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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Alex


    Oh just go to ATA already Mike! :)Oh, and he dosen't have a choice in whether or not he's going in the mazes, it's compulsory!
  2. Oh lord, two lists, this is gonna get confusing! Need to sort something Seb!
  3. Oh, well apart from Gay Holiday yeah :(Nah I'm talking like an actual serious conversation. That's not something I ever have had or anticipate having with any of them. There's only a couple I think would be mature enough to handle it, if you catch them in the right mood. Even then I don't think I would, can't be doing with the aftermath!I figure it's part of going to an all boys school. Any sort of emotional anything is completely supressed, because ya gotta be macho, otherwise you'll get bullied for being 'gay'.There was this poor little kid that join in year 7, had long blonde hair, looked dead cute. But oh no, that made him gay. He got bullied so bad he had to leave, poor thing.Grr, now I can't even remember the point of this post, I swear I was working towards something!Edit: Remembered the point! Yeah, was just gonna say that why I'm so greatful for the friends that I know through here (you know who you are!), without whom I'd probably go insane. I don't deserve them really.
  4. Aw, I'm jelous of you and your friends. I have a couple of mates who I can have a good bitch with, but none that I can ever be totally open with. Seriously, make an even slightly gay comment and they wouldn't talk to me for weeks.
  5. If a girly day out includes lots of shopping then I'm so in
  6. I'm sure our resident uber nerd Marc Simpson might be able to manage it!
  7. I've never understood the whole rush to the rooftops to shout about your sexuality thing. Way I see it, just be who you are, and if somebody asks, tell it like it is. No need to run around screaming it imo.Not literally of course, but you get what I mean!
  8. Alex


    Oh, the irony Seb!
  9. Alex

    Songs And Lyrics

    Double post. :(I need you here with meCause love is all we needJust take a hold of the hand that breaks the fallWell I know what I've been toldGotta break free to break the moldBut I can't do this all on my ownNo I can't do this all on my ownI know that I'm no SupermanI'm no SupermanI'm no SupermanLazlo Bane - I'm No Superman
  10. Alex

    This Or That

    Stealth.One best friend or Ten acquantainces?I know which one I'd pick given the choice, but don't have. Sadly it seems I only have the latter.
  11. Alex


    Disclaimer: Any resemblance to the SJRDF (Steve Jobs Reality Distortion Field) is purely coincidental. Phillip Caudell and Thorpe Park Mania cannot be held responsible for any offence caused by Phill's blatant rip of somebody else's joke.
  12. Ok, as Seb has gone running of to some stupid country somewhere, I'm taking over this trip! :(Could people coming please confirm that the list below is correct, and let me know if they need to be moved between Defo or Maybe, or aren't coming at all. Thanks!Total Peeps Attending: 9-- DefinitelyAlexJoeJamesSebMarcCringleboonJadeyMike + Jay-- MaybeClaraPhillTPDanMarkHollyAlso, anyone else that is going to put in an appearance, please post below! Dates times and all that jazz are going to be as Seb said in the first post on this page, although I imagine most of us will be going round together from opening.This post has been pawnd by cringled.Cringle has been slapped by Alex. Also he can't spell!Cringleboon, rofs. Much Love x
  13. Hush up Holly, it's never too cold!
  14. Alex


    Time makes fools of us all.
  15. I did wonder if it was today or tomorrow, Phill led us all astray!
  16. Alex


    I have the money, therefore I win.iMac is mine, yay!
  17. Alex


    £50 for the iMac.What, you did say "all" your stuff!
  18. I like that, is quite good, can see how it'd fit with the ride! "How nice of you to drop by" (from the Saw films?!) is definitely the best part, sounds nice and dramatic!Not so sure about the Glockenspiel bits and the girl from a couple of years ago, can't decide if they fit with the creaky tree-lightningy backing or not, but would be hard to find anything intresting to go in place of it really, so hmm at that one! Is definitely good to have something there though, breaks up the creakage nicely.Overall, I'll give it an A-. And two house points. <_<Hehe!Edit: Listened a few more times, changed my mind, s'all good!
  19. Alex


    I got Skechers y'all!!
  20. Alex


    He's rockin' all over the world.
  21. Alex


    Lol, that was rather graphic!
  22. Alex

    This Or That

    I'll go with emo. Just so Holly and Phill don't get upset.<_<Fake or genuine?
  23. Alex

    This Or That

    Person, always a good laugh!MCS or MCR?
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