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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. Canada Creek Railway (5)Chief Rangers Carousel (4)Colossus (6)Depth Charge (4)Detonator (5)Flying Fish (5)Loggers Leap (5)Mr Monkeys Banana Ride (5)Nemesis Inferno (5)Quantum (4)Rocky Express (5)Rumba Rapids (5)Rush (8)Samurai (4)Saw – The Ride (5)Slammer (5)Stealth (5)Storm in a teacup (5)Tidal Wave (6)Vortex (5)X:\ No Way Out (5)Zodiac (5)Rush +Samurai -
  2. Hah, this again.Canada Creek Railway (5)Chief Rangers Carousel (5)Colossus (6)Depth Charge (4)Detonator (5)Flying Fish (5)Loggers Leap (5)Mr Monkeys Banana Ride (5)Nemesis Inferno (5)Quantum (5)Rocky Express (5)Rumba Rapids (5)Rush (6)Samurai (4)Saw – The Ride (5)Slammer (5)Stealth (5)Storm in a teacup (5)Tidal Wave (6)Time Voyagers (4)Vortex (5)X:\ No Way Out (5)Zodiac (5)Rush +Samurai -
  3. Yesterday was brilliant, definitely one of the best. Thank you to everyone for going . And massive kudos to Ian for the epic organisation as well, you did a great job.
  4. Like the ones they had to light it up before it had opened at FN '05? If so then that is epic.
  5. It did say pre-book only between 28th - 31st October. Sort of hints that you don't HAVE to on the other dates, I was only confused because everyone else was pre-booking and it seemed like I was the only one who was going to buy on the day.
  6. To be fair to them, it pretty much does. It's just a lot easier to make things look a million times more impressive in photoshop than they would in real life. The natural light outside doesn't help either.
  7. Dan9


    Wait, £80 is considered cheap?! And I thought Muse charged too much.
  8. Why would Th13teen being next to it mean Rita now has to 'use more power' to launch and therefore break down more? As far as I'm aware it's always busy enough anyway.
  9. Ok so I actually am going to this again. SRSLY SORRY FOR THE CONFUSION.
  10. Twitter says I have to send you a 'follow request' and when I do all it says is that I can't because I'm already following you... Hmm x). #twitterfail

  11. I can't remember back to 2007 but I remember it was great last year and I think the year before, I loved the sudden change in atmosphere.
  12. I thought you didn't have to book in advance unless you were going late in half term?
  13. I'm now not attending this meet so may have to take up Tommy's idea as well.
  14. Dan9


    Yuh all day.
  15. Dan9


    Stupid whale.
  16. (It seems I've missed a lot but I literally can't be bothered to go through it all).I just genuinely don't understand though why Thorpe continue to feel the need to add new attractions year on year on year as they've done every year (bar 2008) since the turn of the millenium, and then not run their current rides on full capacity because they apparently have to 'save up for more new attractions'. Surely it's best to spend some time and money making sure your current attractions can run on full capacity without feeling the need to break down so often, before installing yet more new rides?Personally I think Thorpe would have done fine in 2011 without a new attraction as they'd still be reaping the benefits from the last two Saw attractions, and also without a new attraction they wouldn't have to be worrying about saving as much money and could have spent the year making sure their current attracions were properly maintained for the long term future (it would probably have also have given them a slightly bigger budget for the 2012 coaster). But if now they need to 'save money' for new attractions in 2010, it worries me what next year may be like when the year after they're installing another major new rollercoaster, and the MTDP shows so much new flats on the horizon that it's difficult to see when there won't be a time when Thorpe are forced to be doing things like this.EDIT: A 10 minute queue is not what I'm arguing against, I can just see this getting worse and worse with the way Thorpe want to keep adding more and more attractions, and I'd rather not see a repeat of the days when Thorpe were having 5 rides down on one day with everything else on reduced capacity.
  17. There were people there today saying Stealth had a 10 minute queue and two trains could have worked, and since they were there are could physically see the queue for themselves then I believe them. Because the opportunity is there to have a smaller queue than 10 minutes, so why not take it? And waiting for trains to fill up doesn't really matter because it means it's the smallest possible queue it could have, which is surely what the idea is. I didn't know you worked for Thorpe Park? If Thorpe are so stripped for cash then why do they keep adding new attraction after new attraction, if they can't afford to keep their current main attractions running at full capacity in the first place? Once again, across 2008 I remember Thorpe ran two trains on Stealth basically every day, whatever the gate figure. If they were rich enough to do it then, then running two trains shouldn't be draining them out of cash now. Yes. All I'm saying about the forum is that it's impossible to come here anymore where it seems I'm free to have an opinion or debate about something, without someone coming to me and reading one park regulation or another and generally doing the parks job for them. Here is a good example... When fastrack, something universally agreed on by theme park enthusiasts as a waste of space is advertised on a fan forum, it sort of sums it up. And even if having one train is good for their business, I don't care because from an enthusiasts point of view two trains would be better, and if we all have to look on things as a business decision then we're more or less working for them. So if we aren't allowed to have an opinion or a good old moan about something without being told off from the 'parks perspective', it just gets very boring and loses the point of a 'discussion' forum.
  18. Because it makes it a shorter queue, which is the general idea... And no, having two trains is not going to mean they are 'struggling to fill seats' if the queue was 10 minutes before. And for one whole train to be empty every launch it would mean there would only be 20 or so people in the queue to fill that one train, and 20 people on one train operation doesn't equal a 10 minute queue so no, there's no logic there I'm afraid. Seriously though, how can people actually defend Thorpe on choosing to run one train operation over two when other parks manage it fine even on quiet days? It makes me wonder whether people are being genuine in their beliefs on the place or whether this forum is also becomming more of a marketing tool instead, where Thorpe can do no wrong.
  19. Yes they will be less busy than Fright Nights, but I don't know how to answer the question 'Will the November dates be less busy than the other November dates?'.
  20. Dan9


    You didn't word it very well then .And please don't try and insult my intelligence just because of one misunderstanding.
  21. Please don't make me start giving you Physics lectures . Oh well...Yes there are some areas which Science has yet to prove, but you were picking on Gravity which is what got me. We see the Sun most days right? (when it isn't cloudy) Of course we do, it's because of Gravity... without it Earth and all the other planets would just keep heading in a straight line. Need a diagram?I'd quite happily write you out some lovely equations which prove theories like this but once again, this is maybe not the right time or place. Philosophy is very interesting sometimes, other times it's a bit silly, especially when bozo's try and claim they know better than already pretty well proved theories. Moral of story, THE EARTH IS ROUND.Or I could be wrong and life could all be a lie. Trololol. EDIT: God how did this happen?
  22. That was a theory, it is a fact that the Earth is round because of many scientific reasons, but you can get the jist of most of these quite quickly if you LOOK AT THE PICTURE. No believe me, there are many people saying this and that about Gravity but it really couldn't, please don't make me go into it in this topic. Bah off topic Physics rant, I'll be quiet now.
  23. Er, this...Notice how nice and round it is?
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