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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. Dan9


    Basically everything happens in this topic.I love how this topic has exactely what it says in its title .
  2. Dan9


    Why wouldn't they advertise it then? It would look better in the publics eye.
  3. Dan9


    Link Doesnt work, just takes me to the Photobucket homepage.
  4. Do you think theres anything laking with the staff at Chessington? Do you prefer them to Thorpes, or do you think they need improving?Youll be with them a lot of the time in your day at Chessie, so what do you think about them?
  5. Another Mack powered ride, and this is a great one! Its located in Mexicana sitting near the Rattlesnake, and personally I think its on of Chessingtons most enjoyable rides. Its like the Flying Fish, but with the theme of RMT, its really a completely different ride! (Now I'm starting to do random blabble )Discussion on one of Chessingtons better rides here!
  6. Gawd, thats just annoying really. Shows how crappy Tussauds emplyment is (Yes I know Marc already said it).I know this is weird but, conisdering we have our own Chessington section now, is there much point to this topic?
  7. Dan9


    Update on my life: I have a sprained ankle =(.Guess why. Chavs. Dont ask why, as I'm not really sure about it either.Not very nice .
  8. Dan9


    Looking through stuff I found that I joined tpm on the 24th Novemeber 2006. Woo go me?(sad moi?)
  9. Dan9

    This Or That

    Galaxy!Overhaed restraints or lap bars? (easy one)
  10. Dan9

    This Or That

    T-Mobile.Rush or Vortex?
  11. Dan9

    This Or That

    Rarely have eather, but ill say Mars Delight for the random hell of it!Queueing for Nemesis Inferno or Stealth?
  12. Dan9


    Thank you! And no I dont have any plans on growing a beard any time soon
  13. Happy Birthday HOLlY! XDI wish it was my birthday.
  14. Dan9


    I warned ye .I should be a Fortune Teller!
  15. Dan9


    On a Bus in Croydon?Prepare to have it stolen .
  16. Happy Birthday Alex00r! Or whatever hes called nowa days .Happy Birthday anyway! (I already said that but hey!)
  17. Dan9


    I like Hotels which dont make you pay for Internet access, you just pay it in the final bill, it doesnt make you keep any money or lose any money, but its just easier I think. But yeah apart from that randomness, I think Alton Towers is kool. Yeah kool. Like Fantastically kool. More Alton tomorrow too! *If you hadnt have guessed, I went to alton today and I'm going again tomorrow for closing day*
  18. Dan9


    We need some more alton topics, so here another one!Well when Rita was announced it got alton fanboys pretty excited. But since its opened, its recieved mixed reviews. Its like Marmite, you either Love it or you hate it . Rita has been criticised for its long queues followed by short ride times, but some people find it a great ride full of airtime and great turns.Launching from 0 - 60 mph in 2.4 seconds, it takes you on a journey through UG Land, with twists and turns everywhere, and 3 airtime hills in the center of the ride. Thunder Rock Rally Radio plays around the ride, which some people have critcised also for not fitting in with the UG Lands prehistoric theme, and the whole ride idea is not based around this either.GO GO GO....
  19. WMP is still haveing a tantrum on my computer so I cant see it. Dont have Quicktime or real player either. Ooo how about Youtube .
  20. Well Alton Towers is hosting an adrenaline week this week, which I will be attending on Saturday and Sunday! According the website, Alton will also be opening its gates for February Half Term, but without the full line up. Details on the "We love Winter" page on the Alton Website.Discuss Alton Towers News here!
  21. Does anyone have the FN music which has the sort of ticking, and then then the Big Ben Duung noise, followed by a range of random noises to do with FN? Its played a lot around Tidal Wave during fn. After 4 only though.But random but hey.
  22. Yes I will, but I just might not do the 40 times a year routine (sp?).
  23. Stealths countdown was broken on Friday, but I s'pose when things brake they can be fixed. Staff were excellent on Friday, except for the ones on the fish but I wont get into that .The Colossus and Stealth staff were actually amazing on Friday, fastest dispatch times ive ever seen on a rollercoaster, just like seb said. They seemed very enthusiastic in getting trains through the station very quickly, which I really liked.Pics soon, I promise!
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