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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. Dan9


    But a 45 minute queue is still not worth the amount of money you have to pay for it.And I bet the normal queue could be an hour if there was no fastrackers anyway.
  2. I really like Falls. Nice, not too big drop. Generally very fun. However id prefer it if once inside the dragons head on the ride, there was slightly more in there. its a little annoying thinking your going to the dragon, when once inside you realise its just a tin shed.
  3. Dan9


    Fastrack is a different format at Alton. Anyway Fastrack is a massive rip off. You pay too much money to get on something youve ridden before, and still end up queueing anyway (at thorpe, I once queued about 45 minutes using fastrack). And it slows the normal queue down. The queue would probably be half the length if fastrack wasnt there
  4. Dan9


    And if its not a queue I s'pose I can simply barge my way to the front with the excuse "its not really a queue" .
  5. Dan9


    Can you all please stop spamming now. And apparentely you have 99 posts .I had Pizza last night. Was most lovely. I havent a clue what I'm eating tonight though.
  6. Why would they be playing now anyway? All of CC is shut. =S
  7. Same ^.Just saw the new advert. Its alright. I like how they wriggle through as into a different world kind of, but otherwise its a bit short.
  8. Well it has changed now .And I dont think people ride for the intense crazy thrills (which we all know it delivers ).
  9. Dan9


    Well so is Black Mamba. Kind of .
  10. God Parents are stupid like that. Why do they get upset when people say they are gay? I mean, your their son/daughter, cant they accept you for what you are? Annoying. I'm straight. Join the club. This has been become a cool topic recentely, and the poll results so far definately does not show the truth.
  11. Dan9


    And why would you base the whole popularity of a ride on one off peak day?
  12. Dan9

    Thunder Looper

    I'd very much doubt it would fit in there.
  13. Dan9

    I Remember When...

    SPONGBOB !Nuff said.
  14. Dan9


    S**t. Are you sure?
  15. Ohh I'm a day late .Happy Birthday for yesterday!
  16. Damn, I remember thinking of some good ones last night. Now I forgot them.
  17. Dan9


    My Msns just gone crazy. So has my computer.EDIT: Msn's in pretty bad shape, may have to get a newer version or simply download it all again! Which would require me to get everyones msn again >_>
  18. Del Shannon - RunawayDunno why .
  19. Dan9


    I saw the video, I didnt see anything wrong with it. Was pretty good though . Make a petition, SAVE PHILL! And get everyone to sign it.
  20. What? It exists, but actually looking through FN topic I'm surprised to see its not there, under any of the FN pages.
  21. I think Marc is right, but Instead of entirely getting rid of the new coaster, id put it back a year or 2, and use 2008 and 2009 and refurbishment years, tidy up everything, sort of Project Link, clean the queuelines and everything that Marc and Seb said (even though they've already been done, that should be just the beginning I feel). I think they should clean up Ranger County too, its had barely any care for a while, mainly Fungle Safari. The Characters and dissapearing each year, and its becoming very stale. They need to replace/bring back the characters, Clean them, things like that. Every week I also think the park should really go round and do things like scrape the gum of queuelines and things like the Colossus gum tree, instead of leaving things like that until the next closed season as by th end of the year, everything is looking worn and tattered. As with Altons new map, its good, the old one was probably better IMO, this one doesnt really give as much path info and directions, which is what Alton needs, its very easy to get lost between areas. The New ones more about illustrations of the rides and making them stand out. Thus sort of irredicating the thought of it being a map. But its still OK I s'pose.
  22. There are lots of "Picture Pros" on this forum . Joe, Phill, Marc etc etc.
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