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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. If you were speaking to me then yes, stealth plays 155 songs me thinks?
  2. All 155 of them? It might take a while . Is is possible to send 155 songs on a forum, or is there a limit?Well actually I cant talk, James is sending all of them to me anyway, since I lost my wwtp song folder .
  3. Dan9


    Firstly, LOL at james. Also ive just noticed those people behing james. Personally I feel sorry for them having to put up with us in that queue. We were being extrememly..well y'know what I mean. Again, LOL.
  4. Happy Birthday Mr.. SEB.Thorpe soon if I can go.
  5. After he said no, you could have stept infront of him and said you would like it?
  6. Dan9


    Well I just relised we have no ride topics..we should have some, so ill do one. Makes sense.Well Nemesis has been considered by most as one of the greatest if not greatest coaster in the UK, some people say Europe. Now I cant say this, considering I have never ridden it, so these are just other people views, not mine. Considering its in a pit and has a fairly small drop, lots of people wonder how it picks up so much speed. I'll say dont question it, just enjoy it .Share your views and reviews of Altons Main Coaster.
  7. Yeah but thats a good thing if your a fnaboy, knowing that you can here a coaster every few minutes .
  8. Well Stealth was earlier advertised that it would be opening later.
  9. And get an SLC, Screamin Squirrel, and a Corckscrew Coaster? I hope you didnt mean the coasters bit .
  10. THORPE PARK - 16/08/07Attendants: Me, James, Joe, Holly, Beth, Jadey, Mini Frenchy, Luke.Brilliant day, I had fun even though it was very very busy, and a lack of rides. I arrived late due to West Wickham Traffic (>_<), and had to leave slightly early (5pm). None of us could be bothered with queueing today, meaning we didnt get on much, but despite that I still had a Great Day, with just general ROFL all day.Fish was actually really good today, Jesus, I have never had a ride with a first go round the circuit so forceful :|. Errm..Ohh yea, the end of the day was dlightly annoying, with us queueing about 15/20 mins for teacups and then breaking down right as we are at the front, so after waiting 10 mins, I leave, come back 5 mins later to see it up and running, whitch was annoying as I then had to leave. .Positives:--Great rides, despite lack of them-Fish and Rush seemed very forceful today-Converstaion while riding X with James-Great Weather-Taking random pictures of eachother in the Vortex queue-So very near to taking over X!-Great people with funny antics all dayNegatives:--Very Busy-Queues-Breakdowns-No Loggers-Lack of ridesRIDE COUNT:Slammer -1Fish -2Rush -1X:\ - 1Carousel -1Vortex -1Zodiac -1Brilliant day, Cheers to everyone who attented for making it a great day! Btw, forcgot to mention I actually did slammer before the fish, I just completely forgot, just realised 10 mins ago!Pictures HERE.
  11. Actually Samurai was down all day, along with Quantum, AND STEALTH.
  12. So now 3 rides are closed? Quantum, Rush and Samurai.Grrr.
  13. Dan9

    This Or That

    Blue.Bold or Underlined?
  14. Dan9


    If I buy you thorpe, will you buy me phill?
  15. Dan9


    Yaa, I like Cheese.Yeah, real random .
  16. Dan9


    I bet he didnt know that one .
  17. I love the random Duck theming on Bubbleworks, and all the quack noises is enough to mae anyone giggle like little school girls (=|). I hate riding it with people I dont know, its much better riding with friends as Holly said, its much more fun(ny).
  18. Fury is the best ride in the park IMO. The Spinniness is just fantastic. Ohhh yeah and its blooody intense on your first ride!
  19. It may kill your spine on some of the turnarounds, but it is a very fun ride, and you can practically feel the Mexican heat looking at it. Great fun to ride with frienda.
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