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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. Dan9


    Eh? Well if we're choosing to be picky...2012 Coaster: No we currently don't know anything, and as far as I'm aware nothing has been confirmed.2015 Coaster: No we currently don't know anything, and as far as I'm aware nothing has been confirmed.2018 Coaster: No we currently don't know anything, and as far as I'm aware nothing has been confirmed.Every other Coaster they may want to introduce at some point in the future: No we currently don't know anything, and as far as I'm aware nothing has been confirmed.
  2. What's this got to do with your mum...? It's helpful to know for people who are planning to go soon to see which rides are unavailable, so if one of two of their favourites aren't running they can wait until they're back up again before going. Simple as.
  3. Dan9


    No we currently don't know anything, and as far as I'm aware nothing has been confirmed.
  4. To be honest I agree the last meet was a major fail, but I've been to nearly every meet for the last two years and that one has been the only damp squid in the pack. Every other one has been brilliant so don't be put off forever because there will be better meets in the future.I don't get why Marc felt the need to make a new list but yeah as I said before, I'll be there.
  5. Dan9


    Words cannot describe how much of a high I'm on. After the past two days I could quite easily die happily now.
  6. Everyone was gay when they were 7.
  7. Did you even see the picture I posted?
  8. Dan9


    Doubt it, if they wanted to close the Octupus Gardens area off including the main path to X:\ they'd probably keep the pathway between Amity Cove toilets and the Arena open.
  9. Dan9


    Because as you said the ride was opening later in the day? It's usually closed off during prolonged periods of closure incase any vehciles (such as lorry's or cherry picker's) are required since they take up a lot of space considering the area outside Slammer is fairly small. And considering the only reason you'd need to walk onto that path is to access Slammer it doesn't make much of a difference anyway.
  10. Osrslysrsly? This makes you automatically cool. ;) #waheyimhungry

  11. Orly? :o Whereabouts do you live then? #twitterreferencesftw x)

  12. Dan9


    Most likely because bands don't expect people to go to so many gigs on the same tour, they just expect their fans to go to their local show and that be the end of it (hence the point of the tour), so to them they have every right to throw out the same show every night if they want because to them they're playing to a different audience.
  13. Bee's do a lot for the eco-system, however wasps have no real known purpose other than to make your life annoying whenever you step outside. It is actually bee's that are dying out in numbers and wasps are still rising.
  14. Dan9


    I do love TPM in Mobile mode. I also loved hearing Phill's voice again.
  15. Dan9


    I agree about the setlists, I just bought both on a whim due to being slightly too much of a fanboy.
  16. Dan9


    Uhuh. Friday and Saturday . What about you?
  17. Dan9


    Shcnap! Oh and Muse in 11 days!
  18. As much as most of this would apply when writing a pop song, you can't really tell people how to write their own music, because it's all about expressing your own personal creativity and influence onto an idea. I write music, both lyrically and for five or six seperate instruments and each one is very different from the next, and I always try to make each individual song have it's own special style or 'personality'. But then again since you highlighted a Pussycat Dolls song as being 'well-written' it's obvious we have very different influences and ideas as to what to makes a song good, which is why I'm sort of saying you can't tell someone how to write a song because it only applies to someone with similar tastes to you.
  19. To put it simply, your friend was lying to you.
  20. And it still doesn't seemed to have solved the problem, it's valleyed at some point during the day the last two times I've visited.
  21. Apparently Vampire will not be running three train operation until after 26th August. But if there's any newer information on the matter that anyone knows then they're welcome to correct me...
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