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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. Well I'm not sure if footywoods name is Daniel or not, so ill just put teh whole name.
  2. I have an idea of what kind of things could be in one erea, but can someone actually explain them for me? Congrats Alex and everyone else! I hope they do let Mark back in, I havent actually said Hi to him at Chessie yet, I always notice him when he walks away . I look forward to seeing all of ya .
  3. Do we have to use our last name as well when signing up or just first?
  4. Well its fine if its after the park. Thank you id love to go as well but I dont think I could, its lucky I'm going to the meetup anyway! My Dad will be on park that day to (obviously not with us, just as a transport method), so yeeah couldnt really go to Nandos after. Sorrry .
  5. I'm confused here, whats this about Nandos? I'm afraid I cant go anywhere other than thorpe, and I'm not dragging my dad to the park to meet you guys if your all going to go off. Is what your organising after the park closing or something?
  6. Actually id like to take back what I said. It was kinda dumb and WOW I was such a n00b back then! ;)Never actually been on Kraken anyway. But its probably better than Colossus so hey ho.
  7. You mean I was on the same train as them and I didnt even know? ¬_¬
  8. Well I'm with myself every day of my life . I figured that counts.
  9. So now I can meet you? Yes Mark, you. And Alex. And Mike (hopefully)(Well teachnically ive already met Mike, but never spent any time with him properly at thorpe/chessie), and Cringle, and Marc. And Seb (same as mike really), and everyone else whos going who I havent met!(Actually theres lots of people I want to meet, which is the main reason I'm excited about going!)EDIT: Just so get it: Green = Met, Blue = sort of met, Red = Not met:MarcAlexMark9JoefootywoodsTPDan (duh)SebsterDannHolly +1SheepieJadeyJamesCringleMaxiToo much Reds/blues .
  10. Well done everyone who got accepted/is going back!I'm certaintely going to visit Chessington a few more times to see all of ya!
  11. I like it. Its not scary for me personally, but its very enjoyable and a great experience! Even if its the most broing wait to get in. Ever. Xtremis has a sort of detty feel about it IMO, its only about 25ft, but it is as if you get pushed down! Fairly intense actually, also considering your in pitch black.
  12. Put me on the deffo list .Omg I want to meet you Cringlee! You seriously better go.
  13. Yes I do agree that Thorpes staffs attitudes got worse instead of better, but most of the staff at Thorpe Blast redeemed it really, whereas at Chessie, most of the time the staff seemed good and a few who were great! Except for the few who looked bored and as if they didnt want to be there.The Problem with Bad attitudes from staff, is that your going to remember a staff member being rude more than a staff member being helpful and cheery, so those odd few staff can make a day much worse, but kudoes to those staff who have been brilliant all season! I noticed quite a few I saw a lot who were great most of timee. Thats just my thoughts.
  14. Did you see the Colossus station. Did you see the entrance? The entrance was a bit more than cobwebs and blood IMO.
  15. Happy Birthday! I wish it was my Birthday for some reason.
  16. Erm no its not. It starts 5 days later and has 2 extra days meaning it actually loses 3 days overall.
  17. Dan9


    Most people hide but are secretely excited . But right now I'm not thinking much of thorpe opening atm. Trying to enjoy closed season if I can.
  18. Next Year I think I'm going for quality not quantity, as now Ive done a lot of pictures for 3 visit of photot taking, so I'm going to try and take more artisticy and more different pictures, instead of the same old stuff. Much better pictures coming from me soon, promise!
  19. Dan9


    Most people are ill round about now, including me. In last 3 weeks, have had earaches, heaaches, colds, Bad lips, general Stomach sickness and soar throat along with being very very tired. Still have most of them actually .
  20. Oo I like them. Intresting to see if Be Discovered will go ahead, if so it would have the closing time of 7pm, instead of 9/10 pm which it had had in the past, so doubts for that I'm thinking.It also looks like Fright Nights is starting on October 13th and Ending on November 2nd!
  21. Dan9


    I'm 1/4 or 1/2 Nothern Irish as well, though cant remember which . They did do very well in Euro 2008 qualifying, much better than usual.
  22. Dan9


    There was an abandenned druggie car in our road for a month, and police took it away yesterday. Its alarm went off like every 20 minutes, and it was a load of random police siren noises. Twas really annoying. I had some tempations to throw something at it, and was very close to do doing so.I want to meet up with people I havent met, or have only met up with once properly, but on other occasions for a little bit. In short I want to meet up, and dont actually care where tbh. You can all decide amongst yourselves. :)I didnt know there was a Chessie version of Monks Walk. if there is, then there will be more chance of me going there and Monks, as I'm going monks mid January anyway. I think.
  23. I agree. YESSS!!! MARMITE IS PWNING BOVRIL s**t FTW!!!11111 Yeah sorry about that. I dont see how footywoods can really say that, and why is it everyone in my school hates Marmite. I think ive had other Beef spreads and they are okayish, but ive never had Bovril. Its 4 - 3 to Marmite xD.
  24. Dan9


    I thought the X station was really good during Fright Nights, and the music for FN is still 'ok', but the laughing clown isn't =(. But yeah, X is really cool. And very addictive I might add. Kinda like Inferno.
  25. Dan9


    Not really . Or not anything which is worth getting excited about (Maybe we should make something to get excited about ).
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