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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. Let's just enjoy it whilst it lasts...
  2. Anyway, if you want to avoid wet feet, Loggers has a few boats which for some reason absolutely soak your feet completely if you're sitting at the front... not quite sure how it happens but it happened to me once or twice last year. If there's only two or three in the boat it's okay, since you can lean against the middle backrest and not have to cramp your feet right to the front. It's quite rare but it does occasionally happen. It's only an occasional problem if you're right at the front though. The only other problem is Storm Surge if they haven't emptied the boats recently beforehand. If the floor is resembling a lake then when you're getting in the boat sit on the side of the boat where your back is facing the lift, that way when you're going up the very lengthy lifthill all the water will be sloping downwards onto someone elses feet, and not yours . The rest of the time I just try to keep my feet slightly hovering above the water level, or lean on my toes. If there's only a couple of you in the boat you can put your feet up for most of the time when you aren't actually going down the slide. You should be able to figure it out when you're actually there though!Haven't been on Tidal Wave for a million years so I can't comment on that.Hope that helped a bit.
  3. Hmm, I said that AP Day would be packed, does this therefore mean I must obviously be always right?
  4. Schools are still in, so the weekdays shouldn't be too rammed.
  5. I like your hair Welcome!
  6. Just to update, I'll still be at the meet but I will not be attending the meal/hotel.
  7. Hmm, I must have been bloody unlucky last year then. I only saw the indoor blades working once or twice out of all of my visits, and the strobe/air guns were out of sync on every single one of my rides last year. The man on the floor was always working however.Though on my one ride on Saw so far in 2011, every effect was working and in sync, so well done Thorpe for actually paying attention this year.
  8. Possibly... though I do have absolutely no idea what Spotify Social is and don't know how to 'enable' it...
  9. I haven't even asked my parents about the hotel. Possibly an idea for the future.
  10. Arctic Monkeys – BrianstormFoo Fighters – RopePull Tiger Tail – AnimatorMetric – Satellite MindRage Against The Machine – Sleep Now In The FireThem Crooked Vultures – Elephants The XX – IntroBiffy Clyro – Living Is A Problem Because Everything DiesPhoenix – 1901Pendulum – WitchcraftBlood Red Shoes – It’s Getting Boring By The SeaThe Flaming Lips – Do You Realize?(Alex Turner - Piledriver Waltz)
  11. Playlist - 06/04/11Haven't been able to spend as much time on it as I perhaps could have or would have liked to since I've had a lot going on lately, but here it is anyway. All excellent bands, with mostly fairly well known songs by them (So these might not all my personal favourite songs by them, but they're what gets you into them (still great songs though)), I tried to make it as friendly as possible first time around. Another song I wanted to add since I've been loving it lately is this. Unfortunately it isn't on Spotify but either way I recommend you give it a listen if you can be bothered.(No Muse either... golly that was hard )
  12. *Sigh*, I guess I might as well never look up Alton Towers ever again then.
  13. Yes, children in pain is indeed god damn hilarious.
  14. I'll sign up if that's what I'm meant to do.
  15. In 'Kevin's' defence, I doubt he meant it in a bad way. He was at first just trying to be positive when he wasn't fully aware of the situation, so if I'm honest shoving that back in his face was hardly going to help stop the following brawl from arising.But yes, I agree it's now best to move on...
  16. Sorry, what side am I meant to exit on?
  17. Oh for goodness sakes.This is pathetic, 'Kevin' is making a good point here...And if you really can't take it when people try to think positively, just ignore them, no need to have a go at them. If you want to totally reject all forms of positivity, go ahead, but don't drag others down with you. The point here is that people may be the source of the problem, but they're also the source of the solution, so don't give up on them completely. When people try to help, don't just shove them away.
  18. Dan9


    I'm in for that, and yeah Spotify is always the best way to do it.
  19. Hellgate was the best maze last year.
  20. Bumped for awesomeness. This is my new favourite UK coaster. Srs.
  21. It's an advantage of having a family member work at the BBC... I sometimes go and wonder around their base, ocassionally bumping into some well known people.
  22. This might be a n00by question but I've never read a proper answer for it and it sort of fits in with the discussion: Why do bars need to be 're-checked', usually almost every train on this ride and many others? It slows down dispatching massively, on Sunday I had my restraint on Vampire checked a total of five times before the train was sent and I don't really see the point. Is the operator just button happy all the time or is there an actual reason because it sometimes turns 45 second dispatches into 2 minute dispatches. This happens so frequently that it's easy to tell why it never meets all these theoretical throughputs.
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