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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. Dan9


    Can be rather amusing at times, I really hope sometime they make a celebrity version!
  2. Dan9


    I don't think anyone was rude to eachother. Just looked like a simple debate to me.
  3. Dan9


    The only one in the world at the moment.
  4. Dan9


    Hell yeahhhh Cheese night (I actually sort of enjoyed NSC live ). But Friday was worth it just for Butterflies & Hurricanes. Saturday still blew it out of the water though; Bliss, Citizen Erased, MK Ultra, Map, Ruled By Secrecy... <3 (and a generally better performance of everything all round).
  5. Dan9


    I've literally never felt in the presence of three people so Godly ever in my life before. Matt Bellamy is a true hero of mine.So referencing back to a discussion previously in this thread, going twice in a row was definitely worth it. Two very different shows, the Saturday especially being the most amazing experience of my life. And yay for Bullet!
  6. Dan9

    SAW: Alive

    On Annual Pass Day it was open from 10am, which that day was opening time. I thought they always opened it with everything else?
  7. Dan9


    Apart from his songs. And song lyrics. And voice. And basically everything else.
  8. Dan9


    A Justin Bieber fan can't 'fail' me. Too inferior, sorry.
  9. Dan9


    I take everything ever posted in this topic combined and raise you this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPWHazb4hDM
  10. Because it's dull. I occasionally get a good, forceful ride on it but it only happens maybe one every four or five rides or so. It leaves me disappointed too many times.
  11. Dan9


    An argument or 'Heated discussion' in my mind means throwing angry (sometimes personal) insults into the debate or arguing with someone for the sake of it being them, and I can't see that this has been happening.So my conclusion is that discussions like these happen nearly every day on the forum, don't take any of them personally.
  12. I have no idea, I don't know you. I'm just making the point that it's not someones 'duty' to be here doing this every minute of their day, they can contribute whenever they can or feel like it.
  13. Some people have lives outside the forum. Shocking eh?
  14. Teacups, Rocky, CCR > Saw
  15. Stealth... really? Bring on the game for the err, better park *ahem*...
  16. Nemesis Inferno (5)Rush (5)Stealth (6)Rush +Stealth -
  17. Nemesis Inferno (6)Rush (5)Stealth (5)Rush +Stealth -
  18. Nuh-uh, bring it on. ;)DAMNIT ALL OF YOU. Nemesis Inferno (6)Rush (5)Stealth (4)Rush +Stealth -
  19. Detonator (3)Nemesis Inferno (6)Rush (5)Stealth (6)Det +Stealth -
  20. Detonator (4)Nemesis Inferno (6)Rush (6)Stealth (4)Rush +Stealth -
  21. Colossus (1)Detonator (5)Nemesis Inferno (5)Rush (6)Stealth (8)Rush +Colossus -
  22. Colossus (4)Detonator (5)Nemesis Inferno (4)Rush (6)Stealth (6)Detonator +Colossus -
  23. Colossus (7)Detonator (5)Loggers Leap (2)Nemesis Inferno (5)Rush (5)Stealth (5)Rush +Colossus -
  24. Colossus (8)Detonator (5)Loggers Leap (3)Nemesis Inferno (5)Rush (5)Stealth (3)Detonator +Colossus -
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