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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. Since I got new camera theres only been 2 times when ive uploaded pics to photobucket of thorpe trips. Mainly becasue most times I cant be bothered, but here are some of the better ones from those 2 trips:Clicky^ I Like this oneClickyClickyClickyClickyClickyClickyClicky^This one is good only because it shows the rain very well.ClickyClickyClicky^This ones good as it was in top speed when I took it.ClickyClicky^Like this one especiallyClickyThere are some more good ones (some even more pretty cool vortex ones) which werent mentioned above, but I didnt put them in as ive mentioned quite a few already.
  2. Put me on the maybes too. I WOULD love to go, but it all depends on whether I'm free, if I have enough money, and if I'm going already, in which if I was, I wouldnt be with you the whole time on that day.
  3. Dont sound so shocked by that, usually Loggers queues reach around 90 mins when its busy, maybe even more. It is hard to get on Loggers, as it has always been.Those are pretty long queues for fastrack.
  4. Well maybe Thorpe have Just been possessed with an evil curse which gives them bad luck?If rides break, they break. You cant help it, its a fact of a thrill ride.
  5. Dan9


    I was already going on Saturday anyway. :|
  6. We get it, IE sucks. This computer has it, and Tbh I really dont care .
  7. Wow. Who would have guessed that thorpe are working on a closed ride.This is all very good though. Great to see 2 of the best rides at thorpe back in action for fright nights. I hope we see Slammer and Rush opening soon, and quantum..well....wont be opening too soon.
  8. Dan9


    Meeee for something!
  9. Its been down for a while now. So has Slammer..and Quantum and Samurai.
  10. Rush Music playing on Vortex is annoying really. Keep Rush's music to Rush, and Vortex's music to Vortex.
  11. Dan9


    Ohh who really cares any more?Phill think good..Marc and Dann think its bad. The End.
  12. Dan9


    iPods are better than Mp3 players. Nuff said.
  13. Dan9

    Your Thorpe Park

    Erm..Lewry..Depth Charge IS a family ride?
  14. Quantum:NORush: NOWell none of us now about the other two really they could open any day!
  15. Ill check for it tomorrow then.
  16. Dan9


    Grr at msn. No letting me on for no reason whatsoever and the website is no help.
  17. Well reliabilty was prett much horrific last year too, when it was open March til November, so there isnt much of a difference. Id like to add that places like SF Magic Mountain and Knotts Berry Farm are open all year, with it only being closed on christmas day (I think?), and they both have better reliability than thorpe. 5 rides closed in a day in september is bad. (Sort of 4, as mr.moenkeys hasnt actually a problem). So when we say "it could be worse", it could, but then it could always be worse, but still having 1 ride closed let along 5 will make queues for other rides bigger, and let down lots of guests who might have travelled miles upon miles to ride a few rides, only to find them closed.Heck its fine for us, we are people who already have been on these rides numurous times, but most people wont have, so 1 ride down might be a major dissapointment to them, and build up queues for other rides and generally make them not enjoy their visit as much as they could, unlike us, who dont care, as we've done it already.
  18. Ahh so do I, Considering how I think its great at thorpe, so if it was better at chessie, makes me feel annoyed I wasnt born earlier to ride it. Looked Uber.
  19. O.M.G.JAMES looks happy in all of those pics! We must all congratulate him on his slendid effort .
  20. Dan9


    LOL, my form tutor is from africa aswell, but doesnt have a name anything like that . I think theres like 4 teachers from africa at my school.
  21. Dan9

    This Or That

    The Dark.Red or Orange?
  22. Dan9


    I know this is a random topic, but People, Seriously!
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