Marc


    I think it was built in around 2002 wasnt it?
  5. Marc


    Erm I think stealth rush and slammer are the only rides newer than zodiac :\
  6. Marc


    Not higher, maybe for longer but not sure as the tanks may run out of air.
  7. Marc


    When you watch the skyhalk webcam theres a fair few days its running on just one swing, it was yesterday.
  8. Marc


    Well thought I would create this topic to show of your photoshoping skills, gives you somthing to do when your bored!Hmm I was very bored today so created this...
  9. Marc


    Ok, it breaks down more on 2 swings
  10. Marc


    The thing is, when it runs 2 swings it some times allways breaks down and would be better off using just one.
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