Well I had it out (oi oi ) and let slip to some friends that I haven't got insurance sorted for it yet. Was sitting near the back upstairs as it was pretty busy, and these two blokes overheard. So they get up and walk past very slow leik looking at me, luckily I had just that second put it back in my pocket so go grabbing could occour! But yeah, you probs had to be there. THE TENSION!!
Jesus, waiting freakin' forever and then doing a s**tty job of it to. Go give them peoples a good slapping!Let's hope O2's customer support is better when they get a phonecall from me soon...
If by "Feature packed, stupid price but breaks at the drop of a hat" you mean iPhone, then HELL YES! Oh, and watch this foo!Photobucket or just giving up with effing upload sites and kicking something?
You tell them Cringles!My brother has been all leik 'meh it's nothing special'... but all he knows about it is what the effing Daily Mail told him. I saw the article the other day and they didn't even get the effing stats right for christs sake!Jeez, some people!
Outlook [Express], never used Thunderbird so not really a fair judgement though. I use Opera built-in mail now anyway, Outlook use is very rare!Marc, how you can say Nokia I don't know, you suck. :D1.1.1 or 1.1.2 ?